Want to grow 1 plant (is it worth it?)


I've been wondering if its worth
it/possible to just have one plant, i've never tried growing before either so what would i need to grow a single plant? haha
advice is appreciated i'm a complete noob here :confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
You need some lighting, some soil, a pot, somewhere inconspicuous, some fertilizer and the most important thing...some seeds or cuttings. If you are using seeds and they are not feminized, then pray you get a female. Sounds like you have a lot of reading to do before you start. This place is a wealth of knowledge and a good place to start might be the FAQ section.

Is it worth it? Hell yeah! Even if I did not have the space I have now, I would find a way to grow at least one plant. It is a hell of a hobby!


Well-Known Member
yes it is. i got 4 1/2 oz dry from my cfl scrog grow w/ only 1 plant in it. the info you seek has been posted millions of time all over the web. not to be a dick but you should do some research/reading on your own till u get the basic concept. again.....not being a dick, so nobody take this personal like y'all like to do. lol


Active Member
It's worth it, it's always fun to grow your own, its cheaper and you can grow ish that you would never get in your area like nycd or og kush depending which coast you live on...and somn about smokin your own green makes you appreciate what your actually smoking...


Well-Known Member
The main thing you get from your first grow is EXPERIENCE!

As long as you have a safe place to do it then GO FOR IT MAN.


Well-Known Member
As long as you feel safe doing it and in no way think you would get caught, or jeopardize any loved ones in your life,I'd say it's worth it. The best thing about growing your own, is the pride of smoking it and getting blitzed.

Even if you were to get caught, with the times were in now, I would like to imagine they'd be lenient as you were obviously not doing it for distribution purposes.

But if you can play it safe and smart, it really is a pleasurable hobby like many others have said. I love my kids = )


Well-Known Member
yes it is. i got 4 1/2 oz dry from my cfl scrog grow w/ only 1 plant in it. the info you seek has been posted millions of time all over the web. not to be a dick but you should do some research/reading on your own till u get the basic concept. again.....not being a dick, so nobody take this personal like y'all like to do. lol
4.5 Oz dry is a pretty hefty take for one plant under CFL....approx 1.25lb wet weight to get that much. Got any pics? I'm not trying to be a dick either but I am not believing that story one bit until I see some proof.

Tiki, growing one plant is well worth the effort for your situation. I would rather see you learn and make mistakes before jumping into something you know little about. Hope for it to be female, but you'll learn regardless.


Well-Known Member
It's not gonna be worth it if that 1 plant turns out male, do 3 plants.
good point! i forgot to mention that part....i went w/4 starting killed 2 males when sexed and gave the weakest female to a fellow stoner....he killed it unfortunetley but damn was his excitement contagious lol. he got it to week 7 flower then the light fell and crushed and burned the plant . u can probally guess what happened to the plant as a result, lol. man i dont know how that slipped my mind lol.


Well-Known Member
4.5 Oz dry is a pretty hefty take for one plant under CFL....approx 1.25lb wet weight to get that much. Got any pics? I'm not trying to be a dick either but I am not believing that story one bit until I see some proof.

Tiki, growing one plant is well worth the effort for your situation. I would rather see you learn and make mistakes before jumping into something you know little about. Hope for it to be female, but you'll learn regardless.
eh, dont believe me. i dont care. lol
not to mention u have no info on my set up! 18 40w 3000k cfls. 4 square feet of nothing but a even canopy of top colas. now do u understand?


Well-Known Member
i do 2 plants at a time lst and veged for 2 months under cfl. i flower 1 while the other is veging and pull enough to keep me goin until the next is done flowering so i would say yes its worth it. i only grow what i need and one plant with 2 months veg and flowered under a 400w hps works out perfect, i get a good pull of hash bud and butter. that lasts me at least 3 months and by then i already harvested the next one and half way through the one after that... i do not sell i do not share i sit at home with my wife and get super baked all day and night. about 1.5 oz a month is all i need. for a personal grow one plant is all you really need. well maybe 2. i like to clone about a week before flowering and veg that clone all through flower and repeat...
EDIT: yea your first one you should grow a few untile you get a female you can clone. than it's on.