useing alot of power? this will help the bill!!

hay guys and gals ......... i recently toke a gamble and got this unit from plug n save and it works great!!!! at first i was really just thinking that i was throwing my money away to some one in thailand..... but come to find out it's the real deal and it's legal!!! they have a seletion of powrsaver units for sale. i got the one that saves 375 kwh which is the smallest that they sale. and at the time i was only run n 400s..... so now i jumped up to 1000s and went got ther biggest one that saves 2500 kwh and my eletr bill has dropped in half. and just a little more info....i had a power serge last friday nite..actually the hole neibhood got it and my room didn't skipp a beat of being on, but the rest of my house turned off and then back on. which as we all know that it's not good at all to restrike a hot bulb or ballsts. so i just wanted to let people know about it cause i have seen some posts on the net else wer about this company and it's not true. plus they back by a 90 day money back ganrt. which gives plenty of time for you to see ur bill drop. the web cite explains way more though. and actully my first unit was destoyed by homeland sec and i emailed martin (owner) of plug n save and he sent me another one no charge. he stands by his word and units. tired of ur ele bill......... mite want tocheck into this.


Well-Known Member
1. you didnt even mention what the device is, or if you did, its encrypted.
2. you didnt mention where to get it other than thailand.
3. your grammar and spelling is terrible, i can usually understand internet talk, but this is horrendous.

im sure if you went through and made a sensible post people might rep you as whatever the hell your talking about sounds like it might be worth looking in to.
1. you didnt even mention what the device is, or if you did, its encrypted.
2. you didnt mention where to get it other than thailand.
3. your grammar and spelling is terrible, i can usually understand internet talk, but this is horrendous.

im sure if you went through and made a sensible post people might rep you as whatever the hell your talking about sounds like it might be worth looking in to.
news flash!!! i know how i typed it. i don't care. and 2 plug n it was in ther.


Active Member
That beacuse it is simply called a "powersaver" or plug n saver, i thought it was quite apparent what he meant lol maybe im stoned too just like him (and everyone else here duh) and i checked out the site, seems legitamate and correct in its info on electricity, if i had the cash, i would order one (though not for my grow more for my house).


Well-Known Member
I don't see how this device saves you any power. It says it eliminates power spikes and acts like a power regulator. In order for such a device to work it would have to be installed BEFORE the power enters your home or BEFORE the power meter. Once it enters your home simply plugging one device into your wall and another device into that isn't going to do the trick. I can see how a device like this can help make appliances last longer. I have a similar device for my home entertainment system made by Monster.

HTS 1600

All in all I say its a scam.


Active Member
Its like a giant surge protector, it absorbs the spikes as they come in before it can charge you by going through the meter on the circuit as long as it is on the circuit, it should have no problem doing what they show you it does in the video.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how that is possible. Maybe an electrician could explain this to me. I simply refuse to take this at face value. And because they don't show how there system is wired it makes it even harder to believe.
I don't see how that is possible. Maybe an electrician could explain this to me. I simply refuse to take this at face value. And because they don't show how there system is wired it makes it even harder to believe.

you can hard wire it in or have it regulate the circut that has alot of power run n on it. i really didnt thin k it was gonna work but after last friday nite i'm sold. i was standing in ther everything on...mix n up my soup for flowering and my house turned off except the room itself. i'm gonna try and put a pic of it on here. one sec


Active Member
That beacuse it is simply called a "powersaver" or plug n saver, i thought it was quite apparent what he meant lol maybe im stoned too just like him (and everyone else here duh) and i checked out the site, seems legitamate and correct in its info on electricity, if i had the cash, i would order one (though not for my grow more for my house).
Being stoned is no excuse for being stupid.


Active Member
Being stoned is no excuse for being stupid.
and may i ask your excuse for being a dumb ass and just a plain ass as well, where do you get off telling other people how intelligent they are, and yes, being stoned make you a LITTLE stupid sometimes if thats how you want to put it

ps whats your excuse for being an immature prick

/rant :peace:


Well-Known Member
I just checked the site out, and it seems to be legit, I don't see how it could do anything but help the situation out. Anyways thats my 2 cents, i will probably be investing in one in the very near future.


Well-Known Member
read the links in my second post before spending your money! atleast then u can make an informed decision to waste your money.


Well-Known Member
I just checked the site out, and it seems to be legit, I don't see how it could do anything but help the situation out. Anyways thats my 2 cents, i will probably be investing in one in the very near future.
How can you possibly take this at face value. I swear the stupidity around here is running rampant. (Please do not take this as an insult Droski, I am simply wondering how you could POSSIBLY look at that site and say it looks "legit")

I could take a shit in a box, wire it up using some trick wiring and make a meter slow down. You should always question everything. Always.
How can you possibly take this at face value. I swear the stupidity around here is running rampant. (Please do not take this as an insult Droski, I am simply wondering how you could POSSIBLY look at that site and say it looks "legit")

I could take a shit in a box, wire it up using some trick wiring and make a meter slow down. You should always question everything. Always.

lolololololol you guys got me laugh n my ass off right now!! listening to u is funny. i thought wer all for to against the system. but wat ever take it as you want it. don't hurt my feelings cause i don't have any. lost those years ago. but i totaly agree with all of you, when i saw that web site...i was like this guy is making bank on stupid ass people. but i thought ya know how much money has been stole n from me in this counrty from my great goverment. wel f it why not and throw away a couple hun to see what happens. and i did......... but it turned out that my bill went down and the warnty works. so some of u can bash me......big deal...... ur wasting time to type that in lololol thats awsome. any how if u feel like u need to keep paying that 5 hun plus ele bill by all means injoy!!! lol