So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies

Are you still doing hyrdro or did you say you went back to soil
The one soil plant I had going was apparently ridden with spider mites when I got the clone from another grower. I didn't know this and failed to inspect it or treat it before placing it in the garden. Operator error at it's finest. A beautiful godfather that was 4' tall got hacked to pieces. I tried to save her as best I could to no avail. She was plain infested and no amount of pesticide was going to change it. In order to save the rest of the garden I took it down and trashed it. Letting go of 1 plant sucks. Infesting the whole garden would be a nightmare. Be it as it is I took many clones of godfather after the plant received several heavy applications of pesticide. Once rooted every clone is getting dipped to the roots in floramite.

I'll never accept a clone from an outside source again. I'm very careful about garden sanitation. If I've been outside I shower and change my clothes before I enter the garden. I wear indoor only shoes. Sometimes I have to shower 3 times in a day due to working outside then having to work in the garden again. That's how ridiculously careful I am. How on earth I accepted a clone without inspecting it or treating it is absolutely fucking beyond me. All you can do is plow forward and deal with it. I actually killed off another bruce banger because it was in the same nursery as the godfather. If one is infested you can bet your milk money anything around it has eggs on the leaves to some degree.

I'm not giving up on my dirt experiment though. I'll be growing a big buddha cheese in soil this next cycle. From seed of course :)
HOW-A-BOUT "Dark Side Of The Moon" .........Completely through the end.
Get a friend, smoke a joint. Find a long empty road late at night and play it.
I remember when it was still at the top of the charts 10 years after release thinking "wow is this really that special?"

And yeah to this day there hasnt been anything that surpasses it

Would love to hear from someone who saw them early on in England

Just checked....the album has been in the top 200 billboard chart now for.....

48 straight years
I don't think anything stays top 48 "days" any longer.
Jethro Tull, Tubular Bells, Zappa, Floyd, Zeppelin are some of my "sitting in a car, in the bush/beach/ headland smokin' cones sort of music.. In the 70's.
I bought a box set of YES. It also contains studio rough drafts of some of there songs. The Fragile disk is my favorite in the collection. It contains a studio cut of Roudabout that's a little different. Also another studio out take of there remake of America which I think is better than what was released. It's longer and Peter Banks does a long country western style solo.
I posted this Pink Floyd bit in the Happy Thread forum.
'cause they're addicts. pure and simple. I was an addict for pot many moons ago. It's not physical but psychological. Had to have a joint, oz, SOMETHING!
But I could go days, weeks w/o becoming a puddle of mud.
AND because of cell phones, (I got to lay it at the feet of something), everything has to be NOW. Instantaneously, can't wait.
Ex: When was the last time you sat down and listened to Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick".

I did a Jethro Tull retrospective a couple of months ago. I watched / listened to Thick as a Brick (as well introducing it to my wife) multiple times since there were multiple concerts as well as the studio. I actually went to one of them when I was in ninth grade. It was my second concert.

Back to subject at hand. Dispensaries.

I saw / read someone badmouthing Colorado dispensaries in general. This saddens me. I'm in Colorado and I love my dispensaries. I love the fact that I can call them up and say "what do got on sale?"

I won't pay more than $120 to walk out the door with an ounce but nine times out of 10 it's simply a $100.

This ounce will last me anywhere from 1 to 2 months depending on how strong it is. I get to try something new and it's a hell of a lot safer (cartel growing in the state forrest with massive amounts of pesticides, drying and storing pretty much guaranteed to produce mold but we put up with it) then any state regulated weed.

Sure I might consider getting an ounce from a buddy if I knew how he grew it. But the bottom line to me is that legal weed in Colorado is an absolute win. That doesn't mean I'm not growing and competing with it, I'm happy to produce a tent full of weed and not buy for a year or two. But I don't feel like I'm getting screwed over when I buy Colorado weed.
I don't think anything stays top 48 "days" any longer.
Jethro Tull, Tubular Bells, Zappa, Floyd, Zeppelin are some of my "sitting in a car, in the bush/beach/ headland smokin' cones sort of music.. In the 70's.

I had at least a half a dozen Mike Oldsfield albums. Of course I started with tubular bells but it gets much weirder than that.

One time I picked up my brother-in-law at the airport. We had 45 minutes to ride to get home. I popped tubular bells in and said kickback. It drove him insane. He knew he knew it but couldn't tell me what it was and I refused to tell him until we got home.
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
My wife loves going to the dispensary. Unfortunately I pay for a lot of it. LOL. I'm at my 3rd grow and learned a lot with the first two and some key points here in this forum. 3rd times the charm as they say. Not going to be as good as the Orange Camilion she get but hoping for close. I guess I see it as the dispensary is a treat and mine is for daily use.
I did a Jethro Tull retrospective a couple of months ago. I watched / listened to Thick as a Brick (as well introducing it to my wife) multiple times since there were multiple concerts as well as the studio. I actually went to one of them when I was in ninth grade. It was my second concert.

Back to subject at hand. Dispensaries.

I saw / read someone badmouthing Colorado dispensaries in general. This saddens me. I'm in Colorado and I love my dispensaries. I love the fact that I can call them up and say "what do got on sale?"

I won't pay more than $120 to walk out the door with an ounce but nine times out of 10 it's simply a $100.

This ounce will last me anywhere from 1 to 2 months depending on how strong it is. I get to try something new and it's a hell of a lot safer (cartel growing in the state forrest with massive amounts of pesticides, drying and storing pretty much guaranteed to produce mold but we put up with it) then any state regulated weed.

Sure I might consider getting an ounce from a buddy if I knew how he grew it. But the bottom line to me is that legal weed in Colorado is an absolute win. That doesn't mean I'm not growing and competing with it, I'm happy to produce a tent full of weed and not buy for a year or two. But I don't feel like I'm getting screwed over when I buy Colorado weed.
Prices in Colorado are way better than in Mass. Here it runs ya about $55 - $65 for 1/8th oz then $20 in tax's.
Prices in Colorado are way better than in Mass. Here it runs ya about $55 - $65 for 1/8th oz then $20 in tax's.

You are recent legalization. I'm also not sure about how restrictive it is for dispensaries to get in the market which affects the price.

On the other hand you are a homegrow state so there should come a time in the future where there's equilibrium. The pressure of the black market and the alternative of the home grow will force the commercial vendors to cut prices.

It'll take a few years though. Either way, it doesn't affect home growers.

Also, they would be happy to sell me $400 ounces. That's top shelf. And there is absolutely no difference between that top shelf and bottom shelf to me so I'm happy to take the $100 ounces.
Prices in Colorado are way better than in Mass. Here it runs ya about $55 - $65 for 1/8th oz then $20 in tax's.
No that's about equal here. I had ranted earlier about pricing and had said that one person I knew paid about $70 for an 1/8.
It's come down a bit but still averaging $250-$500+ an oz.
I know of 2 privates selling $200-$250 an oz. I've yet to hear a complaint about what they grow. I've been given samples...... Yee Hah.
I've got a theory here on why this fucked up manner of thinking occurs in the mind of these cream of the crop morons. You know why the bar has a lot of bar flies? Why the same group of regulars show up every day after work? On days off? Holidays? Some people have so much of nothing going on in their life and have few social interactions with others that going to the bar is their only outlet. Beer is more expensive at a bar, right? Food is pricey, right? Getting a DWI on your way home from the bar is really expensive, right? There seems to be no logical reason for being a bar fly. So why do these people defy logic, and show up every day to indulge in overpriced liquor and food? They have nothing else going on in life. Family? Not important to them. Friends? What are those? The bar becomes their only social outlet. Rinse, wash, repeat. That's their life.

Why do people choose to routinely overpay at a dispensary when they have friends (or at least people willing to take their call) that grow great dope and sell it for half the price dispensaries charge? Please note, I'm not talking about someone that visits a dispensary once every few months to see what's on the shelf. I stop at a gas station and overpay for a 20oz bottle of coke once in awhile. I sure as fuck wouldn't do it every day. That would just be stupid, right? I have access to the same product, same quality, and at a much cheaper price at almost any other store.

I truly think the people that are routine idiots that dump their money at the dispensary every single week (or multiple times per week) have nothing else going on in their lives. It's like a social experience for them. And they don't mind being fucked financially to indulge in that social experience. They like to interact with someone behind the counter (ala bartender), bullshit a little bit, and engage in conversation that nobody else is interested in giving them the time of day for. Again I'll emphasize I'm talking about the dispensary rats that frequent routinely even though they have great connects through friends for half the price and the same if not better quality. My idiot friend stops at the dispensary 3 times a week at least. He has essentially no other friends because he's a selfish piece of shit for a human being. Visiting the dispensary is basically the only time another human being is going to serve / cater to his requests. It makes him feel special I'm sure. That's a very sad way to seek social interaction with others. For fuck's sake get a fucking YMCA membership. Indulge in healthy interaction with others. Swim. Play basketball. Disabled? I got you covered homie. Just enjoy watching the 20 something sexy ass bitches working the ellipticals in spandex. Just don't fucking stare like a creep, and dammit keep up appearances. At least pretend to be exercising :)

People choose to go to a dispensary because they likely don't grow their own. Maybe they do know someone that grows and is willing to sell them weed for half the cost. But how much do they smoke? Is that savings important enough to continue buying blackmarket weed? Maybe they like the variety of choices available at a dispensary. Do you have 30 different strains available for them to choose from? Can they grab some edibles at the same time? The choices some people have by going to a dispensary might be more important than saving a few dollars.

It's rather annoying to see you keep calling people idiots because they go to a dispensary. I know people that do and they are not idiots and have plenty going on with their lives.

You seem like the one with the problems. Maybe your weed isn't as good as the dispensary weed they're getting. Or maybe they don't want to deal with you. From the way you talk about people I know I wouldn't.
That's top shelf. And there is absolutely no difference between that top shelf and bottom shelf to me so I'm happy to take the $100 ounces.
I grew some Amnesia Haze. Sold it @ $100. Poof!! Gone in 60 seconds. Had One guy buy 6. After his 1st. Another 4 and so on. I've grown several strains and that's my top price. I don't grow alot in each grow. We can compete and be decent.
The one soil plant I had going was apparently ridden with spider mites when I got the clone from another grower. I didn't know this and failed to inspect it or treat it before placing it in the garden. Operator error at it's finest. A beautiful godfather that was 4' tall got hacked to pieces. I tried to save her as best I could to no avail. She was plain infested and no amount of pesticide was going to change it. In order to save the rest of the garden I took it down and trashed it. Letting go of 1 plant sucks. Infesting the whole garden would be a nightmare. Be it as it is I took many clones of godfather after the plant received several heavy applications of pesticide. Once rooted every clone is getting dipped to the roots in floramite.

I'll never accept a clone from an outside source again. I'm very careful about garden sanitation. If I've been outside I shower and change my clothes before I enter the garden. I wear indoor only shoes. Sometimes I have to shower 3 times in a day due to working outside then having to work in the garden again. That's how ridiculously careful I am. How on earth I accepted a clone without inspecting it or treating it is absolutely fucking beyond me. All you can do is plow forward and deal with it. I actually killed off another bruce banger because it was in the same nursery as the godfather. If one is infested you can bet your milk money anything around it has eggs on the leaves to some degree.

I'm not giving up on my dirt experiment though. I'll be growing a big buddha cheese in soil this next cycle. From seed of course :)

so did you give up on hydro in future?
As for Colorado.....

Fuk I gotta say it's great and there are some specific strains that CO "built" and they are spectacular.

Almost everything I have ever tried from the CO dispensaries (maybe 35 or 40 kinds total) has been bone dry. I know it's like a desert there but does any place in CO grow something fresh and cured?
People choose to go to a dispensary because they likely don't grow their own. Maybe they do know someone that grows and is willing to sell them weed for half the cost. But how much do they smoke? Is that savings important enough to continue buying blackmarket weed? Maybe they like the variety of choices available at a dispensary. Do you have 30 different strains available for them to choose from? Can they grab some edibles at the same time? The choices some people have by going to a dispensary might be more important than saving a few dollars.

It's rather annoying to see you keep calling people idiots because they go to a dispensary. I know people that do and they are not idiots and have plenty going on with their lives.

You seem like the one with the problems. Maybe your weed isn't as good as the dispensary weed they're getting. Or maybe they don't want to deal with you. From the way you talk about people I know I wouldn't.
Most of those 30 strains are complete boof. They might have 4 or5 that are worth a shit here in Michigan. Then you get raked through the coles for the price. If you actually read my posts instead of skimming you would have read what was actually said. The idiots are people that have access to funk from friends / caregivers for black market prices and then go drop a couple hundred $ at the dispensary to leave with less product and lower quality than if they went through their homie. It's marketing and the kid in a candy store effect. Trust me brother - I'm an idiot myself. However I'm an idiot in other ways. I'd never drop coin at the dispensary if I could get better quality for nearly half the price. In states with developed markets like california, oregon, and colorado there's immense competiton that not only drives prices down but increases quality available. Michigan has a long way to go to get on the same level as the 3 states mentioned above. At this point caregivers that supplied dispensaries grew better quality than what the big players with millions of dollars are producing in the legal market. Reminds me of Illinois. High prices and boof quality for the most part. Best way to go in michigan if you can't grow your own is to hookup with a good caregiver that grows funk.
As for Colorado.....

Fuk I gotta say it's great and there are some specific strains that CO "built" and they are spectacular.

Almost everything I have ever tried from the CO dispensaries (maybe 35 or 40 kinds total) has been bone dry. I know it's like a desert there but does any place in CO grow something fresh and cured?

What do you mean "like" bone dry? Bones are wet compared to the general air here.

I've been here 3 years, so that's 6 * 3 = 18. 18 oz. I've gotten dry weed twice. I know because I remember those two terrible occasions of opening up the bag I just spent a hundred bucks for and having the buds crumble into dust. I am always taking the cheapest on sale stuff they want to get rid of. And I've grown my own beforehand and cured perfectly so I know what I'm looking for.

That's one of the things driving me to move. The lack of humidity. It just screws with my wife's breathing while she's asleep. So I'll be going to a damp state soon enough and fighting against humidity.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
Ya can't make people think, not really sure why this is. I take care of a few in need, no charge, so yeah, when they go pissing away money they can't afford to waste, I will just find another person instead. And, the shit that they buy at the dispo is not any better than my good trim:wall:...
Eh maybe just during the hot months for me. ive had several harvests with the same equipment and clones of clones, at this point im probably yielding zips for $50 lol. and i know what nutrients were used and the level of care i gave in the entire process from the grow to the dry/cure.

I feel you. This is the first summer I've shut everything down in a while so it's the first time I've been able to be away from the house for longer than 5 nights at a time. I had never realized how much time I've been away from the family keeping things going. I'm in a BM state so first 5 years or so of my smoking career I was smoking whatever the dealers had and trust me sometimes the best anyone had was "it's not good, but..."
I did a Jethro Tull retrospective a couple of months ago. I watched / listened to Thick as a Brick (as well introducing it to my wife) multiple times since there were multiple concerts as well as the studio. I actually went to one of them when I was in ninth grade. It was my second concert.

Back to subject at hand. Dispensaries.

I saw / read someone badmouthing Colorado dispensaries in general. This saddens me. I'm in Colorado and I love my dispensaries. I love the fact that I can call them up and say "what do got on sale?"

I won't pay more than $120 to walk out the door with an ounce but nine times out of 10 it's simply a $100.

This ounce will last me anywhere from 1 to 2 months depending on how strong it is. I get to try something new and it's a hell of a lot safer (cartel growing in the state forrest with massive amounts of pesticides, drying and storing pretty much guaranteed to produce mold but we put up with it) then any state regulated weed.

Sure I might consider getting an ounce from a buddy if I knew how he grew it. But the bottom line to me is that legal weed in Colorado is an absolute win. That doesn't mean I'm not growing and competing with it, I'm happy to produce a tent full of weed and not buy for a year or two. But I don't feel like I'm getting screwed over when I buy Colorado weed.
Plenty of Colorado dispensaries have moved into my neck of the woods. It seems it takes money to make money and the being Colorado was first to legalize there are plenty of folks with it. Being a newish home grower it still is nice to go in and take a look at what places have to offer. I see many tiny buds that look like they were machine trimmed down to their core so that most of its actual material (flower) could be sold off for all the other products now being offered. The prices are what they are which is one of the many reasons I decided to learn to grow my own.