Great White Shark/Gigabud/Haze#1. Dresser GROW 21 days FLOWERING


Well-Known Member
Aight guys I picked up the lime yesterday and watered in about 2 tbsp of the pelleted lime. Intution yes lime does raise your soil ph. I lowered the ph of my water to about 5.5 yesterday to counteract. My soil ph before the lime was lik 6.8 so I don't want to go raising it this late in the game. I don't have a hydro ph test pen but I have a soil ph tester. As for ph up down General Hydro cheap test kit for like 18.00 at the hydro store. Comes with the up and down and the tester kit. I only use the down bottle since I have hella hard water. Out of the tap the ph is close to 9 and with the pur filter its about 8. Btw the lower buds on the GWS all have red hairs. I'm getting close I can feel it. Buds up top are still all white haired. Thanks for the comment evilbuds I want some of whatever is in your avatar. Stay tuned everyone the haze is kicking it into high gear now.



Well-Known Member
sounds good mayng... my taps around 8.. my buddy has a pure faucet too... he says it lowers the PPM alot. but PH stays the same.. filters are fucking expensive for those things like 36 bucks. as much as the unit itself at homedepot.. Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
I bet you will change your mind about the Haze 5-6 weeks into flowering.

You will see an absolute EXPLOSION in bud developement. I have heard that all Green House Seeds are late developers, growing the GHS Church right now and was concerned about the developement. Slowly but surely it has grown in really well.

Seriously, wait till they are done before questiong the GHS genetics. I believe they are a quality breeder.

Plants look good :)


Well-Known Member
I bet you will change your mind about the Haze 5-6 weeks into flowering.

You will see an absolute EXPLOSION in bud developement. I have heard that all Green House Seeds are late developers, growing the GHS Church right now and was concerned about the developement. Slowly but surely it has grown in really well.

Seriously, wait till they are done before questiong the GHS genetics. I believe they are a quality breeder.

Plants look good :)
Bet greenkilla gots a stiffy reading this lol. That would be awesome to see.


Well-Known Member
I have talked to a bunch of guys about Green House Seeds and it seems like the general consensus is that they are just late bloomers :)

Slow and steady and then all of the sudden they just POP.

And it does not seem to be one strain in particular, basically all of their plants do this. Arjan is the man!


Well-Known Member
Ya I don't have a ppm meter so I can't check before and after. I got it to take the chlorine out of the water since I'm using organic nutrients. Don't know how great of a job it does at that but hey whatever its better than setting 4 jugs out for 32 hours.

Ya I've noticed that here lately the Haze is starting to explode everyday I look at her her grow tip gets fatter and fatter. Also I am starting to think the GWS is going to be done before the Giga. The hairs on the GWS are starting to turn red while still 100% of Giga's hairs are white and looks like she needs to beef up alot also. GWS still needs to throw on some weight resin production looking great for where I'm at. This thursday will mark the end of the 6th week flowering for GWS and Gigabud. Breeder specs say 5-6 weeks on Giga they aren't right at all lol. I'm keeping each plant up till they are ripe this time. I am teaching my self self control this grow its helping only checking the plants out once a day. I'll post pics probably tonight.



Well-Known Member
Ya yours are gonna be so much fatter than mine lol oh well though still getting some good smoke. I'm setting up an op for my buddy, I think after he does a couple runs were gonna go in on a 600w hps should be back to big buds in no time.



Well-Known Member
hehe.... you will have chunky buds in no time nigga.. trust me. just takes practice....lookin better than my first op. lol
and you should go in on your own equipment.. trust me man.. sell your first couple crops... then be able to grow stuff to sell and to smoke. you dont whanna have to split shit with people. thats what im doin right now and it kinda sux... getting alot less money then if i just started my own mothers... Pe@ce...


Well-Known Member
I would love to do that trust me but at the momment with my housing sitution I can't be using any HID's for MJ cause my its my moms rental house. She seems to think she has more leeway with coming into my house when I'm not home. My buddy owns his house. Shit he told me as long as I give him a 1/4 of each plant hes good. Not really looking to sell anything just for personal smoke. I don't really know to many people who smoke nugs and when I used to be able to get them all the time I could never get rid of it cause no body has the money to buy it here. Anyways heres the pics. I'm pretty sure I might be taking a small bud of the GWS to quick dry and smoke tonight. I've been out of bud for the past couple days had a stressful night.




Well-Known Member
Thanks bro I just got done smoking a bowl of the fresh cut GWS. I check the trichs with my scope on the bud I cut. Trichs about 70/30 clear/cloudy so this is a great sign still ALOT more time for bud to grow. I know off the 4 tiny hits I could get off the bubbler I'm pretty stoned. I'm really pumped now to see what the fully ripened product will be. I'm still leaning on going till I have about 40/60 cloudy/amber. Probably gonna stagger the harvest as well to see what I really like. Thanks for the support and the + rep earlier bro.



Well-Known Member
Sup guy, ur grow is looking really good man. Wish I could say the same for mine ;(. Gws is coming along NICE. Im bout to post pics for u so I can show u what I was talkin about.


Well-Known Member
they look great greenfire ...suks bout the stressful night..glad ur were able to ''get right''. and good sign of more bud growth to come like u said bein ur still cloudy. im ill c u soon bro