Question about mollases please help

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Hi im 4 weeks in to flowering i have 1 white widdow and 3 big buddha cheese i was told if i use mollases it will make the buds bigger up to 25% is this true. i also didnt know if u had to use it constantly or just a couple of times can anyone help thanks widdow.



Well-Known Member
go 1teaspoon unsulfered mollassas per gallon every other feeding. continue use at that rate after flush till u chop


Well-Known Member
shouldnt mess w. ur ph or careful if ur hydro tho for sure..dont wanna clog nothing up right? soil grow im asssuming? yes it helps.


Well-Known Member
shouldnt mess w. ur ph or careful if ur hydro tho for sure..dont wanna clog nothing up right? soil grow im asssuming? yes it helps.
no molasses in hydro unless you want a mess.

the sugars/carbs in the molasses is good for the plants.

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
thanks guys im growing in cocco fibre i have mollases in my cupboard but its soft sugar or should i buy it liqiud thanks widdow


Well-Known Member
if you are hand watering i think you should be all good in the coco boss.

i don't know what kind of molasses... i've heard blackstrap & grnadmas....

I use botanicare sweet in my rezies...

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
thanks for the info also im trying to get co2 in my grow room someone told me if i add yeast and sugar to a 2 litre coke bottle and fill with water and put a straw sized hole in the lid it will release co2 for a couple of weeks have you heard of this thanks widdow


Well-Known Member
you'll get minimal co2 out of that. better than nothing i guess. super ghetto. bet it smells great.
what kind of light are you giving your plants? how big is your flower room?

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
my grow room is approx 6 x 4 im using 600 watt sumaster grow lamp im gonna take some more photos of my progress so far keep an eye on this space im gonna have a wicked first grow thanks widow


I've used molasses a few times. If you are using synthetic fertilizer, it will help in the bulking process. If you are using non-synthetic fertilizer, if will just make it taste better. If there is a difference in size with the non-synthetic fertilizer, it isn't much. I am not a huge fan of non-synthetic fertilizer. They are inefficient and for insipid fruit, and have an extremely high risk of forming e. coli and other coliforms, not to mention the increased risk of pests.
You would be better off spending the $20.00 and getting a quart of Sweet or Citrus.