How do u tell ur girl she's gainin a lil 2much??


Active Member
So i've been goin with this girl on & off for about a year and a half now, she used to be fit and look really good when she was a cheerleader in college but since then she's gained a lot of weight and it's def. noticable...I just really dont know how to break it ta her, never really had ta deal wit this ya kno? & its not like im an asshole or anything cuz i'd like to say i keep myself in shape i played football through my collegiate years so I do like to keep in shape...but ever since i left for my last year she's started gaining weight gradually every month since she dropped outta college...any help out there?? :neutral:


Well-Known Member

haha only joking man!

If you keep in shape just ask her to work out with u or something.


Active Member
I tried that one, only worked for so long...she moved from where she used ta live so she goes ta a diff gym now n she's bout an hour away now n that's a waste ta drive an hour ta go ta a gym im not comfortable in and she doesnt go there like that either...


Well-Known Member
if she munches alot i would just say something like "munching again?" and if shes lazy i would say "dont you get bored laying around doing nothing" and if she dont get the hints just say "hey what happened to your fit and sexy body" haha maybe that last line is a little harsh


Active Member
I think its about time you found yourself a new girl, my man.

a) this girl dropped out of college....that says alot about her

b) she lives an hour away...she could be cheatin on you for all you kno and plus that hurts the wallet drivin out there all the time

c) she's gettin a lil chunky...combine this with letter (a) and sounds like you got yourself a very lazy, unmotivated person.

I mean i'm not trying to make you dump her if you really like her, but if she was my girlfriend, i'd dump her.


Active Member
It's not that she's not motivated because she's got a set job currently nannying for a current nfl player (no joke) i found it hard to believe myself till i met him, and she bends over backwards for me whenever she can, i sometimes think bout the cheating thing but idk she clings on to too much to seem like she'd be cheating...

and if the needle method worked i woulda tried it by now hah

I know i could be blunt but that'd be a decent sized arguement and then she'd be hella insecure after that...kinda trynna avoid that...


Well-Known Member
It's not that she's not motivated because she's got a set job currently nannying for a current nfl player (no joke) i found it hard to believe myself till i met him, and she bends over backwards for me whenever she can, i sometimes think bout the cheating thing but idk she clings on to too much to seem like she'd be cheating...

and if the needle method worked i woulda tried it by now hah

I know i could be blunt but that'd be a decent sized arguement and then she'd be hella insecure after that...kinda trynna avoid that...
You're absolutely right about causing insecurity with the blunt approach. It's good that you're looking our for her feelings and well-being, but it's a tough situation. I wish you the best.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
How about just love her anyway?You're gonna get old and ugly, I guarantee.
If you really are worried about her health,make every time you go out a fun a walk in the woods with a picnic afterwards with healthy food,play some volleyball together,go swimming,camping.WOmen have more body fat than men generally,and she may be stressed out,eating emotionally.Being a nanny would suck.She knows she's gaining, trust me.And she's probably insecure about it, too.If you really care,be there for her and help unobtrusively.If you're all about a hot body, break up with her and find someone else,because she'll catch on that you don't think she's as hot anymore,and that's not doing her any favors.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Trust me with what I am about to tell you! No one needs anyone to tell them they are fat or are getting fat!! They KNOW. You can either accept her the way she is, or not. That choice is yours, but, you don't need to drag her down because of your insecurities. Either accept her for who she is or not!! If she comes to you and asks for your opinion, that is one thing, but to drop 'hints' like were suggested here....Well, that will just land you on the sofa for a month or two.
NO ONE needs to be told they are fat! NO ONE.


Well-Known Member
If you leave her, she'll only get in shape and look nice and hot for the next fella.


if she hasnt said anything about it yet, i wouldnt either... i would heed the woman-folk advice here....

just curious; what do you consider to be 'alot' of weight??? im guessing it really isnt that much... between the 2kids, my wife has went from 135 to 210..:shock::cry:... now down to 185, but she is WELL aware of it, and although i would love her to be back at 135, i dont nag her about it and still like to see her naked:mrgreen::hump:....

many women have a hard time losing weight.... my best advice would be to try to get her to set goals with you at the gym, even if you are at different gyms... (ie. you want to gain 15lbs of muscle, and she wants to lose 20lbs of fat)...


Active Member
Everyone thank you and I do appreciate and in no way am I trying to bring her down like that because I understand that I should care for her feelings as I do and she's been there a lot for me through some of the worst you could say. I'm not trying to throw it in her face that she's gaining weight and I'm pretty sure she is aware of it, I mean she has spoken about it here or there but not usually had a full blown comment or conversation about it; just little tid-bits.

As for an answer to your question go grow she also used to be 135 and on top of that used to run 4.7 40's with me and keep up, she had a pretty athletic build. But I'd say she's up to 180 to 185 at the most and yeah I still enjoy seeing her naked of course, the sex life is a lil' down wit her though. She does well to make up for it though :hump:

I'll prolly look into a gym routine or something with her, I'm not saying she has to be in the shape she used to be but losing some will prolly do her well too...

I do apologize ladies if I come off caddy in any way, cuz thats far from what I am I'mma pretty chill guy and usually understanding, it's just surprising from my point of view to see someone that used to be so concerned and into her weight and looks to in a sense give up...


Everyone thank you and I do appreciate and in no way am I trying to bring her down like that because I understand that I should care for her feelings as I do and she's been there a lot for me through some of the worst you could say. I'm not trying to throw it in her face that she's gaining weight and I'm pretty sure she is aware of it, I mean she has spoken about it here or there but not usually had a full blown comment or conversation about it; just little tid-bits you could say.

As for an answer to your question go grow she also used to be 135 and on top of that used to run 4.7 40's with me and keep up, she had a pretty athletic build. But I'd say she's up to 185 to 190 at the most and yeah I still enjoy seeing her naked, the sex life is a lil' down wit her though. She does well to make up for it though :hump:

I'll prolly look into a gym routine or something with her, I'm not saying she has to be in the shape she used to be but losing some will prolly do her well too...

I do apologize ladies if I come off caddy in any way, cuz thats far from what I am I'mma pretty chill guy and usually understanding, it's just surprising from my point of view to see someone that used to be so concerned and into her weight and looks to in a sense give up...
cool man.... i was expecting about 15lbs for some reason.... you have reason to be concerned about it, not just a shallow ass:-P... like i said, try to set some goals for the both of you... along with separate rewards for reaching your goal... my wife get a cruise when she gets down to 145, so i dont mess with her about it.... im pretty positive though, that if i were to go through with MY end of the goals, (the 15lbs of muscle), that she would MAKE herself reach her goal... but alas, i am lazy and content with my wiry build, so she is taking her time losing the pounds, but is still trying..... and i still love :hump: with her big ass:lol:


Well-Known Member
Another thing to consider is that women tend to go into a 'nesting' mode when they are in love and are ready to settle down and have a family...This may be why she has gained weight. Or, it could be she is depressed. You may want to start by asking her if she is happy with her life right now. If she say yes, she very well may be going into that nesting mode. If she says no, she very well may be suffering from depression.


Active Member
Grow your hilarious bro and yeah I'll def be workin on that since we're heading ta fl. for a week or two in july and I know she's thinking bout beach bod and what not...

But Sunny that's the exact thing that's been bothering me...

She's happy I know that, if she wasn't I'd know for sure but she is throwing in the kids here and there and there is no way in hell I'm having kids this young I'm 22 and I have an okay job enough for me to just chill and enjoy smoking just not during it since I coach high school football and that jus wouldnt look good especially because the staff I'm working with actually coached me thru high school lol. But idk we have talks like ohh if i had a kid blah blah blah but I always end those with thank god im not having any anytime soon...She agrees we're too young though and idk if me and her are the lasting type we are doing well but I just dont get that "rest of my life feeling" that some might get...


Well-Known Member
Grow your hilarious bro and yeah I'll def be workin on that since we're heading ta fl. for a week or two in july and I know she's thinking bout beach bod and what not...

But Sunny that's the exact thing that's been bothering me...

She's happy I know that, if she wasn't I'd know for sure but she is throwing in the kids here and there and there is no way in hell I'm having kids this young I'm 22 and I have an okay job enough for me to just chill and enjoy smoking just not during it since I coach high school football and that jus wouldnt look good especially because the staff I'm working with actually coached me thru high school lol. But idk we have talks like ohh if i had a kid blah blah blah but I always end those with thank god im not having any anytime soon...She agrees we're too young though and idk if me and her are the lasting type we are doing well but I just dont get that "rest of my life feeling" that some might get...
Ooooh, I see....Well, you need to really think about what you want from this girl. If she is ready to settle down and have a family and you are not the one to do it with....You need to be kind and let her go. This is more on you than her, and I think you already know this. Re evaluate what YOU want, and make sure that you know before jumping in. It does sound to me like she is in 'nesting' mode....


Another thing to consider is that women tend to go into a 'nesting' mode when they are in love and are ready to settle down and have a family...This may be why she has gained weight. Or, it could be she is depressed. You may want to start by asking her if she is happy with her life right now. If she say yes, she very well may be going into that nesting mode. If she says no, she very well may be suffering from depression.

i was going to mention something about this, but didnt want to ruffle any feathers (*pun*;-)) with you ladies by stereotyping... women do seem to gain a few pounds when they get into a stable, comfortable relationship... but that doesnt mean her and you would both be a bit happier if she lost a little of the excess..... but like i said before, you had better be willing to make sacrifices and work to change the flaws of your body before bitchin bout hers:-P