Can I Clone This?


Active Member
Hello everyone. I have this plant, it is 18" tall and 6 weeks old, there are lots of nodes, over 10, but i know that your supposed to take them from the bottomish, but could i clone it from anywhere? and i have stim-root no. 2 semi-hardwood, is this able to work? cuz it seems like weed is semi-hardwood heres the pics



Active Member
Hi - Looks way too small to me to clone. You would have nothing left! It also like she is stretching - try and get the lights a lot closer. I would suggest getting a copy of See More Buds videos 1,2,3. I found torrents for them pretty easily and they are both entertaining and informative. - Good luck! :)


Active Member
Hi - Looks way too small to me to clone. You would have nothing left! It also like she is stretching - try and get the lights a lot closer. I would suggest getting a copy of See More Buds videos 1,2,3. I found torrents for them pretty easily and they are both entertaining and informative. - Good luck! :)
to small? its 18 inches tall! i just wanna know if i got the right rooting hormone and if i can take clones from the top, the very top


Well-Known Member
you can take clones from top. Looks like there isn't much to take? Might/will shock it if you take all the leafs? If it's a bad strain why do you want a clone of it? If your lights were weak and far away may be why it stretched? If you have more seeds try to get a better mother to clone. Again you want more of that plant? Planting 8-10 seeds you will find a few that grow better, faster and are overall much better plants. Thats when you want to clone. If not good luck! Did you give it any nuts? Guess you didn't ask...

By the way...Take your business somewhere else? What? Now thats funny....


Well-Known Member
looked at the pics again. Might want to repot in a bigger pot. Are the roots bound? I see why you want to use the top b/c thats all that has multiple nodes. Let it fill out some...topping would help. good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah the other site is down but there is more info onthis forum. waay stretched are you gonna clone from the entire plant and let that pitiful thing die in piece? I had agrow like that and it gave me 2 grams dry. i enjoy growing just grow something but you sound wound up chill, and be cool man.


Active Member
yeah the other site is down but there is more info onthis forum. waay stretched are you gonna clone from the entire plant and let that pitiful thing die in piece? I had agrow like that and it gave me 2 grams dry. i enjoy growing just grow something but you sound wound up chill, and be cool man.
so ill kill this plant if i try to clone it? cuz in know this plant is streched, and it smells powerful, i want to have a better looking plant thats the purpose of cloning