WOW! Developed new strains.

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Well-Known Member
I counted 6 nodes with the 7th on its way out in the span of 6 inch's. (Yes I pulled out a tape measure and did measure it.)

And I do not top my plants. If nature doesn't do it, I don't do it.

I personally grow in soil because it is easy and cheap to maintain. I also use a combination of HPS, CFL, T5's and standard Flouro's to get the job done. All in all I have around 600 Watts of lighting power in my cabinet.

Considering the fact that you have absolutely Zero rep, Less then 300 posts I'm going to go ahead and say you are a troll.


New Member
Well I'm more than done dealing with your gay antics... Look at that age this is what your plant should look like (Insert picture of pathetic seeding here) yours is taller and has more nodes, and more tops at a week younger, You need to grow like me dude you dont know what your doing... LOL YOU GUYS ARE SO LAME!


man your getting ripped pretty hard. I dont get it. This guy isnt trying to brag about having the next CC or anything. Hes just saying that he got a ton of seeds from an accidental pollination and offering them to members of this site. I think its a pretty cool idea. Even if the plants turn out to be crap how bad can it be. Idk i would be willing to get a free bag and grow some to see how they turn out. Worst comes to worst i scrap the plant, but it could have potential to be a sweet grow, and i think it would be cool if different members tried out his seeds. If they work and make a great plant than congrats if not well it would still be a cool thing to watch happen. But i dont think there is a need to completely thrash this guy for offering members free seeds.


New Member
Wow, dude, just, WOW! I said i use HPS too, but failed to say how many Watts, I'm just gonna say sence you used 400 that i have 600W all together. Wow, man you are a jackass! Look at 2 weeks you should have a seedling i dont understand aeroponics grows faster and guess what mine is un-topped, it just grew multipul tops because it has good genetics wared you buy your WW ( the lamest seedshop on the net? Don't even answer that I'm just gonna say your right you win just GTF off my thread unless you wanna get owned again you noob bitch.
No journal, but I do have some pictures, and she was vary lovely. Just beautiful, I mean the crystals just fell off the buds while i broke it up, lol all my plants gave me some amazing bud. I still have some of it. I harvested 2.5 pounds including seed weight off 6 females and 2 males. I didn't harvest the males though they made me some hash. (not that much either)
Dude I'd love it if you hit me up with some free seeds. Will PM you.

Brick Top

New Member
Yes, your right they are vary unlikely but just a second ago you wanted to say my seeds would all be retarded, and now your like "do you know the chances of that" STFU!

You really do lack reading comprehension skills, don’t you? When I said what are the odds I was clearly talking about the genetics I have purchased that you claimed had a chance to be; "retarded." I was not in any way speaking about your FUBAR genetics so what you said was totally illogical.

Like I promissed i just went and took a picture

If that straggly anorexic plant is an example of what you are claiming to be quality genetics you desperately need to be exposed to some quality genetics so you will then be able to know the difference.
I most sincerely hope that plant in the picture you posted is not something you accidentally created or grew because it is one of the very most pathetic plants I have ever seen in my life. That thing is an Auschwitz-inmate plant.

yes the date on my camera is wrong,

After seeing that picture I can tell you that there is way more wrong than just the date on your camera.

I can do that want me to put a pepsi can next to it i can do that tell me to put something next to it

If you want to make that stretchy skinny-mini to look good you had better put a toothpick up next to it for a comparison.

ill take a new picture thats from a seed off my WW female. It's 2 weeks old and it's a healthy none mutated female...

Sure, and Jimi Hendrix is alive and well living on a luxurious South Pacific island with Elvis and Mama Cass.

Brick Top

New Member
What the fuck is this poor sad excuse for a plant?

I have read this entire thread and am severely disappointing in some of the members we have. Giving out your personal information to a complete stranger who has absolutely ZERO rep and is promising the world for free? Come the fuck on here people. Show some common fucking sense.

You all make me weep for the future.

Amen brother!


Well-Known Member
He's not being ripped for offering free seeds. He's being ripped because he thinks he's king shit and his shit is the greatest. He outright said his seeds had better genetics then the seed banks online (Attitude specifically.) He then posted a picture of his "Monster Bitch" and it is nothing more then a stretched out pile of shit. Pure and simple. If he had shown me a heavily crystallized 3 pound cola off an indoor grow I may have been more inclined to believe his story. However, given the evidence provided and his lack of common courtesy this guy can go fuck himself with his twiggy 3 foot stretched sad ass excuse for a marijuana plant.


New Member
Well, I was just trying to be nice to the members of RIO, but these faggots dont understand that with different set-ups the same plant can look really different I let my plants grow tall because I like haveing tall plants You counted 7 nodes you can see, I hate to tell you thats the top half of the plant, but that's the top half of the plant... It's still bushy then a MOFO! If you dont think so i dont know how many times i got to tell you GO BLOG ABOUT IT! I'm sick of hearing about what you guys think you know, I've grown WW before so there for i know what your plant should look like at that age, well it's not fucking WW you moron it's a cross, and do you see retarded leaves? NO YOU DONT! Why? IDK maybe because It's a stable cross breed who care's if you don't like the way i grow my weed, again BLOG ABOUT IT! tell your assramming friends on facebook or something IDC, but I dont want to hear your opinions on my strain okay? I didn't say OPINIONS WELLCOMED! Or PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! I said the exact opposit so just STFU and grow up! I try to help the fellow grower out and I get flamed? TRUCK YOU GUYS! You have never grown any of the strains I have to offer, I was never asking for anything from you so dont trucking flame me mothertruckers.

Brick Top

New Member
look one inch down the right side of the stem, you see that long ass pistol?

Hey breeding expert, the word is pistil.

A pistol is something you should use to put that poor pathetic pitiful creature from the black lagoon's claw-like looking thing out of its misery.


Well-Known Member
I will list for you what my grow room (2 foot by 2 foot by 7 feet) consists of:

1 - 150 Watt (2200k) HPS.
2 - 4 Foot 54 Watt (6500k) T5's
8 - 26 Watt (6500k) CFL's (I plan to switch these to 8 - 26 Watt 2200k CFL's when flowering comes)
4 - 2 Foot 17 Watt (7800k) Flouro tubes.


Well-Known Member
Well squirrel, this was the only way i could figure out to show ya what im going to be workin with since i couldnt do it through the msg
1st is just the entry. 2nd is the veg chamber, holds 8 plants and 1 mother plant. Also has tray for clones. 135w cfl for veg.
3rd is flower chamber. c02 enriched, 400w hps. holds 6 plants. fox farm brow big tiger bloom beastie bloomz botanicare pure blend Pro bloom 2.5 2 5. air pumps, oh yea, and its all ran on a computer. i dont think it gets easier than that :hump:



New Member
look I'm going to post something that would equil about 600W, because that's how much I said I had earlyer... Post Pics or GTFO!


New Member
Well squirrel, this was the only way i could figure out to show ya what im going to be workin with since i couldnt do it through the msg
1st is just the entry. 2nd is the veg chamber, holds 8 plants and 1 mother plant. Also has tray for clones. 135w cfl for veg.
3rd is flower chamber. c02 enriched, 400w hps. holds 6 plants. fox farm brow big tiger bloom beastie bloomz botanicare pure blend Pro bloom 2.5 2 5. air pumps, oh yea, and its all ran on a computer. i dont think it gets easier than that :hump:
Awesome that's like about my settup right there, sept mines areo, and I use cheaper nutes. lol that's still good though I will be happy to watch your grow. If my account dont get banned from me talking shit to these lame ass mofos that don't know what they're talking about i think it's funny that they all come here to gang up on me lol. Like I'm a bad person for giving away free shit when was the last time they gave anybody anything? Never because they only care about them selves and they would rather be ass holes. I'm so mad right now i cant beleive our country future generations act like spoiled little school girls. :(, but you're going to be happy with your seeds, because If it gets lankey you will get flamed by everyone with there little seedlings. lol a 2 week old plant bigger than the plants they harvest prolly and the want to talk shit... I have more leaves on my plant (picture of seedling with maybe 8 leaves on it) ( like leaves are what you want anyway) lol what idiots...


New Member
Hey breeding expert, the word is pistil.

A pistol is something you should use to put that poor pathetic pitiful creature from the black lagoon's claw-like looking thing out of its misery.

Hey idiot what happened to " I dont care how you spell and I haven't been pointing out your spelling mistakes" well you spoke a little to soon huh? trucking ass clown..

Brick Top

New Member
This guy isnt trying to brag about having the next CC or anything. Hes just saying that he got a ton of seeds from an accidental pollination and offering them to members of this site.

No, that is not true. He has called his FUBAR strain(s) quality genetics and by posting the picture of his FUBAR genetics he has proven that it/they have terrible traits, that or he does not have a clue how to grow and has a terrible setup, because that plant is as pathetic looking and as hideous looking of a plant as I have ever seen. He has tried to spin that incredibly stretched Olive Oyl plant into being something it is not and that it never will be. He’s claimed it is anorexic because he did not have a fan that was large enough to use to blow on it. My God, if my cat sneezed on a plant like that he would snap it in two. Who large of a fan does someone need to blow on plants? A common oscillating fan is more than enough to use to blow on plants. It is not like you need some 36 inch 10,000 CFM Patton fan to blow on a twig.
Look at the spacing of the nodes. You could drive a tractor trailer between the nodes and not disturb so much as a single leaf. He’s attempted to spin that into being something good and say how the plant has grown at a rapid rate or one inch a day. Well is ultra wide nodal spacing due to poor genetics something to be considered impressive?
Breeders strive to get as tight of growth as they possible can. No breeders attempt to spread out nodes. It is a highly unwanted trait. That plant will not fill out between the nodes. There is no place for it to fill out. It will not push out new branches or new leaves between the nodes.
He said he uses aeroponics and a 400-watt light. If that is true those are some of the very worst genetics that ever existed because with a setup like that he should have a thick lush full plant and not something that looks like it was just released from Dachau.


New Member
it's like they are all just waiting to reply to every sentence i type that they can think of something clever to say. What do I know about growing, it's not like i wear a tie while tending my garden...


New Member
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