Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Cutting the girl down as we speak well its break time getting a drink and a smoke then getting back in there.

Already been trimming for two hours and not even half way threw it dam this is allot of work ........... when i went in there tonight i thought i lost the whole dam crop everything fell over theres like no leaves everythings dried up and shrivled. I am taking pics as i go one thing is for sure i am going to install a nice light on the cieling just to work in there right now i have a little lamp i am working by my fingers are stuck together, I didnt plan on cutting it down tonight and staying up all night doing this but after i saw what i saw i said fuck it and shes coming down.

Only thing that sucks is its dark time for the other room so i am walking around in the dark and opening the door to the flower room where there is light so the other room is getting small flashes of light tonight at a dim.. its just like the moon passing threw clouds hahahha i hope well back to work

no ones up grrr i will be up all night so hit me up if your up dam my fingers smell good :hump: now theres two things that make my fingers smelll soooo good lmao dam hahaha sorry i just had to say it

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright dam all night long from 11pm to 6 am only two 15 mins smoke breaks bongsmilie, I started getting lazy towards the end i noticed my trimming was getting messy, its hard to trimm all those small leaves out of the nugs but i got most of them. i did keep tons of trimmings and really small buds right now there in a paper bag i have to read up on them agian what to do with the trimmings can i just make butter right away anyone know ?? I do have two other bags one full with all the stems and branches and the other one full of the yellow burned leaves i believe i will just throw them away unless i can find something on here i can use them for. I need the other room light to be on so i can get the waterfarm out of there and sweap up, clean a little, but i just put them into dark at 6am today so should i just say fuck it and leave the waterfarm with the rest of the plants trunk and all the shit that fell on the floor or turn the light on for maybe 20 mins and clean up in there a little i just know light fucks up the dry stage takes away from the THC, i know its up to me but what would you do. anyways enought talking lets see some pics, i know there not the best shots rooms only 2 feet wide 4 feet long and 7 feet tall



Well-Known Member
Hey bro... congrats on the harvest. Looks like a pretty good haul.

I think you are tired, because I really couldn't understand what you were trying to ask in your last post. Go to sleep... ask again later.

Good work man. Only better next time (and you already got next time going, nice)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yea man i am getting weak i need some food and my morning :hump: and i will be good to go agian no worries, sleeps for the weak, but my girl has been working all night long so when she gets home she will go to bed so i might take a nap for few hours.

I was just trying to figure out if anyone just takes fresh trimmings and makes butter, i thought i read some people do, or should i wait 3 to 5 days and dry them out in a paper bag then make my butter ?

Then i wanted to go back into my Flowerroom (thats in drying mode right now) and get the waterfarm out and sweap up the floor but that would mean i would have to turn the light back on not even three hours after i put it into dark eh just seeing what every one has to say if this was there room.

Thanks Jig you were a big help with this grow..

Hey bro... congrats on the harvest. Looks like a pretty good haul.

I think you are tired, because I really couldn't understand what you were trying to ask in your last post. Go to sleep... ask again later.

Good work man. Only better next time (and you already got next time going, nice)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah man def do it. I throw mine in the freezer overnight and then do it the next day or as soon as I can. Make a bunch if ya can And I suggest taking a quarter or half the trimmings and making a batch of oil as well. Tons of recipes call for oil instead of butter and I think its easier to measure as well plus SUPER potent.


Well-Known Member
And you just make it the same way. About a quarter pan of water filtered or bottled if possible. 4 sticks of butter or one bottle of oil. Your trimmings split up however you want. bring almost to a boil and back down to simmering for around two hours. Let cool. Strain out the weed with a slotted spoon and a wooden spoon pressing all the excess oil and butter back into the pot. Then let cool a bit ( so it won't melt the plastic) and pour the butter into something clear like Tupperware and throw it in the fridge. Pour the Oil into a glass pitcher if you have one and let it sit for about an hour or so. Take a turkey baster and slowly siphon it out. Get as much as you can with as little water as possible. The water acts as a contaminate and the oil will last longer with no water in there whatsoever. Supposedly you don't have to refrigerate it but from what I know about how THC breaks down I would say you should. Also If you want to make cookies or brownies that night, Save the water and use it in the recipe when it calls for it. They say THC isn't water soluble, but hey, I think it adds to the flavor. The after about four hours or whenever the butters hardened, scrape the butter out (leaving the water) and warm it up slowly so it melts. Then pour it into whatever container you wish to store it in and Voila! your done.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yeah man def do it. I throw mine in the freezer overnight and then do it the next day or as soon as I can. Make a bunch if ya can And I suggest taking a quarter or half the trimmings and making a batch of oil as well. Tons of recipes call for oil instead of butter and I think its easier to measure as well plus SUPER potent.
Right on man i will check out the oil didnt think about that ....... right now i have three big ziploc bags full of flowering trimmings in the freezer then i have all my trimmings i just took that has alot of little nugs in it that didnt get big enough to dry and smoke so i will grind it alll up and make some butter and oil ...... i have been smoking green crack hash every once in a while and i dont get hash, some people swear by it, i dont think its that big, still trying to get a nice head change off of just ediables

Has anyone tried that hotsause yet ?? i know a clinic that has it with a recipe to cook hotwings i wanted to try that but i think you have to use the whole bottle

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Just some pics of whats going on, the DWC i almost lost all the big top colas are really brital i pinched one and it turned into dust not sure what to do about that.........oh yea sucks i lost another clone that was in the Aero bucket well it still was alive but i was cleaning up in there and its been under a canopy of fan leaves turned all moldy and droopy so i took it out........down to

DWC - 2 Unknown bag seed clones with really bad nute burn

Aero - 1 Unknown bag seed clone looking really good biggest cola in the room
1 Afghan Kush Clone doing good

Water farm - Afghan Kush Clone not sure whats going on with her lagging behind might be because of the waterfarms air tubing system not sure just found a few threads on Mods you can do to your watefarm

5X5 Coco - 1 Unknown bag seed Clone fighting for light threw the fan leaves
1 Unknown bag seed sprout to flower not sure how long in veg stage i think less then two weeks from breaking threw the coco



Well-Known Member
Looking good buddy! Trimming gets old quick huh. The last crop I used really small scissors I stole from my wife and it went way faster. That and I forced a close friend to help.

Any idea on what you yielded? Tried any yet? :joint:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good buddy! Trimming gets old quick huh. The last crop I used really small scissors I stole from my wife and it went way faster. That and I forced a close friend to help.

Any idea on what you yielded? Tried any yet? :joint:

Yea trimming gets really old, especially standing for hours in a 2x4 area doing it bare foot hahaha standing on dead leaves (witch had some trichomes i am guessing, my feet were covered in them all stuck to the bottom of my feet like dead leaf sandals) I got those nice snips (pic above) worked great got nice build ups on them cleaned it off smoked it up then sharp as fuk again.

I was just guessing from what i see what a 8th looks like and a 1/2 from the eye and i would think i might pull around 2 oz if i am lucky

I just cut down the two plants in the DWC, got tired of looking at them they looked so bad, when i finally got everything chopped i cleaned the dwc the roots from the plants were brown as can be i dont know if it was nutes or what but shit brown i was glad i cut them down even after a 4 hour flush they were not coming back to life for me. I might get a oz from those two plants if i am lucky hahaha but i dont know how the smokes going to be and some of the nugs/stems already snap really easy so i might go threw it tonight what snaps will go into a jar and the others will stay in the cardboard box where they are drying didn't have any room to hang them and no more paper bags. I do have one paper bag full of small nugs and trimmings from the flower room i plan on making butter from. I move the nugs and trimmings around in both the paper bag and the cardboard box two times a day at night and in the morning to try and help prevent mold.

I did try some that i cut down three days before i cut down the plant, let it dry for 5 days in 56 humidity 70 -75 temp hanging in a drawer waited for the stem to snap when i bent it. I didnt like how it tasted to much but it got me and my girl high i think yea it did maybe haha

Making a small ebbaflow for my 2 plants in coco they need more water then just every once in awhile dam i have been drying those girls to the bone then soaking them down once a week if that.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Right at the end, been checking the trichomes looks around 20 - 30% amber 70% cloudy, I will be starting flushing today or tomorrow

DWC - Chopped down didnt like seeing it all brown, Drying in a cardboard box (not hanging just laying moving them around in the morning and night for no mold)

Aero - 1 Unknown bag seed clone looking really good biggest cola in the room
1 Afghan Kush Clone doing good

The Aero unknown is looking really nice and smell is crazy, the leaves just started dropping and turning brown i believe this is another sign of the plants almost finished. Afghan Kush looks really good lots of trichomes on it.

Water farm - Afghan Kush Clone looking good

Waterfarm Afghan Kush, the top cola looks the worst forgot to take a pic but its all dark leaves like its not getting enough light the nugs still looks all trichomes but the leaves make the cola looks like a big piece of shit hahaha.

5X5 Coco - 1 Unknown bag seed Clone - 1 Unknown bag seed sprout to flower

Coco Unknown, i was not watering them enough maybe once a week so i built a small ebbaflow for these final weeks, it only holds two plants only down fall, but i built it so the lid just comes off and i can put my dwc lid on, two in one. i have it set 15 mins two times a day going to take it down to one i see white mold growing on top of the coco. Crazy that the sprout shot up taller then the clone.



Well-Known Member
The badseed plants are looking real good... funny how that's like the best performer and you don't even know what it is, haha. It's funny how the seed sprout has grown so much more than the clone... is that one of the clones you bought at a store, or did you take that one yourself?

I'm starting flushing today... we are on pace once again my friend. Dueling buds.

Do you know.... do the buds get any smaller when drying, or is it just a weight loss from the water? I'm just wondering how the buds will look compared to how they look now, any idea yet? I know you just started drying.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
is that one of the clones you bought at a store, or did you take that one yourself?

I'm starting flushing today... we are on pace once again my friend. Dueling buds.

Do you know.... do the buds get any smaller when drying, or is it just a weight loss from the water? I'm just wondering how the buds will look compared to how they look now, any idea yet? I know you just started drying.

All the unknown clones, i cut from the mother that just finished flower (now drying) i had 4 clones make it to the end that i cut witch made me happy, now i know i can cut a clone and flower it.

Well after reading your post in your journal made me think should i try for another week of nutes or just start flushing ... i will be debating that all day and checking trichomes all day tell i can make up my mind, i want the best out of my plant

From what i have seen and i cant see much in the dark room hahaha but i have taken a few nugs out to see in light and they are the same size as when i put them in like you said i just believe they just loose the wet wieght in them. I will let them dry for another week then this coming up weekend sunday i will start curing if the stem snap and the thinner stems already snap for me... i just put a dub in a jar curing smoked a bowl of it nice wasnt 65 a 8th lmao maybe not even 45 oh well


Well-Known Member
. i just put a dub in a jar curing smoked a bowl of it nice wasnt 65 a 8th lmao maybe not even 45 oh well
Yeah, but the longer it cures the better the taste and high (so I've heard, haha).

Also... I don't know if giving nutes for another week will really do much. I asked someone and they said you don't lose wieght from flushing, and I think it might even help them finish faster with no nutes, becuase it's just another signal to the plants that it is time to die (but that's just an opinion).

More pics soon?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the longer it cures the better the taste and high (so I've heard, haha).

Also... I don't know if giving nutes for another week will really do much. I asked someone and they said you don't lose wieght from flushing, and I think it might even help them finish faster with no nutes, becuase it's just another signal to the plants that it is time to die (but that's just an opinion).

More pics soon?

I started doing my flushing yesterday just stuck a air hose down into all the water res (one at a time) then sucked on the hose to get the water to empty out into a bucket. I couldn't get all of the water but whatever was left in there is really watered down now.

I mixed three gallons of RO water PH 5.6 with 90 ml of clearex and filled all my water res tanks up.

Oh yea you drink your ro water right jig ?

I could take pics but nothing has really changed so hmmm if theres something your curious how it looks let me know since your the only one really watching anymore i can take some pics as if you would take the pics lmao if that makes since.

Oh yea tried another bowl of what i had curing, i felt a little head change but took another rip of Jack a few mins later so its just whatever i want to roll up a j and see if that works better...... the nugs i have curing are really fluffy so that might be the reason.

I checked on my dark room last night (my girl was curious how it was looking in there) so we both went in the room closed the door turned on the light for like 30 secs checked some out dam looking good smells nice too not ass potent when it was growing though but i might be used to the smell by now but dam the big colas are so dense i cant wait to try some of that.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea you drink your ro water right jig ?
Yeah...right out of the reservoir. I've really developed a taste for Nitrogen, yummmm.

Haha, just kidding. Yeah, I do drink the RO... my wife doesn't like it, says it tastes too much like nothing.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
http://www.thcexpo.com/ Just found this, not sure if everyone already knows about it, but i just found out.

Jig - Yea i tried the water tasted a little funny then my girls said its not good to drink distilled so i wasnt sure if its ok to drink the R0 or not.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Been drying my first harvest woo hoo i am really excited to smoke my own nugs but i still have to cure them.

Question: I have been drying for 15 days today, i have been checking on my nugs and making sure no smell of mold is in the dry room. The stems have been starting to snap two days ago but they started snapping on the small/thin stems .... my big colas stems are stiff but they do not snap yet, after so much pressure they just bend over. I am taking off for a week so i, could just leave everything drying or start curing, i dont want to dry to long read that it fuks up the thc .... but if i start curing today i only have 24 hours if that to pop the lid if theres to much moister. So thats where i am at .....any input ?? what would you do ??


Well-Known Member
Been drying my first harvest woo hoo i am really excited to smoke my own nugs but i still have to cure them.

Question: I have been drying for 15 days today, i have been checking on my nugs and making sure no smell of mold is in the dry room. The stems have been starting to snap two days ago but they started snapping on the small/thin stems .... my big colas stems are stiff but they do not snap yet, after so much pressure they just bend over. I am taking off for a week so i, could just leave everything drying or start curing, i dont want to dry to long read that it fuks up the thc .... but if i start curing today i only have 24 hours if that to pop the lid if theres to much moister. So thats where i am at .....any input ?? what would you do ??
I would put them in jars and drop them off at a trusted friends..... if you don't have that, man... I don't know. I would say put them in jars, but you really should open them every day or two to let the moisture out.

Tough spot