drop some knowledge on me

I have 2 plants. one is almost 1month old from clone and the other is 3wks from clone. Both are pretty healthy but the stems are still really thin.anything i can do to help them develop stronger thicker stems?

by the way I am growing with cfl's
really? I got a fan blowin on them rite now. should i set the fan to blow harder? someone told me molasses would help. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
definitely put some strong wind on them. use an oscillating fan if possible. lst like a bitch. i was able to get good looking plants with cfls like this.


Active Member
molases is added during the last couple weeks of flower to add carbs for the buds. Wind, light, proper nutes, and snapping the stem at ground level are good for getting THICK stems.
Nice i will def get the fan on heavier. I have 6 27w (100w eq) at 6500k and 2 more 2700k at the base of the plant. 8 total is that good enough?