i blew some vapour in my cats face....


Well-Known Member
I think as long as you don't hold the animal down and force it to inhale the smoke, it's fine. If they don't like it they'll move. My girlfriend's cat will fight to get in the path of the smoke.


Well-Known Member
I've got a dog and two cats. I've gotten my dog and one of my cats before. I know my dog doesn't like it because everytime he's in my room and I light up he runs out. I'm not really sure how my one cat liked it, but I know she got really horny I guess. she wouldn't stop meowing and rubbing against my legs and "presenting". very weird, and I don't want to get her high again. not sure if I want to do that to my other cat. I probably wouldn't be able to since she doesn't like people much and is always outside. I feel bad blowing smoke in my animal's way anyway...


Active Member
It's fine, I blew smoke into my 6 year old's face and now I'm doing 10 years.

I blew some smoke into my dogs face, did a few big hits towards his direction... He actually didnt move, I started it because he was sitting on my buddys lap - he just licked the air a little bit and layed back down each time

And then he was really blazed, it was fucking hilarious... he was going through the same stages as me and my friend

Fist he was confused...
Then he figured it out and chilled with us
Then we go get food from the other room and come back and hes munchin hard in his food bowl
then he just sort of layed down for a while and hung out

he was baked for a few hours and he seemed to be cool about it

havent done it since though


Well-Known Member
i had a dog that would run up to me and beg every time i smoked, the fucker would not leave my ass alone untill i blew him a nice hit into his snout lol

he was a great little guy. But that fool would beg and anoidly bark at me till i shared the wealth:joint:

ooooh sparky my cute little sparky. He was my first dog. Then i got panda bear and she was an opinionated little bitch. She wasnt into the the toking at all

oooooh panda my cute little panda, she was my second dog. Then i got brutus my bone crunching killer gaurd dog bullmastiff. I blew a hit at him last night to get his big ass of my lap. He dipped as soon as he saw the smoke.

but i dont wanna even see if he likes gettin high cuz what use is a guard if hes baked all the time.

ooooh brutus my cute little brutus, he was my thir................j/k:joint:

but man that fucker is such a good gaurd dog that no matter what room he is in he always sleeps right against the door. Like if anyone wants to enter the house they literally will have to push him outa the way. If my wife sleeps in the bedroom the dog will sleep right outside the door blocking it from anyone. Its sick
i love brutus!!!!


Well-Known Member
Gogrow has a good point. They give ketamine to animals all the time, you snort a rail of that and your fucked right up. I dont think a hit is gonna do any harm to your pet. I dont really however think its good to hold an animal and blow it smoke. If it wants it thats cool, but let it have a choice.


Well-Known Member
Man! I can call one of my cats by just takeing a smokeing paper out of the packet noisily.... I think he loves smokeing even better than me....
He preffers the smoke that drifts from the joint rather than exhaled smoke...


Active Member
Gogrow has a good point. They give ketamine to animals all the time, you snort a rail of that and your fucked right up. I dont think a hit is gonna do any harm to your pet. I dont really however think its good to hold an animal and blow it smoke. If it wants it thats cool, but let it have a choice.
As odd as it may sounds it is true the inhalation of marijuana to cats and dogs is deadly as they might have preference on whether or not they care for it doesn't mean it's not deadly. Cigs are deadly but people still smoke them. It's somewhat the same except for the fact that these are simple animals. My ex was actually a vet tech and she always told me stories about once a month about how a cat or dog had come in having siezures and doctors not knowing why till test were done and confirmed of marijuana inhilation (that i know of 3-4 owners have actually been charged with animal cruelty in my county for this over the past year). I'm not completely clear but it's not only the thc that is damaging but some of the other chemicals as well although thc is the major contributor to the damage. I've never been one for people doing this, I'm more leniant with it though unlike my ex she'd go insane at the thought of it. I just don't want to see some completely oblivious pothead out there killing one of his pets every year because he think's his dog/cat would enjoy getting smoked out with him/her every time he torches up a bowl. :peace:


As odd as it may sounds it is true the inhalation of marijuana to cats and dogs is deadly as they might have preference on whether or not they care for it doesn't mean it's not deadly. Cigs are deadly but people still smoke them. It's somewhat the same except for the fact that these are simple animals. My ex was actually a vet tech and she always told me stories about once a month about how a cat or dog had come in having siezures and doctors not knowing why till test were done and confirmed of marijuana inhilation (that i know of 3-4 owners have actually been charged with animal cruelty in my county for this over the past year). I'm not completely clear but it's not only the thc that is damaging but some of the other chemicals as well although thc is the major contributor to the damage. I've never been one for people doing this, I'm more leniant with it though unlike my ex she'd go insane at the thought of it. I just don't want to see some completely oblivious pothead out there killing one of his pets every year because he think's his dog/cat would enjoy getting smoked out with him/her every time he torches up a bowl. :peace:

im not taking up for it... but i would wager that these people (that KILLED their animals with weed) were making their animals inhale outrageous amounts of smoke, thinking it "will be funny".... much different than casually blowing a hit their way

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya you gotta keep in mind how much smaller these animals are usually so u should never give them more than a puff or 2, too much could fuck them up, i mean look at the videos of high dogs on utube some are very disturbing i saw one last night where the person with the camera was all laughing at the dog and the dog was really wacked out u could tell it wasnt funny


Well-Known Member
As odd as it may sounds it is true the inhalation of marijuana to cats and dogs is deadly as they might have preference on whether or not they care for it doesn't mean it's not deadly. Cigs are deadly but people still smoke them. It's somewhat the same except for the fact that these are simple animals. My ex was actually a vet tech and she always told me stories about once a month about how a cat or dog had come in having siezures and doctors not knowing why till test were done and confirmed of marijuana inhilation (that i know of 3-4 owners have actually been charged with animal cruelty in my county for this over the past year). I'm not completely clear but it's not only the thc that is damaging but some of the other chemicals as well although thc is the major contributor to the damage. I've never been one for people doing this, I'm more leniant with it though unlike my ex she'd go insane at the thought of it. I just don't want to see some completely oblivious pothead out there killing one of his pets every year because he think's his dog/cat would enjoy getting smoked out with him/her every time he torches up a bowl. :peace:
Once again, one hit is not going to kill it. Im not advocating smoking out your pet. But weed is non toxic, its not going to kill your pet. The only way I could see their pet dieing is if you were blowing it retarded amounts of smoke that it couldnt get air. Then its going to harm it. Humans are animals too. The ld-50 of cannabis is absoloutely rediculous to try to reach.