Arizona Buds


Well-Known Member
they are about 2 and a half months old and in the second week of budding im pretty sure
And however many pictures he posted.

Ya'll got this poor boy thinking he's going to have to wait three months to smoke the buds he can put his hands on now.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Woah, this thread gives me a headache! Lots of off info in here.

You think he should let his plants that have been flowering for a few weeks continue flowering for another sixteen weeks?

Assuming his plants don't reveg or hermie because of the weird light schedule he's given them, then the buds will reach peak maturity and after that begin to lose potency.

Read this to know when to harvest:

my yields were smaller on the plants i harvested with the tricks color ,when the plants were left alone to mature during the fall they were heavier ...jim will do whats best for him in his situation all i can do is tell what worked best for me ......:peace:


Well-Known Member
my yields were smaller on the plants i harvested with the tricks color ,when the plants were left alone to mature during the fall they were heavier ...jim will do whats best for him in his situation all i can do is tell what worked best for me ......:peace:
Again, if he does what you suggest, his plants will be dead, rotten, and well into the process of decomposition before he harvests them.

I know he has enough common sense not to let this happen so I'm going to drop the issue.

But you are spreading heavy misinformation, and with rep like you have it's dangerous.

Every strain has a set amount of time in which the buds will mature after they start developing. This amount of time is completely independent of the time of the year in the OP's situation.

Let's say 9 weeks is average. So his plants that have been budding for 2 weeks should be ready in around 7. The plants flowering for 6 weeks should be ready in around 3. Get it? Good.


Well-Known Member
you have to go weeks to go to long. stop it!!!!!!!!! :fire:
20 weeks on a plant that matures in 8-9 would qualify as weeks to long.

And yeah, I was exaggerating to drive into dude's head that you advised him to wait months too long.

But you're right I guess I am talking out of my ass, I don't have any proof. But that's only because no one is stupid enough to let their pot plant go two months too long, so it's hard to find a precedent.


Well-Known Member
I would say that earlier flowering time is a point of advertisement on behalf of the seed companies. As in the EARLIEST you could harvest is 8 weeks, typically waiting 10-12 weeks on these strains will make a dramatic difference, same goes for strains listed at having a 12 week flowering time. They're not ready till they are ready..... couchlock is preferred, picking times is all about the high, and harvest weight/buddensity/weight, :).......:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
I would say that earlier flowering time is a point of advertisement on behalf of the seed companies. As in the EARLIEST you could harvest is 8 weeks, typically waiting 10-12 weeks on these strains will make a dramatic difference, same goes for strains listed at having a 12 week flowering time. They're not ready till they are ready..... couchlock is preferred, picking times is all about the high, and harvest weight/buddensity/weight, :).......:peace::joint:
Truer words were never spoken.

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
well ok ill tell you pretty sure that i would not let these babies get rotten or moldy. But yea if i think its ready 10 weeks from now i would definitely pick it out if it looks its best...supposed to be 70-80% reddish-brown hairs all over the plant? Anyway do you think its ok to cut a plant in half and let some unfinished buds develop a little more? Just curious. But thanks rob Angus and Dragon for all the diverse advice, im going to look into every option...but stay subscribed and you guys can let me know when to harvest when it gets to be that time!:joint:


Well-Known Member
supposed to be 70-80% reddish-brown hairs
Not necessarily the hairs, the trichome heads themselves. Sometimes the hairs can be deceiving.

Invest the ten bucks in a little pocket microscope from radio shack.

I like to pull a really small piece of bud off of a couple different heads and bring them back inside so I can look at them on a flat surface.

Yes, you can cut the top cola and let the bottom nugs mature a bit more. Have fun dude.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
jim you've got it under control read up listen and use what will work for your situation i've talked to you on other threads i know you have common sense and wouldn't let the buds rot good luck and good growing ...rob
angus this is how i check my tricks


arizona jim

Well-Known Member
jim you've got it under control read up listen and use what will work for your situation i've talked to you on other threads i know you have common sense and wouldn't let the buds rot good luck and good growing ...rob
angus this is how i check my tricks
yea thanks guys im going to go grab a little microscope and check them out...but i will post pics about every week.

Why do you use the clippings instead of the bud to check tricks??


Well-Known Member
trich's on leaves develop unevenly and at varied rates compared to the ones on the buds, I would recommend examining both the buds and the leaves while they are on the plant through a magnifying eyepiece rather than cutting and putting on a slide or anything else. Just touching and holding the leaves/buds will deteriorate the trichs.

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
trich's on leaves develop unevenly and at varied rates compared to the ones on the buds, I would recommend examining both the buds and the leaves while they are on the plant through a magnifying eyepiece rather than cutting and putting on a slide or anything else. Just touching and holding the leaves/buds will deteriorate the trichs.
ahh i see now...ok did u say a regular handheld microscope would be sufficient? also is there a way to promote denser-thicker buds last plant's bud was very thin and fluffy
only got 2.5 grams off main cola


Well-Known Member
ahh i see now...ok did u say a regular handheld microscope would be sufficient? also is there a way to promote denser-thicker buds last plant's bud was very thin and fluffy
only got 2.5 grams off main cola
Could have been a few different things. lack of lighting..... ph imbalance, tds buildup, placement, airquality, etc. Make sure your plants get lots of light, and a healthy amount of nutrients, and remember that your plants grow out of your medium, so take care of it!

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
well im pretty sure that it had good light and i know that it was in good soil and good nutrients... but i just dont want any sparse buds i want em thick and juicy.


Well-Known Member
I live in Arizona for part of the year, and I commend you on your efforts of growing in AZ, it's no easy feat, and being in Tucson all i have to say is it's gonna be a rough summer on that poor baby, especially with the high of 105 this week, and only getting higher! Must be some cactus-evolved species of marijuana, since that's about the only thing that grows out here naturally. :cuss:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i saw a documentary on AZ they said it used to have plenty of large oak trees until an introduced bush sucked the water out of the ground killing all the oak trees

arizona jim

Well-Known Member
I live in Arizona for part of the year, and I commend you on your efforts of growing in AZ, it's no easy feat, and being in Tucson all i have to say is it's gonna be a rough summer on that poor baby, especially with the high of 105 this week, and only getting higher! Must be some cactus-evolved species of marijuana, since that's about the only thing that grows out here naturally. :cuss:
yea...i have to water my 2 biggest plants about 2 times a day on over 100 degree days, and you are right this summer is going to be brutal for them but i do have them under a little shade. I just have to wake up a little earlier in the morning to water them or they look dead by 11:00AM :joint:

Well rob that is a valuable piece of information...was it planet earth you saw it on?