Hermie Confirmation Needed


Well-Known Member
95% sure she's hermied, but I'm yet to see it first-hand (luckily), so I need a confirmation from someone who has.

Been flowering 6 different feminized strains for 31 days. My Blueberry always looked lankier and a little off from the other girls so I had a feeling it'd give me some probs. So far, I've been getting away with giving em all the same feed at same strength (FF series w/ solubles), but when I stepped it up to 3/4 strength the BB took it a little hard. I flushed and everything is fine, but I think that could have stressed her into puttin out sacs. They look a lot like seeds..most even have a little pod like structure around the base, but none of the others are showing any seeds, so it leads me to believe they're sacs.



Well-Known Member
95% sure she's hermied, but I'm yet to see it first-hand (luckily), so I need a confirmation from someone who has.

Been flowering 6 different feminized strains for 31 days. My Blueberry always looked lankier and a little off from the other girls so I had a feeling it'd give me some probs. So far, I've been getting away with giving em all the same feed at same strength (FF series w/ solubles), but when I stepped it up to 3/4 strength the BB took it a little hard. I flushed and everything is fine, but I think that could have stressed her into puttin out sacs. They look a lot like seeds..most even have a little pod like structure around the base, but none of the others are showing any seeds, so it leads me to believe they're sacs.
Hmm not sure that those pictures support the argument that it is a Hermie. They look more like seed. Are pistils comming out of those enlarged structures? It looks like a Calyx with seed to me...

The plant may be a hermie though because it seems pollinated. It either pollinated itself, another plant pollinated (did you have males in with it at any time?) or you smoked some schwag with pollen on it then touched your plant...

Any closer pictures?


Well-Known Member
Well...I chopped her down last night. They're sure lookin like seeds today... My girlfriend stole her camera back, so I cant take any now, but I attached two more pics. Too late to go back now, but pretty sure they're just seeds. All 5 of the others dont have any signs of seeds though. I really hope my garden didnt get owned by pollen somehow. Definitely no schwag or other external source of pollen around any of these guys either. I gotta take a real close look today when the lights come on.

Where exactly do sacs develop? Should I be seeing them come from the base where pistils first emerge, or will they be coming from the center of the buds?


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
A hermie will have small yellow flowers emerge from the female flower.
It kinda looks like a micro banana poking out of a bud.
If left, the little flower will soon open and release pollen.
This can result in your whole crop being seeded or just a slight case of self-pollination.

So it not the seeds your looking for.(They are the end result)
You need to keep your eye out for the little male pre-flowers,
and pick them before they pop!


Well-Known Member
Your looking for banana shaped pollen pods, those pics show calyx production, which is perfectly normal for females to show. It wasn't a hermie looking plant to me.


Well-Known Member
Yep that was hermie, no doubt. From my experience I've seen two kinds of hermies. One kind that produces male flowers in the form of balls (usually on lower branches) that open up into what looks like a cluster of bananas that releases shit loads of pollen. The other kind of hermie I've experienced is what it looks like you have, where inside the colas you'll find single or maybe even pairs of just the banana structure. These types don't produce nearly as much pollen, and can be clipped but it takes daily maintanence to keep em out of the colas. I'd sacrifice the hermie if you have plenty of crop left. Chances are they all got seeded so expect the worst. And BTW, dry and cure that hermie you just chopped, it will still smoke even though it wasn't done...or you could just make hash with it.


Well-Known Member
Yep that was hermie, no doubt. From my experience I've seen two kinds of hermies. One kind that produces male flowers in the form of balls (usually on lower branches) that open up into what looks like a cluster of bananas that releases shit loads of pollen. The other kind of hermie I've experienced is what it looks like you have, where inside the colas you'll find single or maybe even pairs of just the banana structure. These types don't produce nearly as much pollen, and can be clipped but it takes daily maintanence to keep em out of the colas. I'd sacrifice the hermie if you have plenty of crop left. Chances are they all got seeded so expect the worst. And BTW, dry and cure that hermie you just chopped, it will still smoke even though it wasn't done...or you could just make hash with it.
For sure, I chopped a hermie I had at like 35 Days flowering, curing it now and it smokes pretty decent (except for the fact I never flushed it). Good stuff if you're running low, but that probably will never happen if you're growing for yourself! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yep that was hermie, no doubt. From my experience I've seen two kinds of hermies. One kind that produces male flowers in the form of balls (usually on lower branches) that open up into what looks like a cluster of bananas that releases shit loads of pollen. The other kind of hermie I've experienced is what it looks like you have, where inside the colas you'll find single or maybe even pairs of just the banana structure. These types don't produce nearly as much pollen, and can be clipped but it takes daily maintanence to keep em out of the colas. I'd sacrifice the hermie if you have plenty of crop left. Chances are they all got seeded so expect the worst. And BTW, dry and cure that hermie you just chopped, it will still smoke even though it wasn't done...or you could just make hash with it.
Yeah, you nailed it. Looking through the trimmed nug, I found a few of the little yellow guys, just a couple here and there though. I guess a few just busted inside the nug and caused those little seed clusters to form. Still no sign of seed development on any of the others. Keepin my fingers crossed for sure... :-|



Well-Known Member
Was this a dutch passion blueberry? I am going thru the same thing right now with my dutch passion. I am plucking them as they show and checking it daily. Annoying but I don't want to chop it down it seems to only be on 1 branch and none of the others are showing any signs of seed. :spew:


Ouch man. That sucks balls. I guess I am too much of an old mizer. I'll grow out a hermie and keep it for myself.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would love to have a separate flower area I could put my hermie BB in and just let it do it's thing. It's not really to bad so I would not get to many seeds but might get some to reuse and would still be plenty of good smoke for myself.


Well-Known Member
Was this a dutch passion blueberry? I am going thru the same thing right now with my dutch passion. I am plucking them as they show and checking it daily. Annoying but I don't want to chop it down it seems to only be on 1 branch and none of the others are showing any signs of seed. :spew:
Yeah man, its Dutch Passion. Maybe there's a problem with their stock or something.