Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
pics look great gypsy. seems like a few are going to be pretty close for cutting here in a couple days. the music was perfect to. pretty much reached the second song right when the first was ending.


Well-Known Member
pics look great gypsy. seems like a few are going to be pretty close for cutting here in a couple days. the music was perfect to. pretty much reached the second song right when the first was ending.

Cool Man.. glad you enjoyed it...

Yeah.. this is going to be the other half of my puny harvest...

These clones were just too small... but I had no others.. so I guess it's better than nothing.. but damn it sucks ass compared to my other harvested

There's always lollipops getting done though...

Awesome Gypsy.
You don't even know dude . . .
Fuck that was funny as shit NG...

Thanks for laugh mate!!

Nice pics GB. That bud looks so frosty! MMMMM :)
Thanks! They taste so good when cured

haha thats sum funny ass shit!lol
Sure was...!

So now what?!?!

I gotta come up with something...

Gimme a bit.. I'll be back.. with.. I dunno...




Well-Known Member

I like looking at them too...

All of you that like looking at them with me.. don't go to far...

Another shipment has arrived at the Depot... and as soon as it is processed, it will be made available...

Here's a good tune to keep us all on a good :hump:



Well-Known Member

just thought I'd share a pic of my mentor with you...

hope all is well (and itsokay to post this pics in your thread if not let me know)


Well-Known Member
I almost lost this post 2 times... so I am posting the pics and will start on the text...

I will be editing this post over the next few hours.. so if you like what you see.. make sure to come back and checl out the finished post...

So much for surprise, but I am not willing to loose the post and have to RE-do

Hope ya'll enjoy


I'll go with a gritty British soundtrack for this one...


So today I will bring you one of my favorite activities...

Harvest time is GREAT!

A lot of work, but also fun

So the buds are dried... the curing has started...

There's even a jar of "freshies" with a 3 day cure that I've been ... uh... picking

So what to do now?:confused:

I'll share with you one of the ways you can further benefit form your harvest... it's called KIEF!!!


So we should get to it with lots of pictures...


If the song isn't over, you didn't smell the flowers long enough... I bet you didn't even notice there is still a bot of day light left at

Well, how about some more Brit Rock...

This video is actually worth watching, I love the footage of the drums...





Well-Known Member
Gypsy, u da man bra kiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass
(first timer my a$$, ya paranoid freak)


Well-Known Member
Gypsy, yo da man kiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass
(first timer my ass, ya paranoid freak)


Thanks SOG... you're

I have been running hydro since August 08... 2008 not

I started with an Aerogarden...

Then I built a tent and did DWC under the first 600HPS...

I didn't switch to Ebb Flow until February...

Started with just a home made "tote" unit to get the hang of it...

And have come here from there...

I am a newb... I just pay attention...

People like you and Al. , Sink, NG...

All you guys teach me by posting your experiences...

I love saying that I stand on the shoulders of Giants...

And that is a huge benefit accessible to any newb with a bit of dedication...

As for first timer... no it's not my first time...

I used to throw hundreds of seeds in several fields all over the countryside in an undisclosed location in South America..

I never watered them... never fed them... never did anything..

Hell I didn't even see if they sprouted until harvest time... if the cows or the monkeys didn't get to them first...

I had no idea what I was

We smoked leaves buds seeds stems the whole shabang.. just wrapped the long buds in whatever paper and puff

But as far as growing DANK, this is a very new experience to

It makes me feel good that everyone says I'm not a newb.. but I know

I better get to putting some words up eh?!



Well-Known Member
Wicked post dude. I'm digging the whole putting a soundtrack to it thing.
Also I love the rediculously overpacked bowl.