So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies


Amazing, terrifying, incredible, all at once.

I know it isnt top shelf, but $50 oz is quite a draw.

Dime bag is now an 8th in Oregon. They even get the street buyers at that price point wow.

Thx xtsho this is possibly the best thread of 2021!
Amazing, terrifying, incredible, all at once.

I know it isnt top shelf, but $50 oz is quite a draw.

Dime bag is now an 8th in Oregon. They even get the street buyers at that price point wow.

Thx xtsho this is possibly the best thread of 2021!

I've smoked some of that $50 an ounce weed. It might not have been the best but it was good enough for the price. A friend of mine that gets most of their stuff from the dispensaries says that some of those cheap ounces are better pot than some of the more expensive designer strains that are prepackaged and cost much more.

The majority of people that smoke cannabis are not growers themselves and are completely satisfied with the weed they are getting.
There is a spot in Bakersfield that's still hand in jar to sandwich bag. And that place has the best flower I can get my hand on. An dim wondering if that's because it's not from a commercial grower.
Without a doubt. The best growers dont grow their stash at a commercial shop. They may work at one but sure dont grow it there.
Just got this ad. Used to live by the place and always tried to win the giveaways. The weed wasn't good...but they did have the best bud tender I have met. Great deals though. Screenshot_20210701-130311_Gmail.jpg
I've smoked some of that $50 an ounce weed. It might not have been the best but it was good enough for the price. A friend of mine that gets most of their stuff from the dispensaries says that some of those cheap ounces are better pot than some of the more expensive designer strains that are prepackaged and cost much more.

The majority of people that smoke cannabis are not growers themselves and are completely satisfied with the weed they are getting.
My experience is similar I almost never see top shelf at a dispensary and find some of the cheaper choices are best. Price is not set based upon quality....not by a longshot.
We need a cheeseburger truck on every corner, then :blsmoke:

I have a Burgerville, Wendy's and McDonalds just a couple blocks away. Haven't eaten at any of them. Now the Taco truck a couple blocks away know me really well. They just ask me how many referring to how many of the chicken tacos I want and always order. There is also a Taqueria in a strip mall a few blocks away that has some good eats as well. There's also a dispensary across the street but I've never been in it.
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Just got this ad. Used to live by the place and always tried to win the giveaways. The weed wasn't good...but they did have the best bud tender I have met. Great deals though. View attachment 4934547
Holy dingle berries that's cheap! When the dispensaries here in michigan were still all unlicensed criminal enterprises they were selling ounces for $100-$125. I was sometimes shocked by how decent the $125/ounce was compared to their foo foo boutique shit that was upwards of $350/ounce. Too many times I bought something I thought was gonna be stellar for $250 and wasn't impressed when I got home and smoked it. It's good to see prices getting so cheap for those that can't afford to spend more. It's at least something that's available.

On another note my idiot friend went back to the dispensary on payday yesterday. I gave no mercy this time. He tells me it was a great deal for $50/quarter. I look at it and it doesn't look like trash, but definitely low-mid grade. I smelled it and it reminded me of brick weed that wasn't all the way dry from the 90's after being trash compacted and stuffed into 4 layers of brown tape. I was a good sport though. He packed a bowl and was excited to give me the green hit. It was so gross I hacked my lungs up and would not take another hit. I ripped this dude to pieces so bad he literally walked away face red as a fire engine. Mofo even picked up the little bits of extra weed off the tray from his boof bag and took it with him. I laughed and made fun of him for it as he did it too. He was so pissed off he left his driver's license reinstatement papers where we were smoking. He had to come back for them and I ripped him up the whole way to the table and all the way out as he walked away. The last thing I told him was even though he's a retard I still love 'em anyways. No response :)
There is a spot in Bakersfield that's still hand in jar to sandwich bag. And that place has the best flower I can get my hand on. An dim wondering if that's because it's not from a commercial grower.
Now that's what I'm talking about! Unpretentious. Just good dope, good people, fair prices, and a friendly atmosphere. I'd love to visit california some time just to checkout the amazing variety available. They've got the most developed market in the country because they've been doing it legally longer than any other state. Real trailblazers of the industry. We were looking to move there at one point until I saw how expensive real estate is. It was like $250k for a dump that needed work. I don't even know if I could keep up with the cost of living to live homeless in california. I often wonder what people do for a living in that state to survive the devastating financial impact of actually living there. What the hell do normal average people do for housing I wonder?
There was a food truck posted up in the parking lot of the dispensary I used to go to. Good damn idea, made me laugh as it was sort of a weed themed food truck if I recall.

That coupon is cheap to the point I would really question the weed. It isnt expensive at all to produce weed, but given cost of operations here I have to seriously question prices that low and what corners get cut so they still make a margin. It's cheaper than brick weed...or at least the same price. I consider 100-200 a fair price on an ounce, depending on the product I question, boutique prices for 6 month sativas.

What I would actually like to see out of dispensaries is something like that, they grow the stuff that is hard to produce yourself. Same as I am fine with buying novelty items from a shop at whatever price, there is value in producing something that is hard for consumers to make on their own. Weed soda...I can't make it, but its funny to me and I want to try it, fine to buy (terrible soda fyi, gets ya high though). Long flowering sativas that thrive under some special light spectrum...have at pro weed growers.
LMAO this was a fun read, and I absolutely agree with almost every main point here.

The "kid in a candy store" mentality is what I fall victim to, and shit now I have an ATM card so I can buy all the candy I want and deal with the consequences later! :lol:. I am literally a big ass child with good credit, when it comes to finances, lol!

Living in Cali, I will admit it has most certainly made me "weed snobbish" but not verbally outright; I don't talk shit on other people's weed, but I know if or when I've had better. I just keep that to myself. As far as prices, what's crazy to me is top-shelf isn't much more expensive than it was when I was buying it in high school, back in the mid 90s! So based on that, I really never tripped on prices much. But, it does add up & before i know it I'm spending 350/mo or more. Quality in dispensaries is there, I genuinely enjoy all the weed I buy, and I'm "comfortable" knowing we have some pretty solid regulations here, whether they're actually being met, the product seems to agree that it is, for the most part.
Now that's what I'm talking about! Unpretentious. Just good dope, good people, fair prices, and a friendly atmosphere. I'd love to visit california some time just to checkout the amazing variety available. They've got the most developed market in the country because they've been doing it legally longer than any other state. Real trailblazers of the industry. We were looking to move there at one point until I saw how expensive real estate is. It was like $250k for a dump that needed work. I don't even know if I could keep up with the cost of living to live homeless in california. I often wonder what people do for a living in that state to survive the devastating financial impact of actually living there. What the hell do normal average people do for housing I wonder?
I work at home Depot my girl has monthly checks. Rents 1200 plus utilities. Cars paid off just insurance. We get by with a tad in our pockets for hobbies
No shops selling weed here in Australia. Just curious, to become a "bud tender" do you have to do a course, get a certificate? And how does one decide what strains etc are best for their particular "illness?" Advice from a medical professional, or the "bud tender?". Professional advice is never cheap. :-P
On the surface, legality looks like a no brainer, win win, but underneath all that wooppee, there are a lot of people getting screwed.
This is true. That’s why in the states, authorities are trying to find an equitable way to admit legal growers and vendors. Dunno if this will work but California and Colorado are examples of how to NOT do it.
The only people I trust are consumers their selfs. I'd never let a doctor that does not smoke weed tell me how which strain will work based off reading/study the strains off description. I personally do not see any problem with the way California sells or markets cannabis because it's everywhere. It's the stock and quality your paying for. Low quality mids usually is free or turned to extracts. Just like anything else Cannabis shouldn be complicated to purchase. Just secure and consistent
This is true. That’s why in the states, authorities are trying to find an equitable way to admit legal growers and vendors. Dunno if this will work but California and Colorado are examples of how to NOT do it.

I just want to sell a little bit at a farmers market. Is that to much to ask. It would be packaged all artisanal and such. Fancy tomatoes if you will. Some sort of license that is reasonably priced that let's you sell like 5 or 10 lbs a year would be great. Wrap it together with something allowing people to sell like 100 gallons of fancy homemade beer. Fine artisanal intoxicants for the fine artisanal man....maybe some of that non pasteurized milk and cheese as well.