Gun Control


most politicians do more than armed robberies in there life times but they have guns and power and much more. besides if every person was caught for everything they ever did wrong most people would be felons for various reasons. cops have guns and they break laws all the time. crimes are only crimes if you get caught or are poor or on the wrong side of the majority. the bad men will always have guns so its imperative that all good men do as well.
I agree totally, but now these gansters have AK47s and SKS and shit, its not saturday night specials anymore!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree totally, but now these gansters have AK47s and SKS and shit, its not saturday night specials anymore!!!
Well then it would seem to me that the solution is to not restrict the rights of the citizenry to have guns even more (seeing as how we already are not allowed to have AK47s and SKS') but to allow us to have AK47s and SKS so we can fight gangsters on equal terms.

The solution to the gang problem is not to increase the disparity between their weapons and the citizens' weapons even more, but to decrease the disparity so that a neighborhood watch would be on equal terms with them.

(Not the police, the police are as useless as nipples of a breastplate, or feathers on a helm.)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
To initiate violence is wrong. To take away a persons right to defend themselves is wrong. We cannot "uninvent" guns. Guns can be dangerous, but not as dangerous as those people who would take them away. To all those who wish to control guns...careful what you wish for. Gun control is not about preventing crime, if that were the case cities and states with gun control would be peacable instead of crime ridden.

I hope to never harm another person, but I recognize not everybody thinks that way, 12 Gauge in the corner of the cabin
ensures I can sleep at night just in case. Peace.


New Member
Well then it would seem to me that the solution is to not restrict the rights of the citizenry to have guns even more (seeing as how we already are not allowed to have AK47s and SKS') but to allow us to have AK47s and SKS so we can fight gangsters on equal terms.

The solution to the gang problem is not to increase the disparity between their weapons and the citizens' weapons even more, but to decrease the disparity so that a neighborhood watch would be on equal terms with them.

(Not the police, the police are as useless as nipples of a breastplate, or feathers on a helm.)

We don't agree on much, but on guns, we are totally on the same page. Your police ideas are pretty much spot on. They show up to tag the bodies. Not all liberals are gun haters, mostly rich city types.


Active Member
at one time the police were solely (as far as house calls) to collect info, and catch the bad guy if charges wanted to be pressed, and it was a "serve and protect" attitude, but now its progressing to the point where there is a new breed of cop, not here to HELP YOU, just here to do what their take on the law is, people use to have respect for cops LOOOONG ago, but now, its like WE'RE becoming the ENEMY, i have little respect for cops, few are still here to actually SERVE and protect, not doing me a favor.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the one political thread with no bickering im enjoying this while i can. as far as idiots with ak's i fear a trained military man or someones whos hunted there whole lives who carries a bolt action 30/06 much more than a poorly trained gangster. i do feel the assault weapon ban is silly as its not so much the type of weapon but the skill of the shooter. besides these massacres that take place normally involve an armed person shooting unarmed people. if more people were carrying concealed these types of things would be stopped quicker with less carnage imo. as an example the stupid media always goes after ak's and ar's cause there black and look scary. i ask anyone who knows anything could a well trained person do any less damage with a mini-14 or m-1a? no but they dont look as scary so they leave them alone this shows that the ones making the laws dont no anything about firearms or responsible owners of them. immoral men will always have weapons hence the importance of good men being armed.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
with regards to what captn jack said. yeah there a clean up crew as i mentioned in another thread my moms life with me in her womb was saved by my dads colt 1911 the cops took 45 minutes to arrive by then the situation was over my mom had also called a friend of my fathers(my dad was out of town) after calling the cops he arrived armed before they did and this was in the 70's in l.a. its even worse now. people have to protect themselves and there familys depending on others is asking for tragic events.


Well-Known Member
the one political thread with no bickering im enjoying this while i can. as far as idiots with ak's i fear a trained military man or someones whos hunted there whole lives who carries a bolt action 30/06 much more than a poorly trained gangster. i do feel the assault weapon ban is silly as its not so much the type of weapon but the skill of the shooter. besides these massacres that take place normally involve an armed person shooting unarmed people. if more people were carrying concealed these types of things would be stopped quicker with less carnage imo. as an example the stupid media always goes after ak's and ar's cause there black and look scary. i ask anyone who knows anything could a well trained person do any less damage with a mini-14 or m-1a? no but they dont look as scary so they leave them alone this shows that the ones making the laws dont no anything about firearms or responsible owners of them. immoral men will always have weapons hence the importance of good men being armed.
Yeah, Spray and Pray is a stupid method of firing a weapon, in that all it does is waste ammo, better to take a rifle, and adopt a one shot, one kill methodology. In which case the bolt action thirty ought six will allow for less ammo consumption (make every round count) and more horrifying effects.

A group of sharpshooters is more deadly on a battlefield than a group of regular infantry. (in general.)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im just saying being able to shoot proficiently and use cover and not continually fire from the same point of origin is paramount to survival in a violent confrontation be it whatever rifle thats being used. an olympic shooter witha .22lr is much deadlier than a bafoon with an assault rifle unfortunately lawmakers dont understand this simple fact and make uninformed laws accordingly.


Well-Known Member
We're being outflanked by the grabbers. If you can't seize the guns right away, go after the ammunition.
From now on, remanufacturers of military brass will not be able to buy surplus brass from DOD--actually from Government Liquidators, llc.--the corporation that sells surplus materials for the U.S. government. At least, not in any form recognizable as once-fired brass ammunition.

Now all brass ammunition will have to be shredded, and sold as scrap.

Georgia Arms, who brought this to our attention, is the 5th largest ammunition manufacturer of centerfire pistol and rifle ammunition in the U.S.

"We're right up there behind Hornady," Larry Haynie told me.

He also told me with the cancellation of his contract to purchase this brass, and the ending of his ability to purchase any more expended military ammunition, he will have to severely curtail his operation--laying off approximately half his 60-person work force.

Haynie further pointed out this move is a stupendous waste of taxpayer money--reducing the worth of the brass some 80%--from casings, to shredded bulk brass.

He stated most of this will now go to foundries where it will be melted down, cast in shippable forms, and likely be sold to China, one of the largest purchasers of U.S. metals on the open market.

Haynie was manufacturing over 1 million rounds of .223 ammunition every month, which he sold on the civilian market to resellers, and to law enforcement agencies across the country.

He will start tomorrow sending cancellations of orders for .223 to law enforcement agencies all over the country.

You can expect this to affect every bullet you purchase in the future--with no reloaded ammunition available, the already strained new manufacturers will be unable to meet demand.
They are already turning out everything they can build for the military market. The civilian market is stressed to the point even reloading components have become hard to find.

Now, with this hit, ammunition prices will go through the roof in the next year.

Your quality piece, sitting in your gun rack, will become a very expensive wood and steel, or plastic and steel club.


Well-Known Member
too bad our forefathers didnt have the sight to put in protections on ammo too in the constitution.. maybe it woulda slowed these fucking asshole politician cock gobblers down


Well-Known Member
too bad our forefathers didnt have the sight to put in protections on ammo too in the constitution.. maybe it woulda slowed these fucking asshole politician cock gobblers down
Who would assume that the government would be ran by imbeciles that would some how conclude that ammo is not covered by the 2nd amendment?

It isn't a matter of a failure to put protections on ammo in the Constitution, it is an effort by the fucking asshole politician cock gobblers to violate the spirit of the Constitution while obeying the letter.


Well-Known Member
Who would assume that the government would be ran by imbeciles that would some how conclude that ammo is not covered by the 2nd amendment?

It isn't a matter of a failure to put protections on ammo in the Constitution, it is an effort by the fucking asshole politician cock gobblers to violate the spirit of the Constitution while obeying the letter.

well, the framers assumed that the government would be ran by power hungry fucking asshole politician cock gobblers, which is why they created the constitution in the first place.. to protect the citizens from power, which corrupted every other government in the history of the human race..

and they probably would have put ammo in there if at the time, people didnt make their own ammo from melting down and forming metals.

and i know its not a failure of our forefathers to add in these protections, because the way the constitution has been constructed, has made it particularly difficult to disassemble over the years, however power corrupts absolutely, and those in power will always find a way to claim more..

hell now a days they arent even worried about side stepping the constitution, they (fucking asshole politician cock gobblers) are using it to wipe the cum off their lips, shredding it up and burning it while we watch


New Member
We're being outflanked by the grabbers. If you can't seize the guns right away, go after the ammunition.
That's one reason I opted for an AK/SK47 type weapon, Ammo availability. It is very available from all over the world, the peoples weapon. In Nam, grunts would pick up AK's and ammo from dead charlies and stash their M-16 in their tent. The russians make a real nice hollow point round for the AK, real cheap also. about 1/3 the price of .223 ammo. You can buy 500 rd. bricks at gun shows for about $100.00, sometimes cheaper. May have gone up in the last few years, havent bought any in a while.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah i use to get 7.62*39mm real cheap military ammo smelt copper hollowpoint with a steel alloy casing. the only bad thing is since there a smelt round they make sparks and start fires so most ranges dont let you shoot them and i dont think you can reload those steel alloy shells. reliable cheap ammo though.


New Member
yeah i use to get 7.62*39mm real cheap military ammo smelt copper hollowpoint with a steel alloy casing. the only bad thing is since there a smelt round they make sparks and start fires so most ranges dont let you shoot them and i dont think you can reload those steel alloy shells. reliable cheap ammo though.
I doubt I'll be doing any animal hunting unless I need to kill something to feed my family once we escape into the wilderness to avoid the chaos in the city. I see the ammo as strictly for self defense against a large group of people such as gang members or cops, not too worried about starting any fires here in the desert. The Russians call this hunting ammo, so I doubt they start many fires in Russia or they would be outlawed, No? I have gone to an indoor range with them and had no opposition to them. They look like CJHP ammo to me. I know the cops really don't like the AKs or the .223 ammo, Vest penetrating ammo for sure, pretty much any modern rifle ammo will penetrate cops vests, scary for them. Reloads, why bother when the ammo is so cheap, unless, one can no longer buy the ammo. I figure my 500 rd. brick will last me untill the end of my life. Hopefully, I'll never need to employ that many rounds.


Well-Known Member
well, the framers assumed that the government would be ran by power hungry fucking asshole politician cock gobblers, which is why they created the constitution in the first place.. to protect the citizens from power, which corrupted every other government in the history of the human race..

and they probably would have put ammo in there if at the time, people didnt make their own ammo from melting down and forming metals.

and i know its not a failure of our forefathers to add in these protections, because the way the constitution has been constructed, has made it particularly difficult to disassemble over the years, however power corrupts absolutely, and those in power will always find a way to claim more..

hell now a days they arent even worried about side stepping the constitution, they (fucking asshole politician cock gobblers) are using it to wipe the cum off their lips, shredding it up and burning it while we watch


power corrupts absolutely, which is why I don't want it, I just don't want to give it to any one else to exercise over me.