Anybody else having trouble trying to unload their crop?

250 a zip for some grand daddy purp northern lights ak47 all that shit? Bongjuice you would be my constant connect and id be comming to you every fuking day with those numbers. NY is ridicoulous you cant get a zip of any of those strains for less then 375 unless you get a single pound and the cheapiest is 350/zip then. Please id pay 300/zip for the shit you got if you lived in my area. NY doesnt even get much purp and just having that would make my day. Dont listen to these people single zips in NY go for 400 flat maybe in your state its cheaper but if people pay 300 regurarly for it then sell it for that.

Thanks for the reply.
Funny thing is though......I live in the state of NY.
The only time I can get 400/Z is when I harvest the Grand Daddy Purp.
When people see the purplish cast of color,
people tend to have no problem paying a bit more.
But I only harvest the Grand Daddy every 2 months.
Due to the fact I grow a different strain every 2 weeks. I've got customers who prefer certain strains.
In fact I got a guy who will buy my entire crop when I harvest AK-47.
But he only buys every 2 months.
This is why I think it's important to have several different strains available.
hmm thats interesting what part of NY do you live in? Long island is fuking flooded right now but the market is still inflated like a bitch. A pound of any high qualities go for 5600 which is 350/zip rly doesnt get any cheaper unless you grab some exotics which you can get for like 300/zip but most the fuking time you cant tell if its exos or hydro.... Anyways man send me a pm id like to talk to you about growing if you dont mind.
yeah im in ny state too and i been paying 5600 a p all the way up even if i cop 5. gay as fuck. and the beasters straight up disappeared from our area. i dunno what ur talkin bout tho bongjuice. business is good. maybe u just got some competition. specially if ur upstate or by buffalo. i know tons of growers up there.
Until you have put the time & effort into growing your own,
you'll never know what it's like to know that you grow the best weed around.
When you know this and you know that it's extremely rare for someone else in the area to grow the same quality.
You start to think to yourself, "Am I charging this weed to cheap.
Because as a grower, you know what it all took to get your weed to look this outstanding.
In my area I charge slightly under what everyone else charges.

Marijuana is basically a BlackMarket product.
I can charge whatever I please.
But if I want repeat business, I keep my prices right with or slightly under everyone else.

I know what you mean though. I felt how you do a long time ago,
On the fact that why should I pay X amount of dollars for this.
That's when I decided, I'll grow my own.

In the beginning when I started growing, My first few crops were terrible quality.
But as I gained experience I also expanded my grow op.
Growing weed can be pricey, But I knew if I wanted HighTimes magazine quality I new I had to sink several thousands of dollars into my op.
To make really sticky-icky chronic takes a helluva alot more money than $200.
Just the maintenance that I put into growing phenomenal weed costs me about $250/harvest.

I've had people tell me they're not gonna spend $40 an 8th.
I simply tell'em, "Try and find better quality for less".
Usually the people that tell me this, are young folk who don't know the difference between good weed and excellent weed.
I sometimes even have to give them a short tutorial on how weed is grown and what it's supposed to look like.

I DO grow my own. I have grown the best weed I have EVER smoked in my life.

and I would never DREAM of overcharging people for it.

I don't care how much you spend on your INDOOR crop, my OUTDOOR crop doesn't cost me ANYTHING and I can get yields that YOU would sell for $10,000.

so don't give me that CRAP. it barely costs you SHIT to grow.

when you grow outside, that sticky-icky chronic is achieved with little money at all.
Thanks for the reply.
Funny thing is though......I live in the state of NY.
The only time I can get 400/Z is when I harvest the Grand Daddy Purp.
When people see the purplish cast of color,
people tend to have no problem paying a bit more.
But I only harvest the Grand Daddy every 2 months.
Due to the fact I grow a different strain every 2 weeks. I've got customers who prefer certain strains.
In fact I got a guy who will buy my entire crop when I harvest AK-47.
But he only buys every 2 months.
This is why I think it's important to have several different strains available.

New Jersey, man.

Beasters for $250/half oz
show me a QUALITY COMMERCIAL CROP grown INDOORS LEGALLY for $200 and I'll start taking you serious.....

edit: seriously, not some little fucking fisher price closet grow. Show me where a dude is pumping out 2-3 lbs per month for under $200....
this is gonna be good.

I don't mess with inside bullshit.

outside, I can grow 5-10 pounds for under 200 dollars. don't believe me? try it yourself.

weed is NOT WORTH THAT MUCH MONEY. the cost to cultivate it does NOT even CLOSE to equal the cost it is sold for.

seriously do you guys think a ratio of cost of 2, and amount gained 25, really really FAIR?

2:25 ratio how much it costs to cultivate:how much you sell it for.

you guys are taking advantage of an undeveloped market, and you are abusing it. I don't care if you think your time is worth it, the prices for weed right now is a perfect example of black market abuse.
I don't mess with inside bullshit.

outside, I can grow 5-10 pounds for under 200 dollars. don't believe me? try it yourself.

weed is NOT WORTH THAT MUCH MONEY. the cost to cultivate it does NOT even CLOSE to equal the cost it is sold for.

seriously do you guys think a ratio of cost of 2, and amount gained 25, really really FAIR?

2:25 ratio how much it costs to cultivate:how much you sell it for.

you guys are taking advantage of an undeveloped market, and you are abusing it. I don't care if you think your time is worth it, the prices for weed right now is a perfect example of black market abuse.

Interestingly enough, that's just about every industry is a ripoff. You know how much it costs to make a 20 oz pepsi? Around 5 cent. They chage damn near two dollars for it. That don't make it right though.
I don't bitch about any dealers price. I've laughed in a couple faces before, but I let them charge what they want.
When I first started growing I was buying shwag for $100 an ounce (Too damn much) I ended up going back to his house a year or so later he asked if I had a new dealer. I told him I did, which is a damn lie, and I sold an ounce to him for $275 when I only paid maybe $20 - $30 for it. Still don't feel right about it, but at the time I thought it was halarious.

As for people talking about growing weed is what feeds there children, and they're running the risk, GET A REAL FUCKING JOB!
yeah, but pepsi is different, it requires a lot of prep to get it the way it is.

marijuana, is natural and EASY to grow.

there isn't a justification here even by today's standards.
Socal co-ops prefer indoor and I actually know some clubs that will not buy outdoor. I get 7 a gram if you buy an 1/8, OZ, LB. doesn't matter 7 a g.
I don't mess with inside bullshit.

outside, I can grow 5-10 pounds for under 200 dollars. don't believe me? try it yourself.

weed is NOT WORTH THAT MUCH MONEY. the cost to cultivate it does NOT even CLOSE to equal the cost it is sold for.

seriously do you guys think a ratio of cost of 2, and amount gained 25, really really FAIR?

2:25 ratio how much it costs to cultivate:how much you sell it for.

you guys are taking advantage of an undeveloped market, and you are abusing it. I don't care if you think your time is worth it, the prices for weed right now is a perfect example of black market abuse.

i think the cost of the weed is due to the risk the seller has to take ,he stands to lose every thing
Socal co-ops prefer indoor and I actually know some clubs that will not buy outdoor. I get 7 a gram if you buy an 1/8, OZ, LB. doesn't matter 7 a g.

if co-ops don't want to buy outdoor, they're missing out . . . . a LOT.

and to the post above, risk to seller isn't worth 200 bucks to a 100 dollar oz.

there's barely even a risk to seller anymore, the biggest risk is being robbed by someone else . . .
the seller doesnt have to worry about getting caught while transporting it in his car or whatever hes doing. He has to worry about the people he sells to who get caught and snitch on the bigger fish to get out of trouble.
Some folks shy away from under-priced deals, figuring the discount is a result of some quality issue?
Basically this won't let a dealer lower prices w/o losing biz/sales.
we get lots of US 'cops' style shows here and all the people caught were
told they would get a lighter sentence if they grassed up their dealers...and so on
I don't mess with inside bullshit.

outside, I can grow 5-10 pounds for under 200 dollars. don't believe me? try it yourself.

I have. Getting my outdoor COMMERCIAL CROP ready now. I still prefer indoor...

and all you are telling me is "outdoor" is easy to grow. AGREED. AND THATS WHY ITS WAY HELLA CHEAPER. c'mon dude...


weed is NOT WORTH THAT MUCH MONEY. the cost to cultivate it does NOT even CLOSE to equal the cost it is sold for.
then why is my phone blowing up with shop buyers telling me they will pay me in full in advance? I must be really easy on the eyes and a pleasure to talk too I guess...


you guys are taking advantage of an undeveloped market, and you are abusing it. I don't care if you think your time is worth it, the prices for weed right now is a perfect example of black market abuse.

Abusing it would be selling outdoor at indoor prices....

whats wrong with PROVIDING A SERVICE of growing cannabis for those that cannot? Not all people can grow good pot man. I'll say it again ITS FACT.
People pay the baker for bread.. some breads cost more than others.... and some bakers are better than others.

to quote rezdog (and thanks again for adding me to the SD beta test group BIG UPS REZ)
fuck the whiners and haters & the Ford Focus' they drove in on
I can guarantee you my outdoor bud matches the quality of your indoor bud.

your point is irrelevant.

outdoor crops aren't HELLA cheaper . . .

I'VE SEEN PEOPLE CHARGE JUST AS MUCH for outdoor as opposed to indoor.

people don't pay the baker 100 dollars for bread that should cost 10.

seriously, why don't you give ME something I can chew on.
I can guarantee you my outdoor bud matches the quality of your indoor bud.

doubt it son. your outdoor is very nice but dont go off the deep end now...

I'VE SEEN PEOPLE CHARGE JUST AS MUCH for outdoor as opposed to indoor.

those are the fucks your beef is with....

people don't pay the baker 100 dollars for bread that should cost 10.

seriously, why don't you give ME something I can chew on.

okay new analogy - steak
a dennys steak dinner is $10
a ruth's chris' steak dinner is $100

you saying there is no difference between the 2 and the cost is not justified?
dont agree for shit either...the market here at home the US of A..flucuates all the time.. u might have some1 in norcal on the level of BC payn 22-3k an elb..but in idaho. .. wyoming rural areas bro..your payn 50-60 an eight, end of story.. supply and demand.. if he's got it..its quality, and his customers dont have another hook...he can charge full price...and not feel the least bit guilty. i love it when some1 buys a sack , and then complains...U just huslted urself
it does NOT cost enough to justify those prices. sorry buddy, even if you grow the best shit in the world, you don't have the right to charge that much for it.

nobody does.