CFL Grow [6] 26-watt 6500K


Well-Known Member
Im growin 1 plant, its a bagseed 4rm some good weed. I dnt know wat kind it is bt a friend said its from a strain of White Widow. Right now the seed is about 2 come out the soil i germinated it, & it cracked in less than a week.
Any questions or advice will be most appreciated!


Well-Known Member
if ur usin cfl's make sure you keep within 1-2 inches from the plant or they will stretch whats ur set-up like? and thanx for the reply


Well-Known Member
I have 3 lamps with 3 Y splitters, all around 1 pot.
I want 1 ultimate plant :D


Well-Known Member
you may need a lot more light when it comes time to flower and of course a different color for flower(2700k), I had 16 cfl's in my 2 ft by 15 inch grow is in my signature, but I just got a 1000watt MH so I am setting that and 10 of my cfl's up in my 4x4 room...


Well-Known Member
I dont have that much money, so im tryna work with this. bt ive been readin around on here an i know sumstuff.
How big will it get in a 1gallon pot?


Active Member
Last time I planted 6 seeds, 2 didnt make it, 4 were male.
No sense in growing the ultamite plant if its a male.
Id plant more seeds :)


Well-Known Member
I usually hear 2 different opinions, either 1 foot per gallon or 1 month per gallon, I would assume it depends on the strain, but I don't think you will get it very big in a 1 gallon without being rootbound at some point...


Active Member
with a 1 gallon container you will have enough root space to grow a monster. I'm sure it would go rootbound at some point though.
lol, glad you weren't giving me advice when I started...
i have sum advise for you... i was using the same set-up as you are.. i still am, but my advice to you my friend is mix up the bulbs. for example, if ur using 6 - 6500K spiral bulbs, remove 2 of them so you can replace them with 2 - 2700K spiral cfl's.. it will make a world of difference! trust me! i was running 7 - 6500K which were doing the job but once i replace 3 of the 6500K's with 3 of the 2700K's i was truely amazed! the leaves got alot fatter and the plants began to grow at a much more quicker pace! good luck & i hope my advice was helpful for you!


Active Member
Bubbleberry is right, a mix of lights works wonders if your using cfls. check out my 2nd attempt to see how mine is setup. Dont be a tightass, cfls are so damn cheap you owe it to your plant to get as much light on her as possible. Remember that light is food for plants, not nutes or additives

Good luck!!

phil le b

Well-Known Member
Im growin 1 plant, its a bagseed 4rm some good weed. I dnt know wat kind it is bt a friend said its from a strain of White Widow. Right now the seed is about 2 come out the soil i germinated it, & it cracked in less than a week.
Any questions or advice will be most appreciated!
i am using cfl bulbs 1st time i used 6x14watts worked fine but this time i am using 10x20watts and going to tryand flower them switch them a week ago and made these cfl hoods the other day they work really well look for a thread called Diy refecter hoods for cfl bulbs have a look and leve comments and rep


Well-Known Member
i have sum advise for you... i was using the same set-up as you are.. i still am, but my advice to you my friend is mix up the bulbs. for example, if ur using 6 - 6500K spiral bulbs, remove 2 of them so you can replace them with 2 - 2700K spiral cfl's.. it will make a world of difference! trust me! i was running 7 - 6500K which were doing the job but once i replace 3 of the 6500K's with 3 of the 2700K's i was truely amazed! the leaves got alot fatter and the plants began to grow at a much more quicker pace! good luck & i hope my advice was helpful for you!
more than likely your leaves got wider and the plant grew faster because it wanted more light...

If your plant has enough light it should grow nice and compact(not searching for light) Wider leaves does not mean a better plant lol...mostly has to do with strain, but plants adapt to survive, the plant wants more light to convert to energy so it makes the leaves larger(the leaves are like solar panels) so that it can get the light it needs.
lol, I use 6 6500k for veg...16 2700k for flower...There is already blue light in the 2700k just as there is red light in the 6500k... Did you know that blue, red and green light make white? 6500k is a mixture of all threes spectrums, just as 2700k is... more blue light provided in the 400 to 700 nanometer wavelengths(appx 7000k I believe) is closest to the natural color of the sun for vegetative growth period....More red light provided in the 400 to 700 nanometer wavelengths(appx 2300k I believe)is closer to the natural color of the sun as fall is approaching...

I agree many people use a mixture, but like you said don't be as many bulbs in the color spectrum that is right for each stage...

Why do you think people switch from MH(veg) to HPS(flower)? The color change...(the lumen output may be a little higher, but not worth the switch on its own)...

anyway, it would be nice if people would research the effects of the different color lights on plants before they give out bad info...

If you don't have the money to get enough bulbs to have the best lighting for each stage, then yes a mixture would be best...

and my advice to you is get some more light lol 7 x6500k 1750 lumens is just over 13,000 lumens...taking 3 of those away and adding the 2700k should have dropped you another 150 lumens appx...


Well-Known Member
I didnt change it...i dnt thnk i am either. bt thanks ill jus add more 6500k bulbs. Is organic choice 4rm walmart a good soil?