First CFL grow


Active Member
Have you considered any training on your plant? I think CFLs are excellent for LST and SCrOG techniques because they open up the plant and really let you get the bulb right down in there.
Sounds interesting - when should i start LST and do you know any good guides i can check out. Im not familiar with SCrOG?

This plant is just an experiment - i grow vegetables all the time but never tried cannabis so i thought i would give it a go - so far so good. But im wiling to try anything on this plant.


Active Member
Good Start Timmy! bt u should really get sum 6500K bulbs.
& wat type of soil are u using?
I am using alltreat farms potting soil with slow release fertilizer (i known this is bad news but so far haven't had problems) I can't find any 6500k bulbs so i got some 5500k (i think thats what they are). I started the seeds in paper towels then planted into jiffycubes(a bad idea from what i have read but have yet to see ab ill-effects) resting in water of about 6.5PH and some high P fertilizer. Then i put it into a margarine container with the alltreat soil with appropriate drainage holes.

I plan on moving it into a bigger pot in a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Ok good because theses roots grow VERY fast.
Take a look at the drainage holes u made & if u see the roots u should switch pots 2day


Active Member
Ok good because theses roots grow VERY fast.
Take a look at the drainage holes u made & if u see the roots u should switch pots 2day
No roots yet but while checking i noticed a faint odor coming from the plant - im concerned that as the days go on it will start to really stink. Should i be worried about this if its just one plant?


New Member
I am using alltreat farms potting soil with slow release fertilizer (i known this is bad news but so far haven't had problems) I can't find any 6500k bulbs so i got some 5500k (i think thats what they are). I started the seeds in paper towels then planted into jiffycubes(a bad idea from what i have read but have yet to see ab ill-effects) resting in water of about 6.5PH and some high P fertilizer. Then i put it into a margarine container with the alltreat soil with appropriate drainage holes.

I plan on moving it into a bigger pot in a week or two.

ya u wont be able to find 6500K bulbs unless u look online im pretty sure. i use 5500k. thats daylight bulbs...but the more the the better im now runnin 12(23 watt 5550k) bulbs. I have 7 plants and they are working great. if ur serious bout this get urself some mylar i got some HERE, for 30 bucks for 25 feet. and it does wonders. seems like it basically doubles my light...from lookin at ur pics tho it looks like ur plants arent growin a whole lot vertically. so try movin the lights up alil so the plants stretch toward the light. looks good tho man. jus remember 5500-6500k is for veg and 2500-4k is for flowering. and try not to overwater. i tell u this from experience lol. i overwatered like a motherfuker and it almost killed them lol.


Well-Known Member
Sounds interesting - when should i start LST and do you know any good guides i can check out. Im not familiar with SCrOG?

This plant is just an experiment - i grow vegetables all the time but never tried cannabis so i thought i would give it a go - so far so good. But im wiling to try anything on this plant.
LST = Low Stress Training. Basically you tie the plant down to the pot as it grows to keep it's height low and open it's lower growth up to the light.

ScrOG = Screen of Green. You use some kinda screen, like outta chicken wire or a baker's cooling rack with big enough holes in the mesh. You bend the plant as it grows such that it fills up the screen with one stalk/bud per hole. Again the goal is to keep a nice, low, even canopy to maximize light exposure.

Just check out the Grow FAQs on this site, they're easy to find and have a lot of great information.


Active Member
ya u wont be able to find 6500K bulbs unless u look online im pretty sure. i use 5500k. thats daylight bulbs...but the more the the better im now runnin 12(23 watt 5550k) bulbs. I have 7 plants and they are working great. if ur serious bout this get urself some mylar i got some HERE, for 30 bucks for 25 feet. and it does wonders. seems like it basically doubles my light...from lookin at ur pics tho it looks like ur plants arent growin a whole lot vertically. so try movin the lights up alil so the plants stretch toward the light. looks good tho man. jus remember 5500-6500k is for veg and 2500-4k is for flowering. and try not to overwater. i tell u this from experience lol. i overwatered like a motherfuker and it almost killed them lol.

I thought that bulbs in the 3k-4k range were no good for flowering or veg? swear i read that somewhere. :p :)

No roots yet but while checking i noticed a faint odor coming from the plant - im concerned that as the days go on it will start to really stink. Should i be worried about this if its just one plant?
MJ will almost always give a musty type odor when its being veg'd.


New Member
u were right. i hit stop as soon as i could but it already posted lol. went and double checked and ur right its 2700-3k. 3k-4k doesnt do shit. thx for correctin me ur right


Active Member
u were right. i hit stop as soon as i could but it already posted lol. went and double checked and ur right its 2700-3k. 3k-4k doesnt do shit. thx for correctin me ur right
Yeah i don't have any 3-4k. Is it a disadvantage if my plant is short and busy? I don't understand why it has to be so tall. As for the smell, it smells like a tomato plant! I'll be posting the pictures from today's growth tomorrow morning. If i wait one more week and put it into the 12/12 cycle what would the smell be like? its not a big problem its just something i have to look at fixing when i start a bigger grow.


Active Member
I was just checking some threads for info on LST and found something interesting- Is it possible to tell the type of plant from the seed? there was one thread where the seeds for a Northern Lights plant was small and the seed that i germinated was small - so small i thought it wasn't gonna grow.

Does this make any sense?


Active Member
I personaly prefer to keep them as short and compact as possible. It's all up to your pref and what your going to do with it. The closer your lights are the thicker your plants going to be, the farther away your light is the more tall stretched it will become. (mind you that this is never always the case. some strains like to bulk up some light to aim for the clouds. )

The smell during flowering is also dependent on what you are growing :(

There is really no way to tell what strain you have from a seed (yes there are charts and people who swear up and down that they can do it. To those I say heres 1 blueberry seed in a bag with 100 bag seeds, you get to pick only 1.)

(actually I can't remember what seedbank it was but I swear i remember one that sold certain strains that had colored seeds?)


Well-Known Member
I was just checking some threads for info on LST and found something interesting- Is it possible to tell the type of plant from the seed? there was one thread where the seeds for a Northern Lights plant was small and the seed that i germinated was small - so small i thought it wasn't gonna grow.

Does this make any sense?
There is no verified way to tell sex from seed...a few rumors but nothing definitive as far as I'm aware.

But your seed being small would go a long way towards explaining your slow growth as well. Even an garden tuned to optimum efficiency will turn out chinzy plants with bad seeds.

Your weed is only as good as it's genetics.

Next time around, look for a good, fat seed with a dark brownish-green color and those "tiger stripes" mature seeds get.

As far as LST goes, what I do is use bread ties. Hook one end over the branch, hook the other end under the lip of the pot. I also start kinda loose and tighten them down over a couple of days. As it grows taller, another bread tie lashes down the new tops in a spiral around the plant. It takes some maintainence, so it's not a lazy man's solution, but it turns out some beautiful bonsai bushes.

If you've ever bought a bag and some of the stems had a 90 degree bend in them, that herb was likely ScrOG'd or LST'd.


My reading has lead me to believe that the optimum vegitative growth lighting schedual is not 24/0 as some is 20 hours of light and 4 hours of dark. The plant really benifits from the down time for root development, but more than 4 hours of darkness either does nothing or gives rapidly diminishing returns such that you're better off giving it more light time than dark time, ie. root development slows enough that you're wasting time with it and should just get on with leaf/bud growth.


Active Member
Lst sounds like a good idea, as it gets bushier i will start tying down the branches as was suggested.
The 20/4 sounds interesting and makes sense because in the wild they have a night and day cycle. Perhaps on my next grow i will do this and will document any changes from a standard 24/0 grow.
Here are two pictures, one close up and one showing the entire plant.


When can i start taking clones? and when can i start LST?



Well-Known Member
it is a bit low but its not out of the ordinary... dont worry if it looks small if u dont check on it for a week the growth will suprise you.
good luck