is this setup ok?

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
CFLs are cheaper than those grow light things man. Walmart is where it's at you can buy 6 packs of the great value brand for cheap.

jerusalem grass

Active Member
learned a lot since i posted this thread
under circumstances i had to move all my plants outdoors
i had two in the woods nice amount of sunlight
one got stolen.. or eaten..
so i moved it
so now i only have one biggggggg mother
its doin fine, perfectly healthy and i think its a couple weeks into flowering
no buds really yet but lots of pistils different colors
its pretty

jerusalem grass

Active Member
nice bruah wat strain iz it ?
its bagseed:)
spider mites got to it tho :///////
they ate most of the bud and i was really dissapointed
had this thing since january
but i sprayed the whole thing with neem oil and im hoping it will grow more bud
because i dried some left over bud and smoked that, holy cow was that stuff strong..