Well-Known Member
I can guarantee you my outdoor bud matches the quality of your indoor bud.
your point is irrelevant.
outdoor crops aren't HELLA cheaper . . .
I'VE SEEN PEOPLE CHARGE JUST AS MUCH for outdoor as opposed to indoor.
people don't pay the baker 100 dollars for bread that should cost 10.
seriously, why don't you give ME something I can chew on.
I grew outdoor for years before I attempted indoor.
The biggest difference between outdoor and indoor is yield.
With my outdoor grows I was yielding anywhere's in between 8 oz. - 1.5 lbs. per plant, depending on the strain.
But the quality of the bud was no where in comparison to my indoor crops.
A typical outdoor grow does not get the same type of care as an indoor grow.
Like Co2:
Outdoor atmosospheric Co2 averages around 200 Ppm's.
My indoor plants get 1500 Ppm's all the time when the lights are on.
Like lighting:
Outdoor plants get more cloudy days than full sun.
My indoor plants get full sun their entire life cycle.
Like temperature:
Outdoor plants feel the extreme heat and humidity all summer long
My indoor plants temperature & humidity is controlled at a perfect 78 degrees, and humidity stays at 30- 40% during bloom.
Plus outdoor plants go through alot more bullshit that indoor plants don't.
Strong winds
Heavy down pours of rain
When I started growing indoors and saw the quality I was producing there was no comparison.
When growing indoors, I'm in total control.
My plants get perfect temperature, humidity, air, Co2, water, and food.
Plus my grow room is completely pest free.
The only thing I miss about growing outdoors is yielding 4-6lbs in one crop.
But the quality is not nearly as good as my indoor crops.
Now I live in an area where the growing season is quite short which plays a huge roll in the quality of the weed.