Could Ron Paul really abolish the IRS?


New Member
well i think with the proper leadership we dont need the income tax at all to live in a very high quality of life. if the PEOPLE have the money, and not the governement, they can spend it on things that benefit both them, the economy and the lives of Americans. We dont need an income tax to function. it hasnt been needed for the majority of our countries history and we did just fine without it. they certainly are funneling the funds into the military-industrial complex, you got that right. every tax is corrupt and every fund is dwindled into nothing after the politicans touch it. and it hardly levels any playing field, when for example a family earning 30,000 a year gives up 10,000 in taxes which leaves them with 20,000, hardly enough to survive. a family which makes 3 million keeps 2 million, and they are not moving up or down on their quality of life, or methods of survival. this tax punishes the poor and middle class keeping them in a suspended state of wealth. or lack thereof. the tax benefits those who make the most money giving businesses, and individuals rich enough to own businesses the biggest tax breaks of any group, way more than the minimum wage workers that run them. there is something wrong here.
I prepare taxes for people and if a family makes 30,000 they do not pay 10,000 in taxes, as matter of fact they pay very little if any. I have a client that made about 2.1 million in 2006 and he paid less than some folks making 150,000. The system is truly screwed up, but you do not want to throw the baby out with the bath the way my main problem with Dr. Paul is when he takes the oath of office he will be 73 years old...78 at he end of his first term. The presidency is a hard job and I do not believe he can accomplish all this in 1 term.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No he would be assasinated. But damnit we should try anyways. And don't pay your taxes. There's no law that you have to. The Federal income tax is an illegal tax to pay for the illegal inflation tax. It's all a trap that they have us fooled into accepting. Fuck the IRS, I'll never pay again
yeah i guess that works if you dont have a job or own anything in your name...otherwise the irs will get thier money i promise


New Member
The power to tax is the power to destroy!

There is NO "God given right" to good health. Nor is there a "God given right" to medical insurance.

Folks like you, Med, have been sold a bill of goods by the fucking communists. Do you honestly think that Comrade Hillary Clinton really cares about "The Poor?" Do you really think she cares about "The Uninsured?" Wake up, man ... all she really cares about is attaining power, maintaining that power and increasing her own wealth. Most of the politicians on both sides of the aisle are the same ... nothing more than self serving, talking heads. Used car salesmen have more character than these clowns.


PS: Bongspit ... If you take into consideration ALL taxes, i.e., sales taxes, business taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, licence fees, etc., what would the percentage of taxes paid by that person earning $30,000 be?

And I find it interesting that both you AND Med derive at least some of your income from the status quo.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Not that I think it is a function of the Federal Government to steer the economy but.. The best form of economic stimulus? Kill the income tax.

"Voluntary taxes" taken at the point of a gun can never be morally right, yet that is the system we have. Their is no "best" way or "fair" way to administer an involuntary tax, all of the various proposed systems rely on the threat of violence. Call them what you will "income tax", "fair tax" taxing the rich etc. they all exist to keep you on the treadmill waiting for the nanny state to tell you what you can and cannot do and arguing amongst ourselves.

When a government uses the threat of violence to insist YOU pay for something you are not interested in paying it is theft and arguably slavery. Simply because they have made theft legal doesn't make it right. Legality does not equal morality. Slavery was once legal, but it was never morally right. It is morally wrong to fund any program by making someone who does not use the program pay into it. Applying the same consistent logic one can easily see it is morally wrong to tell another person what they can or cannot do with their own body as well. Yet here we are on this forum wishing pot were legal.
If you support any form of involuntary taxation you are being illogical wishing pot were legal. Yet when pot becomes legal it will be regulated, taxed and the proceeds will be used to fund wars etc. Is legalizing pot and then taxing it really any kind of victory if you are then forced to fund something evil?


Well-Known Member
I bet Robs a greedy rich old white guy who doesn't want to share. Wait for it, wait for it....

I agree heartally Rob,well done sir.


New Member
What I've been wondering is ... Now that its clear that the head of the IRS, Tim Giethner, cheated on tens of thousands of HIS income taxes, how many Americans who were already fed up with the system, will now just not send the 1040s in?

As Orwell said in Animal Farm ... "All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."



Well-Known Member
The lesson I learned is the Government has a magic wealth machine.
They can create wealth from nothing.
I think the days of small government are over.
Now we can have big government and Freedom!
Because the magic wealth machine has been discovered.
Forget taxes, soon we will not even have to work.
8.9%+ of us have already figured that out.
Oh, great Obama Has Delivered us into a new Utopia.


Well-Known Member
The lesson I learned is the Government has a magic wealth machine.
They can create wealth from nothing.
I think the days of small government are over.
Now we can have big government and Freedom!
Because the magic wealth machine has been discovered.
Forget taxes, soon we will not even have to work.
8.9%+ of us have already figured that out.
Oh, great Obama Has Delivered us into a new Utopia.

but I'm still enslaved... :cry:

where be this "great new Utopia" that you speak of, and how do I get to it?

Do I follow the yellow brick road?


Well-Known Member
My pappy told me to never trust a man with two first names....

Location: If I make my description really really really long it will stretch my bars out across the screen....

But it does not increase your, "points 1,482 level 5" which is all that matters here. :lol: