what are the benifits of flushing


New Member
well besides the taste what is the benifits of flushin? do the buds swell? do trichomes grow faster? needs some info.:peace:
Apart from taste theres not much else I don't think...having said that, do YOU really wanna be smoking fertilizer? God knows whats in that shit...
Flushing also causes the plant to use up all its stored energy and complete maturity. Obviously that effects taste and harshness. Quite a few ppl use molassas or sweetining agents during the flush to add sweetness to the taste and to helpflush out all the nutrients.
As for tric's and anything else, the plant may produce more in a last ditch effort to reproduce but I dont think you will notice any notable "big" results.
it helps with bigger buds for sure and taste and more thc...the real way to flush is the last 3-4 weeks to make ur plant use all the sugars stored in its leafs..most plants take up to 30days to use all the sugars in their leafs after starting ur flush..a good way to tell ur on the right track is ur leafs will change colors yellow, purple, reddish..that means there using all the sugars in the leafs and focusing on bud growth a thc production>> peace
Well, they say it affects taste if you're talking about flushing at the end.If you're talking about flushing because of nute burn, obviously,it's because it rinses away the buildup of salts in the roots of your plant, which can be toxic to it.
how does burning molasses make the plant sweeter? i know their are many benefits of it, but how does putting molasses in the soil make a sweeter smoke flavor?
Maybe because the plant sucks it up?No idea.I just use it when I water because it's got a lot of micro nutrients in it and is supposed to make the buds more dense.
how does burning molasses make the plant sweeter? i know their are many benefits of it, but how does putting molasses in the soil make a sweeter smoke flavor?
how does burning molasses make the plant sweeter? i know their are many benefits of it, but how does putting molasses in the soil make a sweeter smoke flavor?

molasses has hella sugar in it and that makes energy to make bigger thc filled buds.. all the flavor is in the resin glands tho every resin gland has an aroma gland thats were the smell and taste is all at
flushing for 3-4 weeks robs you of the ability to pack on as much weight as you can.
you can do it no prob. lots of ways to do things. you're just not going to get the weight.

and weight is overrated... lol

most SOIL growers of substance (ie the GOOD ONES) flush their soil plants with plain properly PH'd water for 7-14 days for maximum yeild & maximum taste.
in hydro, sans flushing agent, 5-7 days seems to be the norm... WITH flushing agent 2-3 days.

what flushing accomplishes, is by flushing out the remaining nutrients from the medium it forces theplants to look for the nutrients internally. KIND OF LIKE WHEN YOU DONT EAT YOUR BODY USES STORED FAT CELLS FOR ENERGY. Not using that stored energy leaves unmetabolized nutrients and minerlas and what not, that when brunt with flame, will make the bud crackle and not burn clean and leave white ash.

Forcing the plants to use up their energy stores provides for a smoother better tasting bud, that burns better.

just some tidbits from what I have learned as a grower from those more experienced than I.
flushing for 3-4 weeks robs you of the ability to pack on as much weight as you can.
you can do it no prob. lots of ways to do things. you're just not going to get the weight.

and weight is overrated... lol

most SOIL growers of substance (ie the GOOD ONES) flush their soil plants with plain properly PH'd water for 7-14 days for maximum yeild & maximum taste.
in hydro, sans flushing agent, 5-7 days seems to be the norm... WITH flushing agent 2-3 days.

what flushing accomplishes, is by flushing out the remaining nutrients from the medium it forces theplants to look for the nutrients internally. KIND OF LIKE WHEN YOU DONT EAT YOUR BODY USES STORED FAT CELLS FOR ENERGY. Not using that stored energy leaves unmetabolized nutrients and minerlas and what not, that when brunt with flame, will make the bud crackle and not burn clean and leave white ash.

Forcing the plants to use up their energy stores provides for a smoother better tasting bud, that burns better.

just some tidbits from what I have learned as a grower from those more experienced than I.

3-4 week flushs rob you?? dude shut up if u havnt done this before ur full a shit im not even ganna respond to ur bull crap cuz u just talk..i do this and will stand by it i never get robbed shittt ill rob u fool lol
yeah man I have never grown in my life.
I don't knwo a goddamn thing about growing.
My photo album was all stolen from you.

you and your oaksterdam know it all education & bud tender clerk job...what a fucking loser you are! YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL CHUMP

maybe I'll say hi to you when I collect my money from your boss squid, HE KNOWS I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING THATS WHY HE PAYS ME $5g PER LB

please come try to rob me. PLEASE

fucking little bitch
and yes, weeks 5 & 6 are important weeks for building bud mass.
by not providing nutrients to your plants at that time they will not build mass as efficiently, or as much, as they would have if they were properly fed in those 2 weeks.

you're robbing yorself homey why don't YOU TRY IT and do what the big boys do
not what the wanna bes do.
check out work by Crazy Composer, OGRaskal, Zoolander, Subrob... they are fucking up HUGE too according to your little ideals
Well damn got a lil cat fight goin on. Well wat i wanna bout flushing when do you flush so that you have 50/50 cloudy and amber trichomes?
Well damn got a lil cat fight goin on. Well wat i wanna bout flushing when do you flush so that you have 50/50 cloudy and amber trichomes?

it aint no cat fight its a little squid (her) against the big bad shark (me) and its ugly. hehe.

the trichromes will turn whether or not you flush the medium. thats the plants way of telling you its ripe. so you need to time your flush with the time the plant ripens up... so you really have to have a general idea of how long your plant needs to go. And execute your flush accordingly.

does that make sense?

if you are growing a strain that is done in 10 weeks fertilize thru week 8, and then feed plain water until you decide the plant is ready to come down. Checking the trichromes will tell you when its ready.

hope that helps
ya thankz big bad shark lol ill post pics when iz close but for now my girls are getting nutes every wensday and water every other day but iz been rainin so no long ass trip in the woods for a lil bit
ya thankz big bad shark lol ill post pics when iz close but for now my girls are getting nutes every wensday and water every other day but iz been rainin so no long ass trip in the woods for a lil bit

hey man outdoor can be a whole nother ball game...

when i was working the guerilla outdoor flushing wasn't the most practical thing to do hehe

hope the rain doesnt bring mold

w/ outdoor, ime, environment/weather dictated harvest time more so than actual trich clouds.

good luck
hmmm well thanks hey can mold still grow if the plants in veg?? well i thought my plant waz in veg but the pistols mean flowering ?? sum of the pistols died that ok???
im pulling a qp per plant homeboy under 600watts and i flush 2-4 weeks dont get it twisted i said the best way to flush is 3-4 weeks cuz plants take 30days to use up all their energy i stop flushing once im 21-24 days into my flush n get hella good results..i've flushed 6days before 2weeks before and got better results flushing for 3weeks then drying out my soil completely..n bitch ill beat ur ass so lets not even go their cuz we both know we aint ganna get the pleasure to fight..go ahead and flush ur plants for 7-14days u big shark u lol i dont give a damn what u do UR NOBODY n i didnt say u NEEDED to flush 3-4 weeks and ur dumbass started sayin ur ganna loss all this weight and mess it up which is bs