So I think I smoked crack.

This is what happened to me and Yes I am stupid enough to do this. I was walking home from work and i found a joint just laying there next to the sidewalk. I checked if it was green in the middle and it was.
Well that was good enough for me so i took all the weed out and rerolled it in a new paper. After taking the 2nd hoot my face began to turn numb and i tried to wiggle my nose but i couldnt feel it. I took more puffs and soon i didnt realize what I was doing. I started laughing uncontrollable at the joint in my hand until i realized this wasn't normal then I stood up and threw the joint away. I started pacing around until i decided I better take it as it is and i jumped into my bed and surrounded myself with my blanket.:spew:


Well-Known Member
What the hell is wrong with you. Did you ride the short bus to school? God only knows what could have been in that roach. Not to mention it was in some other crackheads mouth. Base Head.


Well-Known Member
LOL!! Thats hilarious!! I agree with chitown thou, probably a coco puff. You would have seen crack ROCKS if there were any.:peace:
First of all in my defense. It was not a roach, it looked untouched like it fell out of a pocket. In the end I was dumb but at least give me that.


Well-Known Member
First of all in my defense. It was not a roach, it looked untouched like it fell out of a pocket. In the end I was dumb but at least give me that. were just dumb. Don't feel bad, though. I'd have done the same goddamn thing.....minus the blankie part.*


its either coco puff or maybe some sherm how did it make you feel?


Well-Known Member
Roach weed is some of the most powerful weed there is... its almost hash in some cases (purp/widow/blueberry roach) The res from all the weed smoke filtering through is built up in that thing.

Ive been extremely high off of a roach bad i couldnt move. I knew i was ok and was going to live when i was that high...Obviously your a doofus because you thought you were going to die. ...Let me school you on getting high real quick: Dude if you start laughing without control then you my friend are experienceing a bomb-diggity high were you should experience anything and everything on. ...You wasted the potential. Good job newb. Good luck next time.


New Member
that shit could of been laced with anything! hell mybe there was alittle bit of salvia in it but you said your face turned numb you might of smoked a jubee fly coke will make your gums and shit fell a little numb! but who knows what was really in it! but you go man! hell ya smoke that shit you crazy mofo


Well-Known Member
Humuna humuna humana. I had to say something. Too funny. Hidin under your blankets! Too funny Pookie!


^^^^ hahahaha hay bro was you running down the street butt ass naked with superhuman strenght muttering nonsense? if you were thats what we call getting wet=p.c.p.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a bad ABC after school special.Next time you find weed on the street like that, send it to me.I and my personal team of skilled chemists will deduce whether or not it is laced with anything, and disposes of it promptly if it is.:twisted:
This is what happened to me and Yes I am stupid enough to do this. I was walking home from work and i found a joint just laying there next to the sidewalk. I checked if it was green in the middle and it was.
Well that was good enough for me so i took all the weed out and rerolled it in a new paper. After taking the 2nd hoot my face began to turn numb and i tried to wiggle my nose but i couldnt feel it. I took more puffs and soon i didnt realize what I was doing. I started laughing uncontrollable at the joint in my hand until i realized this wasn't normal then I stood up and threw the joint away. I started pacing around until i decided I better take it as it is and i jumped into my bed and surrounded myself with my blanket.:spew:


Well-Known Member
... You picked up a joint off the street and smoked it? Dude, not to be paranoid or anything but... ANYTHING could've been in it. And I mean ANYTHING. You could've DIED.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
To be fair, I've done it.It was in a cigarette pack, for some reason something told me to pick it up and look inside.I did.It was a joint.However, if it would have been laced, I'd have just seen it as a bonus,lol.
... You picked up a joint off the street and smoked it? Dude, not to be paranoid or anything but... ANYTHING could've been in it. And I mean ANYTHING. You could've DIED.



To be fair, I've done it.It was in a cigarette pack, for some reason something told me to pick it up and look inside.I did.It was a joint.However, if it would have been laced, I'd have just seen it as a bonus,lol.

stuff like this is why i love you stoney..:hug:

and to contribute to the thread... i dont know what you smoked... dont know you; it coulda just been some good weed, i've seen lightweights do some dumb shit... i doubt it was crack though... if it was crack, and it was not large enough/enough of it to notice when you re-rolled it, then you wouldnt even think anything besides, "damn i am BLAZED... this must be some killer shit!!!"....
if it was laced with anything i would say it was some good ole pcp:hump:...

i found a lil bag of pcp years back... i was around 15 and was doing roofing in the summers. we were doing alot of work in new orleans, much of it in "less than desirable" areas:-| (such as caliope, magnolia, etc), and i found a lil purple gram bag with nike checks on it... (remember when nike was the shit??:lol:)... i just stuck it in my pocket cause i was busy...

upon further inspection after work, i saw that the bag had about a small line's worth of an unknown white powdery substance:shock:... so my buddy and i got a joint from his dad and sprinkled that in there.... smoked it and got higher than i have ever been; but i handled it well... my friend on the other hand, freaks out... he's like, "im too high!! i cant let grandma see me like this, she'll know... i gotta do something." he then grabs a rake and starts raking like a madman in the middle of the lawn... as i stand on the side and just laugh my ass off:hump:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Aww, I love you, too, man! I guess you just have to have confidence in your ability to handle drugs, is what it comes down to.I've always had a high tolerance for everything.If something feels wrong, I sit back, calm down, and assess what's up.There's always that little rational part of your brain that never really gets high.You just have to access that.If you feel chest pain, elevate your legs, breathe deeply, take an aspirin.If you see weird shit,just keep reminding yourself it's all in your head.The only "bad" experience I've had with drugs is when they failed to get me high!
stuff like this is why i love you stoney..:hug:

and to contribute to the thread... i dont know what you smoked... dont know you; it coulda just been some good weed, i've seen lightweights do some dumb shit... i doubt it was crack though... if it was crack, and it was not large enough/enough of it to notice when you re-rolled it, then you wouldnt even think anything besides, "damn i am BLAZED... this must be some killer shit!!!"....
if it was laced with anything i would say it was some good ole pcp:hump:...

i found a lil bag of pcp years back... i was around 15 and was doing roofing in the summers. we were doing alot of work in new orleans, much of it in "less than desirable" areas:-| (such as caliope, magnolia, etc), and i found a lil purple gram bag with nike checks on it... (remember when nike was the shit??:lol:)... i just stuck it in my pocket cause i was busy...

upon further inspection after work, i saw that the bag had about a small line's worth of an unknown white powdery substance:shock:... so my buddy and i got a joint from his dad and sprinkled that in there.... smoked it and got higher than i have ever been; but i handled it well... my friend on the other hand, freaks out... he's like, "im too high!! i cant let grandma see me like this, she'll know... i gotta do something." he then grabs a rake and starts raking like a madman in the middle of the lawn... as i stand on the side and just laugh my ass off:hump: