Euphoria Unlimited - Strongest strain on earth :) I am getting it


Well-Known Member
so i just found some webpage :)

wooooow !

And i must say the price is high, but fuck it if you get high for 8 hours! shit, wtf in discription it says.. allot of actors are asking for this strain and are paying 60$/a g.

So i must try this aswell.. and i will give it for 1g for 30 dollars...

business baby :D

haha :joint:

i only need 1000 dollars or some sort of weird cnd .. i think he means cad as in canadian dollars ?

anyways... that would be

852.663 USD

wich is allot for 10 seeds... !

Anyone tryd this strain out ?


Well-Known Member
"Anyone tryd this strain out ?"

No one smart enough to light a joint by themselves.





Well-Known Member
dude for 850 you could get like 10-25 packs of seeds. out of 200 good quality seeds i'm pretty sure you can find something than that shit.:peace:

Well-Known Member
Though you know

I would still be interested in seeing what they give you

if anything

so let the kid go through with it

maybe they really do have the strongest strain on earth





Well-Known Member
Have you gone throught the BCseeds website? At least three different strains they claim to be the best in the world with highest THC content... Upstate, euphoria and elephant all state that as well as a couple others I believe. How would they know if they have the strongest strain in the world when they cant figure out which one of their own buds is the strongest?

Perhaps you should get the $3000 breeders pack :)


Well-Known Member
Like i would spend 800 dollars on seeds, anyways anyone got this strain...

im interested in this.

I just want to know thats all.... :) and i dont think a kid would have 800 dollars to spend but thats just me, must be a lucky kid


Have you gone throught the BCseeds website? At least three different strains they claim to be the best in the world with highest THC content... Upstate, euphoria and elephant all state that as well as a couple others I believe. How would they know if they have the strongest strain in the world when they cant figure out which one of their own buds is the strongest?

Perhaps you should get the $3000 breeders pack :)
No SHHHHHIT!!!:shock:


Well-Known Member
Those are crack prices. No weed can be that good. I grew some violator kush witch claims 22% THC. You gotta be crazy to pay those prices.


Well-Known Member
hehe yeah man, guess there a joke then.... i was like wow man, thats a mega price but when you look at the thc aso..

bla bla

anyways i did not get a reply from them, so basicly there a joke
