Once again, my apologies for the shitty pics

, no hd camera here, just my phone so please bear with me. The first two are pretty self explainitary... the third is one of the leaves that i've been having problems with for the last little while. It started out as a zinc def. from my ph being too high- over 8! I've got the ph back to around 7. But I've still been having to foliar feed DAILY(wich is scarey) with 1/2tsp of tiger bloom per gal. So far, that seems to be the only thing that's been helping the upper leaves green up again. If i skip the feeding for even just one day, the leaves return to their yellowing between the veins, only on the top of the plant

The last two pics are a few clones. Believe it or not, the scraggliest piece of crap lookin one is the one with the roots, which are now growing out of control! The one rooted clone was actually first put in an expandable peat pellet, after 10 days it got all sorts of white stuff all over it. by then, I had put together a lil bubbler and the peat was hammered so i rinsed off the stem and put herin the bubbler. Next day, roots were definately growin! That's a BIG plus, as I've still yet to hear or see this particulair 'unknown' strain around anywhere and I really would like to be able to keep it goin.