Project ""SnowWhite""


Ok Project SnowWhite begins!! Seeds arrived in great condition. AG stsrted on Salad greens with W/mg for flowers at 50% mix Planted seeds in brown sponges from second kit instesd of gray sponges from my first kit they look stronger and i had an issue with 1 plant falling out.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean 50% mix,,,start off with 1/4 tab,,or a half a tab..they look hungry..or whats the Ph...lookin ok though other than that.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow. I like the airstone install, very trick. How long did it take Nirvana to get your seeds to you?


what do you mean 50% mix,,,start off with 1/4 tab,,or a half a tab..they look hungry..or whats the Ph...lookin ok though other than that.
I don't use the tabs i use miricle grow 30-10-30 for vegg and 10-30-10 for flower this is a 1/2 of the recomended mixture, i dont want to burn up comming sprouts. the plants you see are clones from my first grow.


Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy and Sneezy
Seeds planted on May 9 2009 along beside 2 clones of first grow attempt. Fertilizer used is by Miracle grow for flowers 10 - 30 - 10 using only ½ dosages for first two weeks. After that I will switch to Miracle grow for orchids 30 – 10 – 30 during the veggie period switching back to 10 - 30 – 10 for the flowering stage.
Bashful appears first on May 12, 2009. Light cycles is set on salad greens.



Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy

Bashful is looking good photo 1
Doc sprouts on May 13, 2009also doin as expected photo 2

Dopey sprouts on May 15, 2009 needed a little help though came out breach so I carefully pulled the sprout out off its sponge and turned it over placing it carful back in the sponge. I will hope for the best. Photo 3

Grumpy has not yet sprouted so I checked to see if I had planted the seed breach and sure enough it has germinated but growing breach so I corrected the position of the sprout and placed back into its sponge. I figure that it will pop out in a couple days.
I will be moving the clones to their own AG so as not to influence this project with the growth needs of the older and larger clones. Photo 4



Well-Known Member
I am runnin MG bloombooster in my AG. workn good so for. Workn in a drop of SUPERthrive every 3 weeks.
carollina man just watch the dosage very closely with that superthrive shit cause i heard nuthin but bad sshit about it,,maybe they usin too strong a dose,by all means grow with what works best for you!Id get dum real nutes like general hydroponics or foxfarm line,,not expensive and have outstanding results!