Fogponics Question For Cloner


Active Member
I'm building a cloner. I want to use a ultrasonic fogger along with an airstone.

I ordered a fogger from Amazon, however, there is a red led on the fogger. Has anybody had any success with a fogger with a red light? Will the red light affect the roots or algae growth?:confused:

Thanx in Advance!!!


Well-Known Member
I've done it... i tried it with my Daisy cloner because the pump would spray all my clonex off the roots. The fogger would saturate the gel with water and it'd come off anyway though. Honestly I can't tell you whether foggers work better or worse than spray-pumps for growing roots. I'd say they work better but I don't know... I've only ever tried cloning my Strawberry Cough (first plant i ever budded and smoked so I try to keep her going) and she is a B*TCH to clone. I get maybe a 5% success rate with her. I've tried peat pellets, the spray pumps, the foggers... nothing works well on her, only sh*t luck. I get tiny tiny roots that take forever to grow and start to rot if i dont take them out before they even reach 3mm in length.

So yeah, my baby is a pain to clone anyway so I can't say whether foggers work better than the spray pumps or not, but they probably do... and you won't need the airstone since foggers provide more than enough air to the roots. Just make sure you don't keep the fogger on all the time because the roots can easily start to rot if you keep them saturated (like all water-cloning methods). Also the LED light won't be an issue, most foggers(including mine) are the same kind with the LED light and grow clones.


Well-Known Member
Hum, interesting.

You know, a lot of people have trouble cloning. I did also until I figured it out. Now I get 99 to 100% success rate. You may want to try it to test against your method. It is simple really. You will need to get some rapid rooter cubes to start them in. They don't break down like a jiffy and if your on a floater in there I doubt any would affect the disk's.

Go to your lowest branch, count three leaves down and cut under that leaf. (if you are taking several cuttings place the end of it in a shot glass of water) the next cut is to take the last leaf of leaving the stub. third cut is at an angle right under it. Last thing is scrape the sides a bit right at the end and dip it in the gel as fast as you can.

Take one of the rapid rooter plugs and turn it upside down and split it about a half inch down. Place your cutting between it and close it, all sides of the cutting are touching the cube.

For a container I go to the store and buy a aluminum baking pan with a cover for a dome. they are like $3 Then you need a heat source. I use a seedling mat. I place a towel over the seedling mat and prop the pan about 1/4 inch off the towel with a couple pencils. This keeps the rooting zone at about 78° I spray the dome, not the cuttings and cover.

Keep dark for 24 hours to stimulate rooting hormones. open each day and spray dome, water every other day. Oh a drop of super thrive per gallon of water with your rooting solution works great too.

In three days the will look yellow and like they are dieing, in 5 days you will see the new growth. give it a couple days and cut off the yellow leaf. In a total of 10 days you have a healthy plant.

Works for me.



Well-Known Member
As i said i've done it all :-). Of course i tend to use peat pellets instead but they work just as well. The plant itself is just very resistant to cloning, It tends to be weeks before roots grow and often they'll shrivel up and die long before then. Just need to find the magical method. I've tried shaving skin off ends, making cuts into the ends. I've made cuttings at 45 degree angles, 70 degree angles, 0 degree angles. I've cut with 0 nodes, 1 nodes and 2 nodes. I've taken everything from 1 inch to 6 inch cuttings (1 inches work better, they dont like to dry up). I've used rooting gel and rooting powder. I've used bottled water, superthrive, transplanting solution. I've used warm water and cold water. I've trimmed leaves to almost nothing and i've left them all intact. I'm telling you, I've done just about every method in the book... this bastard hates to be cloned, some plants are just like that.

My first (out of 3 total) clone i ever got from her I hadn't put a node in the medium... she started growing freaking roots 1 inch above the soil and not actually in it! I had to cover her with another 2 inches of dirt just so that the roots were actually in the ground. The cutting grew roots in open dry air once but i can't get them to grow in soil, go figure?


Well-Known Member
Wow, sounds like you have been around the block, a few times. That sounds like a strange plant. I guess all I can suguest is to keep an eye on the temp.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to get, or rig your own, neoprene net pot inserts,

without em' not enough fog will stay in the root zone.


Active Member
Make sure to get, or rig your own, neoprene net pot inserts,

without em' not enough fog will stay in the root zone.

Thanks Treeth! I just ordered some neoprene inserts from Midwest Hydro the other day. I also ordered some Super Starter Plugs. I don't really like rockwool so i thought I would give them a try with my soil less and hydro grows.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm indifferent to rockwool as a medium as well...

I'm trying this bud blanket stuff I found at bghydro, its an airy spun plastic mat that seems good at beading little drops of water on the medium...

I thought about doing coco, but this stuff is inert and thats why I decided to try it.

Try Wet Betty from Advanced Nutrients, its a surfuctant which means it beaks up the surface tension of the water, I think it aids the wetting action of fog.

I'm very much still experimenting with the fog...

Good Times!


Jack that Dork!
