So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?


Active Member
I'm under 24/7 light right now on my sprouts, they haven't really grown as much as they did when under 20/4 light

Should I give them some dark time to stimulate growth?


Well-Known Member
24 hours is ok, I use it on my mothers, however, on new sprouts there may be a need for dark so they stretch a tiny bit as they grow their early leaf sets. I dont know this for a fact, but the seeds I just sprouted I kept on 19/5. I am no expert on starting seeds tho as I used to have a continuous supply of clones from a buddy. It cant hurt to give em a little dark thats for sure.
i have mine on 24 but if you are putting them outdoors you should have 18/6 so they dont flower when you put them outdoors. i would alos make sure they are in a big enugh container


Active Member
Root growth peaks around 16-18 hours, so if you added some dark time to give it time to recover you would notice significant growth. Im currently on 18/6 and don't have any problems. Growing fast :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
in order to maximize growth using a 24/0 light schedule you need to use CO2 enrichment.... i use co2 and 24/0 lighting in veg and get huge root mass and very quick growth.. usually an inch or 2 a day.... roots dont grow more in the dark.. thats just a growers urban legend... a perfect example is this... i leave my clones in my clone-a-nator (cloning machine) under 24/0 lights too... after about 10 days usually i have roots that are a foot long sometimes... long enough that when i plant them they coil at the bottom of the hole if it isnt deep enough... hell they dont even need dark to live.. roots can grow in light.. we proved this on another thread... but non of this has to do with the question you asked... 24/0 works just as well as 18/6 or 20/4.. its just a personal choice... what it really comes down to is how much of the light your plant can successfully use for photosynthesis... which all comes down to enviromental factors...
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Well-Known Member
i read something the other day, that putting a plant on 24 hours of light can increase males, and that 18/6 can increase the chance of a female. this was from a seed breeder, cant memo who, so it mite be false, but i wouldnt rele wana take a chance.


Well-Known Member
the only reason to have a dark cycle is to cool the lamps daily and save power. light = photosynthesis, no light = no photosynthesis. light = growth, darkness = stretch.

24/7 is the most effective lighting cycle for growing vegetative plants.


Well-Known Member
i read something the other day, that putting a plant on 24 hours of light can increase males, and that 18/6 can increase the chance of a female. this was from a seed breeder, cant memo who, so it mite be false, but i wouldnt rele wana take a chance.
those are dp fallacies, and actually it was 24/0 lighting and blue lighting in veg = more female. nitrogen can increase female, while phosphorous increases male.

i believe this is mostly bs. i think gender is predetermined, and will only "change" if situations are much less than ideal.


Active Member
Huh, so many different opinions.

Well I turned off the lights for 4 hours and saw a bit of growth during that time on the sprouts. I had no growth last 3-4 days on them.

Perhaps coincidence, or they actually like the rest period.


Well-Known Member
i have always used 24/0 lighting for veg... my last cycle i planted 35 bag seeds... do to space constraints, which is a long story i wont get into, i only planted the strongest looking 25 at that time... i only got 2 males and 1 hermie... so 3 out of 25 i planted... so if i had planted them all i might have gotten 3 males and 2 hermies or some combination of.. point is it doesnt affect how many males you do or dont have... the more male thing comes from the idea that the plant gets stressed from not resting and this can increase male population.. im playing the bullshit card on that... people think that plants need sleep like humans do... fact is they dont... obviously thats been proven many times over by the amount of growers who SWEAR by 24/0... the ONLY negative impact 24/0 cycles have are on your electric bill and ballast if you have an older ballast that gets super hot after running a long long time... dark during veg only assists in cooling down your equipment and the grow room if it gets too hot... both of which can be solved by purchasing newer digital ballasts and upgrading exhaust systems...


Active Member
the only reason to have a dark cycle is to cool the lamps daily and save power. light = photosynthesis, no light = no photosynthesis. light = growth, darkness = stretch.

24/7 is the most effective lighting cycle for growing vegetative plants.
Thats not true at all...

(U should type in photosynthesis and reread the meaning of it...)

yes you can grow with 24/7,20/4,WHATEVER THE NUMBER..but its not the best...THERES A REASON WE DO 18/6 AND 12/12,BECUZ IT WORKS WELL AND IS PROVEN...

your plants (NEED dark time) for photosynthesis to even work THE RIGHT WAY)...your plants store energy fROM the light,then when the light is shut releases the energy into growing roots,and growth..
and if your going from inside to outside..
its best to work your plants down to 18/6 and in the meantime..when your lights are on..move them outside for a few hours each day..sticking them directly outside after being on 24/7 could shock the shit out of not a expert,and im not going to tell you anything that would harm your plants...
but i def dont like when people say things that arent true...and id hate to see you lose your plants over a stupid comment,made by someone that ...
(just thinks)
Im just saying..Try it..and thank me laterz..peace homie


Well-Known Member
you noticed the growth change

1) because you didnt see them for those 4 hours... you were looking for the change.. thats why you saw it...

2) think of it like this.. if plants dont get enough light they stretch... so it stands to reason that when the lights are out they "stretch" looking for light... vertical growth can happen with lights out.. but i truely believe its due more to stretching than actual growth..

when you start 12/12 your plants stretch considerably over the first couple weeks... partly due to getting ready for flowering and room for buds.. but also because it has 12 hours of dark.. its stretching to get light/find light... IM NOT SAYING THAT GROWTH DURING LIGHTS OFF ARE STRICTLY DUE TO STRETCHING... what i am saying though is stretching has a great deal to do with growth with lights off....


Well-Known Member
we can argue over this all day.. and not get anywhere


i swear by 24/0 and will argue it till im blue in the face...


i find nothing wrong with 18/6, 19/5, 20/4, 21/3, 22/2, or 23/1 if you want... its what works for you and gives you the results you want...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i used to run 24/0 during veg and for cloneing but i have noticed a better growth rate running 18/6. plants


Well-Known Member
maybe with 18/6 it works like this...

during the six hours of dark the plant stretches... it still does other shit besides stretch.. but the stretching is the part that plays into my ideas...

since the plant stretched, and there is increased space between the nodes, light can penetrate further into the plant and canopy, causing extra light absorbtion the next day??

more light can penetrate your plant = the happier the plant

the type of light would play into that hypothesis though...

i use HO floros that "sit" on the top of my plants.. so i dont need that stretching to penetrate since the lights are so close... but an MH or HPS that has to be a distance away from the plant would benefit from the stretching due to the fact it can now penetrate more of the plant.. make sense??


Well-Known Member
Thats not true at all...

(U should type in photosynthesis and reread the meaning of it...)

yes you can grow with 24/7,20/4,WHATEVER THE NUMBER..but its not the best...THERES A REASON WE DO 18/6 AND 12/12,BECUZ IT WORKS WELL AND IS PROVEN...

your plants (NEED dark time) for photosynthesis to even work THE RIGHT WAY)...your plants store energy fROM the light,then when the light is shut releases the energy into growing roots,and growth..
and if your going from inside to outside..
its best to work your plants down to 18/6 and in the meantime..when your lights are on..move them outside for a few hours each day..sticking them directly outside after being on 24/7 could shock the shit out of not a expert,and im not going to tell you anything that would harm your plants...
but i def dont like when people say things that arent true...and id hate to see you lose your plants over a stupid comment,made by someone that ...
(just thinks)
Im just saying..Try it..and thank me laterz..peace homie
that's not true. try growing them in the way that you think will fuck them up. then you'll see stuf like this....

i don't make shit up, just been doing this for 20+ years ;)

plants grow when light is present. darkness is needed to trigger flowering. the only reason for a dark cycle in veg is to get rid of some heat, and save some power. absolutely no benefit to the plants from a dark cycle in veg. if you think otherwise, prove it :).


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that's not true. Try growing them in the way that you think will fuck them up. Then you'll see stuf like this....

i don't make shit up, just been doing this for 20+ years ;)

plants grow when light is present. Darkness is needed to trigger flowering. The only reason for a dark cycle in veg is to get rid of some heat, and save some power. Absolutely no benefit to the plants from a dark cycle in veg. If you think otherwise, prove it :).
root growth when lights are out.


Well-Known Member
Thats not true at all...

(U should type in photosynthesis and reread the meaning of it...)

yes you can grow with 24/7,20/4,WHATEVER THE NUMBER..but its not the best...THERES A REASON WE DO 18/6 AND 12/12,BECUZ IT WORKS WELL AND IS PROVEN...

your plants (NEED dark time) for photosynthesis to even work THE RIGHT WAY)...your plants store energy fROM the light,then when the light is shut releases the energy into growing roots,and growth..
and if your going from inside to outside..
its best to work your plants down to 18/6 and in the meantime..when your lights are on..move them outside for a few hours each day..sticking them directly outside after being on 24/7 could shock the shit out of not a expert,and im not going to tell you anything that would harm your plants...
but i def dont like when people say things that arent true...and id hate to see you lose your plants over a stupid comment,made by someone that ...
(just thinks)
Im just saying..Try it..and thank me laterz..peace homie
ok lazy.. here you go.. straight from wiki...

Photosynthesis[α] is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Plants produce their own food in this process. [1] Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of Bacteria, but not in Archaea. Photosynthetic organisms are called photoautotrophs, but not all organisms that use light as a source of energy carry out photosynthesis, since photoheterotrophs use organic compounds, rather than carbon dioxide, as a source of carbon.[2] In plants, algae and cyanobacteria photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is crucially important for life on Earth, since as well as it maintaining the normal level of oxygen in the atmosphere, nearly all life either depends on it directly as a source of energy, or indirectly as the ultimate source of the energy in their food.[2][β] The amount of energy trapped by photosynthesis is immense, approximately 100 terawatts :[3] which is about six times larger than the yearly power consumption of human civilization.[4] In all, photosynthetic organisms convert around 100,000,000,000 tonnes of carbon into biomass per year.[5]
Although photosynthesis can occur in different ways in different species, some features are always the same. For example, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called photosynthetic reaction centers that contain chlorophyll. In plants these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane. Some of the light energy gathered by chlorophylls is stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The rest of the energy is used to remove electrons from a substance such as water. These electrons are then used in the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into organic compounds. In plants, algae and cyanobacteria these reactions are called the Calvin cycle, but different sets of reactions can be found in bacteria, such as the reverse Krebs cycle in Chlorobium. Many photosynthetic organisms have adaptations that concentrate or store carbon dioxide, this helps reduce a wasteful process called photorespiration that would otherwise consume part of the sugar produced during photosynthesis.

Overview of cycle between autotrophs and heterotrophs. Photosynthesis is the main means by which plants, algae and many bacteria produce organic compounds and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water (green arrow).
Photosynthesis evolved early in the evolutionary history of life, when all forms of life on Earth were microorganisms. Although the dates are difficult to estimate with any accuracy, the first photosynthetic organisms probably evolved about 3,500 million years ago, and used hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide as sources of electrons, rather than water.[6] Cyanobacteria appeared later, around 3,000 million years ago, and changed the Earth forever when they began to oxygenate the atmosphere, beginning about 2,400 million years ago.[7] This new atmosphere allowed the evolution of complex life such as protists. Eventually, about 550 million years ago, one of these protists formed a symbiotic relationship with a cyanobacterium, producing the ancestor of the plants and algae.[8] The chloroplasts in modern plants are the descendants of these ancient symbiotic cyanobacteria.

theres more if you want to read...

NO WHERE in there does it say that dark is needed to complete photosynthesis...NOTHING about needing dark to complete photosynthesis or to make it work properly... the dark needed for root growth argument is just GROWERS URBAN LEGEND... this was proven in another thread where it was proven through pictures that ROOTS CAN AND WILL GROW IN LIGHT... maybe not direct light from lamp... but as long as the roots STAYED MOIST that they would grow even if light shown directly on them...
and the argument you made about plants storing their enegry and releasing it at night is way way way off... are you sayin that the only growth of a plant happens when lights are off?? that the entire day is spent storing energy to grow in the few hours of dark it might recieve?? thats just stupid... plants are constantly using light to make energy to grow... both roots and vegitation.. throughout the ENTIRE day... 24/0 means that it wont stop this process and wont stop growing... when you eat food is that energy stored for when you sleep?? NO.. its used throughout the day... when you need it.. when you are using it... AGAIN.. im not sayin 18/6 doesnt work... it does... but your argument is weak and makes no sense...