too sunny for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
hey guys all of my seeds from the greenhouse sativa mix pack i bought have germinated except the super silver haze and i have 2 questions.

1. i'm in Florida and its pretty hot and sunny right now like at least 93F in the direct sun. my plants came out of the soil wednesday and they were in the shade with no direct sun til today. i just moved em out to a very sunny spot that gets full sun almost the entire day. im keepin the ocean forest soil nice and moist but will they be okay in this intense sunlight? (they're in like those red party cups if that makes a difference)

2. if anybody has grown super silver haze will they please tell me if it takes longer than the other 4 in the mixpack to sprout? i put it in the soil last saturday so tomorrow it will have been a week. (the other 4 include hawaiin snow, arjan haze 1, nevilles haze, and strawberry haze)


pot is made to grow in the sun, its perfectly fine as long as they are started in the sun as soon as they have leafs (if you started them inside say, and let them grow a while, you would have to slowly introduce them to sun)

Just make sure the soil is moist, and it wouldn't hurt to mist the leafs occasionally in the heat


Well-Known Member
thanks i was pretty sure they'd be aight i just needed some reassurance. anyone wanna help out with #2?


Active Member
bump for question 2 thats the one i was lookin forward to the most
lol, if u germinated in paper towel, with the rest of the seeds, and it hasn't even cracked... then it probably isn't going to.

maybe it's just a bunk seed? give it a couple days and if it doesn't crack, throw it out, or if you're feelin' lucky put it in the ground, maybe it just might grow.


Well-Known Member
Did you germinate your seeds before throwing em in the dirt? If you didn't just give it some more time it can take 2 weeks sometimes for a sprout. And remember when your planting your seeds, don't plant to deep and only water it by misting it till its wet.


Well-Known Member
Did you germinate your seeds before throwing em in the dirt? If you didn't just give it some more time it can take 2 weeks sometimes for a sprout. And remember when your planting your seeds, don't plant to deep and only water it by misting it till its wet.
nah i put em straight to the dirt about an inch under. all those others sprouted within 4 days so idk but it sucks this was the strain i was most excited about lol oh well i'll just give it more time. now my sprouts have really thin stalks and look like theyre stretching. theyre sativa so idk if thats just normal but could it be that they're too hot? its not cause they dont have enough sun they are getting the full force of the sun all day


Active Member
nah i put em straight to the dirt about an inch under. all those others sprouted within 4 days so idk but it sucks this was the strain i was most excited about lol oh well i'll just give it more time. now my sprouts have really thin stalks and look like theyre stretching. theyre sativa so idk if thats just normal but could it be that they're too hot? its not cause they dont have enough sun they are getting the full force of the sun all day
for best results plant them in a red dixie cup, with holes in the bottom. and use potting soil ;)

so put the soil in ur small pot/party cup. fill it to the top. now water it well before you put the seed in. it should drain and the dirt will sink down a little bit. stick ur fingers in there and loosen up the soil where ur about to put the seed.

put your seed ontop of that soil, and sprinkle soil over it and water again.

now get clear plastic wrap or saraan wrap or whatever, and hold it over the top of the pot/cup with a rubber band.

put this in a dark place. preferably a WARM dark place. such as a black shoebox in the sun, or under your bed w/ a heating pad under it.

wait atleast a day or two, and take a look, it might take up to a week before you see a sprout.

after the tanish/white sprout is standing up with its leaves stuck together, unopened, put this in the shade, or preferably, a window seal.

leave it in the window seal for one day, then remove the plastic wrap and let it sit there for one more day or just take it out into the shade right then.

I give my plants a day of shade, then I just bring it on full sunlight
I had the same problem, i was nervous mine wouldn't sprout... i planted 6 on monday(5-4), just put them in some potting soil and watered them and i just got my first signs of sprouting today.. 3 out of the 6 have broken the surface and sprouted ... i've read a bit and people say sprouting can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks


Active Member
no such thing as too sunny

Actually, there is. :-|

If the plant sprouts from your bedroom light, and you take it outside, it won't be adjusted to the stronger sunlight/winds/tempurature of the outdoor climate.

And, germination, is basically making the roots start to form out of the seed. For roots to grow, they also require darkness and humidity. When a seed sprouts a taproot actually breaks the surface of the ground, then burries itself back into the ground, and raises the original seed up out of the dirt. The seed casing will then fall off if it hasn't already(inside the growing medium). This will appear as a colorless plant, Usually whitish/tannish/brownish in color. If given intense light at this stage, the plant may die. If you put plastic wrap over your pot and keep it in darkness until the white sprout is visible, then leave this in your room until the leaves have actually began to form. NOW you're ready to go outside.

The general principal is darkness until it actually sprouts, then shade until it grows leaves, then go ahead and let it get sunlight! My friends and I get better than 3/4 germination results this way, whether its bagseed or seeds from a breeder.


Active Member
glad i found this thread i was having a similar problem with some seedlings here in the fl too... ive lost 6/7 seedlings already :/ dont want to keep losing more b/c i only have 1 WW feminized left and like 5 purple powers. Im all out of my LR diesel and superskunk I only got 4 to grow out of those 20 seeds. Cant complain its better than nothing but im hoping I have a better ratio of live/dead for my next batch....

When do you think would be a good time to start that next batch? Should i wat till mid summer june july? or should i just try and start those now? Im hoping when oct./nov i can harvest that first batch and then if i plant that second batch sometime in the next coming weeks i can harvest a month or two afterwards


Well-Known Member
can harvest that first batch and then if i plant that second batch sometime in the next coming weeks i can harvest a month or two afterwards
heheh , no it doesn't work that way unless your growing autoflowering strains. You'll just have smaller yields on the later planted run they'll all bloom at the same time and finish at the same time. Best to restart ASAP.


Active Member
heheh , no it doesn't work that way unless your growing autoflowering strains. You'll just have smaller yields on the later planted run they'll all bloom at the same time and finish at the same time. Best to restart ASAP.
Allright will do but i really dont want to ruin my only WW seed and the rest of the rest of the p power i have... am I able to start them indoors just by a window after i germinate them or should i just give them only 5-6hrs of morning sunlight which isnt as intense for the first week? I was going to start them in a plastic cup like yall say cuz im starting them in half cut milk jugs figure cup is easier lesss soil


Well-Known Member
should i just give them only 5-6hrs of morning sunlight which isnt as intense for the first week?
that's how I grow straight outside as soon as they pop the surface, full sun all day, unless it's a hot day (85+ F) then I'll move them to filtered shade.


Well-Known Member
that's how I grow straight outside as soon as they pop the surface, full sun all day, unless it's a hot day (85+ F) then I'll move them to filtered shade.
yeah its super hot down here in florida and the bagseed i got goin in filtered shade is doin very well so im thinkin ima just move all the others where the bagseed is. Plus i just checked on the good strains and a fucking rodent tore em all up. like it just dug into the soil in the cups and left the plants on the ground. fucking retarded rodent and now im pissed. but i buried em back how they were so im thinkin it should be straight. i reallyyyy hope it will be..