do cutting branches stress budding


Well-Known Member
well i got 6 big bushy plants, and thay are so cramped up in my grow area that thay are growing into each other and up the walls.

i was wonddering if i were to cut off some of the lower branches that stick out, to make the plant less wide. will that stess them into hermie or anything bad.

thay are durga mata. 30 days veg under 400w HPS, and have been flowering for 17 days under 800w HPS

i topped them all at a youg age so teach plant has 4 main colas, i just want to cut off the lower branches that swing way out .

the middle and lower bud sight s get so little light thay verliught green. i think i need to trim a few fan leaves too. ill try to ge ta picture with my shitty cell phone to upload so u can see

but i just worry that cutten off branches durring flower might stress them. but i wana do what thay call "lolipop" i wasnt shur if that needs to be done in veg or if i can just strip the lower small buds off . like i said im at day 17 flower


Well-Known Member
here my pics. so u think its ok to cut the lower braches a lil so thay can breath more or u guys think thay will be fine all cramped up. ive never tryed to do this many at 1 time befor i got 6 total most ive done was 3

i realy would hate to kill 1 or 2 of them, cuz the light has been shared this whole time. so it would be a waste


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i like to do my pruning of the lower branches around 2 weeks after the switch to 12/12. so now they will have 2 weeks of stretch and i can arrange my plants to the best spot. i will prune lower branches that will not produce much. after that i try and keep the pruning to a minimum


Well-Known Member
pruning in flower should be done around day ten. before is pointless, as the plant will stall, then grow new branches, after will hurt yields. 10-14 days in is the time to prune.


Well-Known Member
i like to do my pruning of the lower branches around 2 weeks after the switch to 12/12. so now they will have 2 weeks of stretch and i can arrange my plants to the best spot. i will prune lower branches that will not produce much. after that i try and keep the pruning to a minimum
Yeah Thats what I do. Always 2 weeks before 12/12 and never in 12/12. The plant will stop what it is doing (feeding buds) and reroute it's energy to healing plant and destressing.


Well-Known Member
Oh I C. Oh thats not good.
lol, it's a standard practice in a sog. you allow for initial stretch, then remove lowers leaving an apical bud. this is done because plants are so close together the branches smother each other, and reduce yields drastically. 10-14 days in is when you cut lower branches. many "mersh" growers use these branches for clones for the next sog round.


Well-Known Member
pruning in flower should be done around day ten. before is pointless, as the plant will stall, then grow new branches, after will hurt yields. 10-14 days in is the time to prune.
You should never prune in flower, Slows the plant way down and can cause severe stress. One must think about what is going on in 2 weeks into 12/12. One would disrupt the whole process of sending flowering signals/hormones to tips of branches and instead sending signals of repair to cuts. Everything else stops. Thats a bummer.
Best scenario (far from pointless) is 2 weeks before 12/12 take your bottoms off for clones, not too many at one time, so take some earlier so you are only taking a few 2 weeks before. Those would be the best clones being they would be older and more hormones in them. Then wait a week and take out all the skinny braches in the middle (inside) all the little twigs with a leaf at the end, get rid of them. Then after one week everything will be flowing again like a well oiled machine, put her in 12/12 and she will be non stop express to Flowering with no interuptions.


Well-Known Member
lol, it's a standard practice in a sog. you allow for initial stretch, then remove lowers leaving an apical bud. this is done because plants are so close together the branches smother each other, and reduce yields drastically. 10-14 days in is when you cut lower branches. many "mersh" growers use these branches for clones for the next sog round.
Why do sog growers wait until 12/12. I don't see how this is better than 2 weeks before? The cuts from lower branches (mature hopefully) would make great clones and allow grower to make sure they rooted before inducing flowering on mother.
Also plants slow down or halt growing when limbs are taken off, possible stress can occur to the point of hermie (Ganja Goddess forbid).
Are sog growers not understanding what happens when you clip a branch? Either in veg or bloom it's the same thing, plant must heal area and therefore loses growth to healthy area for a minute. :joint:


Well-Known Member
You should never prune in flower, Slows the plant way down and can cause severe stress. One must think about what is going on in 2 weeks into 12/12. One would disrupt the whole process of sending flowering signals/hormones to tips of branches and instead sending signals of repair to cuts. Everything else stops. Thats a bummer.
Best scenario (far from pointless) is 2 weeks before 12/12 take your bottoms off for clones, not too many at one time, so take some earlier so you are only taking a few 2 weeks before. Those would be the best clones being they would be older and more hormones in them. Then wait a week and take out all the skinny braches in the middle (inside) all the little twigs with a leaf at the end, get rid of them. Then after one week everything will be flowing again like a well oiled machine, put her in 12/12 and she will be non stop express to Flowering with no interuptions.
that's not accurate. it's known that you reduce the yield of a single plant when you prune, the plant will stall for a day or so (not too much longer)... but, when you have plants that are getting to be 30'' tall and are only 8'' apart, then yes; you certainly DO cut the lower branches, leaving only budlets that stick close to the meristem.

you see, when you flower these groups of clones, they have NO BRANCHES. however, when they stretch out, boom; branches everywhere. by eliminating those branches (and cutting out that yield), you increase the quality of the apical buds, and increase your overall yield based on m2.

even with bushes, cleaning is done 10-14 days in. you cut popcorn sites and small subsidiary branches which allows the energy to be placed in apical growth sites. indoor growing concentrates on canopy, and everything else below that is a hindrance.

as for cloning, phosphorous is the main root boosting nutrient. flower nutes are high in p. cuttings taken 10-14 days in flower will generally root faster than clones from veg (as nitrogen will cause a cutting to grow instead of stalling and rooting). there is also no reveg issue, as the plants are only just starting to set sites; the clones, once rooted, veg normally.

like i said, this is the sog method, it's just how it's done. what you don't do in most cases does not apply to this game ;)


Well-Known Member
Why do sog growers wait until 12/12. I don't see how this is better than 2 weeks before? The cuts from lower branches (mature hopefully) would make great clones and allow grower to make sure they rooted before inducing flowering on mother.
Also plants slow down or halt growing when limbs are taken off, possible stress can occur to the point of hermie (Ganja Goddess forbid).
Are sog growers not understanding what happens when you clip a branch? Either in veg or bloom it's the same thing, plant must heal area and therefore loses growth to healthy area for a minute. :joint:
sog growers don't veg long enough to have branches. branches in a sog are the result of flower stretch.

also, did you know the plants do not heal? cut areas do not regenerate. they callous, which takes about a day. at that point, hormones from the roots begin to be redistributed, which takes a day or two, and new growth promptly follows.


Well-Known Member
Very Good info both of you (+reps).
In veg when you have lets say 4 branches growing UP, and one of them grows 3 inches taller than the other 3. So you top that one, and it heals/callous, and the other 3 get a xtra boost and start growing a little faster. About a week later you notice that the 3 are passing the one that was toped. That's in veg.
Now in flower, I Like what I am reading but I wonder if a (sog) plant would do better if it was properly cut (lowers) one week before 12/12?
I am not into sog so it's just wondering.

One other thing, why is it that I am reading that you should take clones off like 4 weeks before harvest? Not sure about how long into 12/12 was in High Times. It is not something I practice because of the facts you have already stated about nitrogen and veg. I never cut/clone in 12/12. Thats just what I read? I have tryed it, never worked for me?


Well-Known Member
sog growers don't veg long enough to have branches. branches in a sog are the result of flower stretch.

also, did you know the plants do not heal? cut areas do not regenerate. they callous, which takes about a day. at that point, hormones from the roots begin to be redistributed, which takes a day or two, and new growth promptly follows.
Can't rep you, gotta spread it around lol. SO thanks man, I like to try and understand all logistics of growing styles. (sog growers don't veg long enough to have branches. branches in a sog are the result of flower stretch.) :joint:


Well-Known Member

Now in flower, I Like what I am reading but I wonder if a (sog) plant would do better if it was properly cut (lowers) one week before 12/12?
no, for the same reason that topping works. when you cut before flower, the plant still goes through the motions once you flip the switch. then you still get branches, just higher up. the reason for waiting is the plant develops the stature that it's going to have during that time. after the first two weeks, plants stretch very little, and nearly no new branches are formed. this i a trick of timing, in order to get spires instead of bushes or a tangly mess.

One other thing, why is it that I am reading that you should take clones off like 4 weeks before harvest? Not sure about how long into 12/12 was in High Times.
at 4 weeks your cutting will root very quickly, but will then have to go through a regeneration. the bud will spit out sucker branches after 2-6 weeks of 24 hour lighting and veg nutrients. however, this most certainly is not the best time to take cuttings. technically, 7-10 days into flower is the best time, but i prefer to keep mothers and feed them a specific nutrient regimen that keeps them healthy, but not ideal. i feed moms in relation to how i want the cuttings to perform; low nitrogen, higher phosphorous, and a bit of potassium.

but like i said, 4 weeks in is definitely not ideal. :)

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I'm not a sog grower but I do agree with KP2. I like to top right above the 4th node for 8 bud shutes then veg for about 6 wks. About a week or 2 into flower I top every shute which stops stretch where I want and does wonders for filling out the lower buds. Then a week or 2 later I'm able to tell which one's the duds are, (there are usually 1-3 but sometimes not) and off they come. It does slow things down for a few days but, the explosion of growth on the remaining bud shutes at around wk 5 will more than make up for it. At that point I make wire hoops to go around the plants, pulling everything more compact to take up about 1-2 sq.ft. per plant. More of a sea of bush deal.
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well im not doing sog, and these are seeedlings not clones

its 18 days flower, should i cut down the popcorn buds that get no light. or will that be bad stress?


Well-Known Member
should i cut down the popcorn buds that get no light. or will that be bad stress?
yeah go ahead, I do it all the time. It never ceases to amaze me what these guru wannabes dream up to wag their fingers at you in terror. :peace:


Well-Known Member
well what about fan leaves does trimming fan leaves when im day 18 in flower cause stress? or make the plant need to heal?

it makes sence that when u cut a plant it has to use energy to repair the wound and then it decides what to do from there, that how topping works in early veg

and infact thats wy i top so early in veg (after 3rd pair of internodes) so thay can repair and respond , and i end up with 4 main tops and 2 smaller branches. about to 10 days after i top i then flower

so now lest take trimming off the table since im 19 days in flower at this point, what negative effects will finishing them in the cramped room have? i have good cerculation and a A/C to keep temps low if i need to at the end of flower and room humidity is around 50% at all time (dehumidifyer set to 45%)

aside from mold, will what do i need to watch out for, i think i will trim them up just a tad , to open up more air flow but not to stress them,

like 5 popcorn buds and 3 fan leaves off each plant that sound like it wont hurt to much, i dont need to bucher them just a slight trim, then maby in a few days i will cut 2 or 3 more popcorn buds from bottom of each

u think that slow removal of lower popcorn bud sites at 19 days into flower will casue any stress?