**Mysterious Report : Leaves Missing Off My Plants**


Active Member
I woke up about four days ago to find many leaves on my plant gone!

People have told me that the deer will munch out on my plant; so I found a solution, peeing around the perimeter of the plants. Somehow I convienced my brother and my dad to instead of pissing in the toliet, to piss into a container. So as of last night I had two milk cartons full of piss, and I dumped it around my plants.


I woke up THIS morning to find straight up a baby deer passed out next to my fucking plant, bloodshot eyes, completely out. Oh and as for my plant, yup, more leaves missing.

Duddde, I figured the pee would work and I guess it did for about an hour or two, because once I looked at the deers mouth I found an apple!

Yup, and theres a crab apple tree in my yard, directly next to my plant.

So theres no keeping these deers away, unless, ohhhh unless.

I do some paul bunyon shit and copped those trees down.

And for the morale of the story is; thank god you have two plants, completely apart from eachother in different locations.

So instead of having a plant for selling and a plant for the dome.

Theres now just a plant for the dome.