Anybody else having trouble trying to unload their crop?


Well-Known Member
Things were going good there for awhile, but things got really slow.
People are asking for smaller quantities, better deals, and also asking to be put on credit.
My prices are right there with everyone elses, maybe a little cheaper.
Where I live, most people pay 50 - 8th, 350 - Z.
Mine are, 40 - 8th, 300 - Z.
My strains are, Oasis, Northern Lights, Mango, AK-47, and Grand Daddy Purple.
I don't think it's my prices though, I think it's because people are broke...Not sure.
Either way, it's aggravating.
I think I might be getting out of growing sooner than I planned if things don't pick up.
fuck man i wish i could fins sumgood buds i wood pay 400 a oz every1 has nasty brick shit i wont eventouch so i gotta wait til sept to harvestit fuckin sucksass
way to put it out there!

its a combo of the economy and i bet it has to do with where you live.

im a personal grower, but i could drop 10lbs a week in one stop if i had it but i live near chicago and weed sells like happymeals here.

on a side note, what are you doing selling eigths of your growing?!? doesnt sound like the smartest idea in the world.
Im from Australia, and we pay $25AU for an 8th.
Thats about $20US, is it just really cheap here or what?
Im from Australia, and we pay $25AU for an 8th.
Thats about $20US, is it just really cheap here or what?

Its the same in canada, I coudlnt imagine pay more than 25-30 an eighth. Up here though its been pretty damn hard to find deals lately.
way to put it out there!

its a combo of the economy and i bet it has to do with where you live.

im a personal grower, but i could drop 10lbs a week in one stop if i had it but i live near chicago and weed sells like happymeals here.

on a side note, what are you doing selling eigths of your growing?!? doesnt sound like the smartest idea in the world.

I have a perpetual grow, where I harvest about 6-8 Z/ 2 weeks. Every crop is a different strain, and it's not crap. My buds are so damn sticky with crystals, I refuse to bag it up in sandwich bags. I box it up in cigar boxes.
Lately I've had people asking for 8ths. I never used to unload in 8ths. It's was always a 7g or larger.
My regs, who were buying 1-2 Z's are now asking for 7-14g.
I have some people out of state who will take it off my hands for 250 Z. But I hate commuting there due to the risk.
Its the same in canada, I coudlnt imagine pay more than 25-30 an eighth. Up here though its been pretty damn hard to find deals lately.

I've bought that stuff that your talking about for 25-30/ 8th.
It's basically "Brick Weed" or beasters.

Don't compare that Canadien crap with mine. There's no comparison, It's insulting that you even think that.
I've bought that stuff that your talking about for 25-30/ 8th.
It's basically "Brick Weed" or beasters.

Don't compare that Canadien crap with mine. There's no comparison, It's insulting that you even think that.

Your ignorant, Atleast spell Canadian correct. Secondly I do not smoke this "brick weed". Want to know why? Because i dont live beside mexico and brick weed isnt up here. How have you smoked or bought my stuff? Wow you must live close. And when did I once compare your weed with mine. Im sure its good but I sure as hell wouldnt pay 40 bucks and eighth for weed.

And I think you have beasters mixed up with something else. Beasters is weed from BC, not brick weed.
i love it when people thousands of miles apart start arguing over whos weed is better or cheaper. there is no way to tell exactly what the other person is talking about. ive seen ounces compressed into ciggarette pack size and ive seen slightly packed green nugs all called "brick weed", but one was worlds better than the other. ive heard mids called "beasters" and ive heard so-so dank called "beasters" just because it wasnt top quality dank.

its not even regional, it just depends on who your talking to at the moment. relax guys, im sure you both have great weed. BJ, sorry times are carefull with the small bag traffic, its dangerous.

and its just about without a doubt that the canadian herb is cheaper. always has been and i dont see it changing anytime soon.
Im not arguing over whos weed is cheaper or better, I coudlnt care less. I know hes smoking better weed. Anything homegrown is definetly gonna be better. All I said was that I wouldnt pay that much. And he has to take that to heart and get mad.
I've bought that stuff that your talking about for 25-30/ 8th.
It's basically "Brick Weed" or beasters.

Don't compare that Canadien crap with mine. There's no comparison, It's insulting that you even think that.

this was where my comment was directed mostly. c'mon man, how do you know what he gets for $30? maybe hes like my homie, who gets my shit for $50 a quarter. plus its a pretty well known fack that weed cost signifigantly less in canada. like $2K a lb where here $3K is good numbers.
don't expect to be making as much as you make selling weed in the next few years.

if it gets legalized, you can say goodbye to gutrenching prices. good weed will actually be CHEAPER.

so even if you're having trouble unloading now, in a couple years when legislation starts passing, your prices are going to have to drop in half.

just letting you know, this century of pot smokers are not going to pay a ton of money for the same weed anymore, people are realizing how ridiculously cheap it is to grow, and how cheap it should be to sell.

you can tell I'm obviously not a big fan of selling weed. not that I'm against it, I'm just currently against the prices people pay for it, I think it should be atleast 50% cheaper.
don't expect to be making as much as you make selling weed in the next few years.

if it gets legalized, you can say goodbye to gutrenching prices. good weed will actually be CHEAPER.

so even if you're having trouble unloading now, in a couple years when legislation starts passing, your prices are going to have to drop in half.

just letting you know, this century of pot smokers are not going to pay a ton of money for the same weed anymore, people are realizing how ridiculously cheap it is to grow, and how cheap it should be to sell.

you can tell I'm obviously not a big fan of selling weed. not that I'm against it, I'm just currently against the prices people pay for it, I think it should be atleast 50% cheaper.

i agree with you 110% bro.... hence the reason i buy shwag when i have to buy weed:-|
don't expect to be making as much as you make selling weed in the next few years.

if it gets legalized, you can say goodbye to gutrenching prices. good weed will actually be CHEAPER.

so even if you're having trouble unloading now, in a couple years when legislation starts passing, your prices are going to have to drop in half.

just letting you know, this century of pot smokers are not going to pay a ton of money for the same weed anymore, people are realizing how ridiculously cheap it is to grow, and how cheap it should be to sell.

you can tell I'm obviously not a big fan of selling weed. not that I'm against it, I'm just currently against the prices people pay for it, I think it should be atleast 50% cheaper.

Instead of selling, it makes a much better gift. You'd be surprised what nice things your neighbor will do for you when you give him a sack of smoke every once in a while. Or how about, "Merry Xmas, Bob." or "Happy Birthday!"

It just brings a f#ckin tear to your eye...