interferes with the way the receptors in the brain work? I'm sorry buddy, THAT's myth.
the cannabinoid system accepts THC as naturally as anandamide, there is no interference here, this is a natural binding process.
I'm sorry bro you have a pretty ignorant view of marijuana; comparing it to how people perceive alcohol is not even close to relative man.
I'm sorry you have virtually no memory when you smoke, but I certainly do. my memory works better at lower dosages, if I'm totally stoned of course I'll forget something.
but what yuo fail to understand is the fact that the area's in which cannabinoid receptors exist in our brain, are the basis of our memory. and anywhere the cannabinoids are active there is going to be neurogenesis.
so it is only logical to assume, that neurogenesis is happening in the hippocampus area of the brain, which is primarily where your long term memory is.
here's some research:
and this one pretty well explains how some people can't remember shit, and some can while high.
I tried to read your research article, but I almost fell off my chair in shock at the bullshit filling my screen.
it actually said that thc damages nerve cells, that's fucking hilarious. bye bye shitty research, ready to read some real stuff?