Great White Shark/Gigabud/Haze#1. Dresser GROW 21 days FLOWERING


Well-Known Member
Cant wait to see pics buddy. If you get a chance check my page to see if u can see them this time. You know when you go to pictures/albums it gives you a picture code and BB code? Well idk wtf bb means but when I added the first url it seemed like I was suppose to do that. Wtf is BB btw lol.

I cant wait, i cant see ur gws. Thats some good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the no pics got off work way to late last night. I'll for sure snap pics tonight and post.

I use the go advanced button right next to the quick reply button. Then click on manage attachments. I'm not good with computer codes and what not so I have no clue what bb is.



Well-Known Member

Aight here are the pics. Question the leaves on my GWS and Gigabud are getting small yellow spots all over them. I'm not too worried about it but just wanted to know if anyone knew what they were. I know I know check the grow faq but I haven't yet and I'm about about to. Anyways here are the pics and a pic of Venom when he was a puppy.




Well-Known Member
ayyy green. thats calcium def. those spots.. im pretty suree... and a few of um look like they need to be water.. nice pup though lol...


Well-Known Member
They just finished their 5th week flowering. Nutrients are 1-8-7 just recently added also 2-5-2 supplement at half strength. Nutes are organic and liquid form so probably lack calcium. I'll have to pick some up at the hydro store next visit. I need to water haze for sure. I stuck my finger in the GWS and soil was still pretty moist. First time with all strains so not sure how each likes to be watered. I'm just watering when soil is dry. You think there is any nutrient lockout going on here?



Well-Known Member
damn they look beautiful greenkilla. That gws looks killer and it sure will be. that 3rd picture from the beginning looks nuts, the gws up close


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. I'm going to lowes after work to pick up another bag of lime. Gotta use it sparingly though I don't need to raise my soil ph. I guess I could just adjust the ph of my water lower to compensate. Does this sound like a good idea anybody?



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. I'm going to lowes after work to pick up another bag of lime. Gotta use it sparingly though I don't need to raise my soil ph. I guess I could just adjust the ph of my water lower to compensate. Does this sound like a good idea anybody?

THe lime raises the ph soil right? What is yours at? Man I need to go to the freakin petstore and get a badass ph tester, homedepot sucks.


Well-Known Member
the petstore sells PH pens??... veryyy interesting hehe
lol they have ph up and down, i couldnt believe it till someone told me.

jUst go to petsmart website or whatever place lol. We havea few here they are like 25 bucks for the test kit idk if that includes the UP and down


Well-Known Member
ohhh. is it the general hydroponics kit... i get the test solution, a bottle of up and down for 20 at my hydroshop... need to get PH pen though..
my hydroshop has a petsmart right next to it to. ill check next time i go... Pe@ce..