Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

NO fook NO.. stop kidding yourself.. IF you eat meat you don't love animals..

JUST accept it.. your a piece of shit striving to be better than the crap on the bottom of my shoe...

and being that you are a two faced scum bag that claims to love animals yet supports the mass genocide and inhumane slaughter of millions of chickens, pigs and cows with your almighty dollar... you have the option to change.... you can actaully wake up and slowly stop suporting this machine that FOOKING up your KARMA... laugh now... but it won't be so funny when your reborn a chicken.. LOL


BTW - i had a bacon cheeseburger today.. that shite was good...


but nothing is better than being honest with yourself..

KILLING is wrong.... no exceptions.. come to grips with this people.. and asking people to kill for YOU or your so called freedoms is just the same as killing yourself.. and everybody that is killed you will EVENTUALLY suffer that pain.. we will all endure that pain.. we are all ONE..

thats bullshit.... straight up bullshit.. if ur tellin me i dont love my pitbull to fucking death beacuse i enjoy a peice of bacon on my sub then you got some shit messin with ur head...
Animals eat each other all the time. We are animals its in our nature.

I agree too

And you don't love what you KILL.. and as a humans you can transcend being an animal.. or you can just sit arund and argue your limitations and lie to your self and continue the cycle...

your choice.. my choice.. our choice..

and there is nothing hypocritical about saying eating animals is wrong and then eating them....

its called honesty and not defending ONE's stupidity.. I'd rather know I am mass murder and work towards fixing it than lying to myself..

If i tell you smoking is bad and I smoke.. am I hypocritical... no I am speaking from experience..

People who call people hypocrits are just avoiding looking at the issue and must attack the messenger...

the world is 99% of people who deny the truth cause they are to busy attacking the messnger..

I think I need a burger.. all this typing is making me hungry...

Isn't google great

how about:

Brain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Essentials of Buddhism - core concepts
Buddhist Channel | Buddhism News, Headlines | Opinion | A Major Cause of the Dramatic Increase of Human Suffering

none of this means shite OLA....

BUt I can share with you how ONE can KNOW what I know..

just sit and breath for 10 days... i bet you can do it in 5... lol


and breath and breath... and then walla... ask yourself.. once the mud has settled... ONE has surrendered.... SHOULD anything die for my existence....?

Does this mean you are bad for eating animals.. no.. fook no....

no reason to be hyper defensive.. unles ignorance is what one wishes to defend...

It is ok to say... i don't know.. I am willing to be open to this idea... and until I am sure.. I think I will continue to support the genocide...

Look around you at all the people that need to eat.. if it were true that killing animals was gainst GODs will... LOL... ahaha

Do you think the people would accpet that as truth.. ahahahahahhahaahha we wnet to war over ... over..over...over what? and the people supported that....

it is so easy to defends ones igonorance.. soeasy...

BUT who can break the veil... with three easy words, it begins.. "I don't know"

sure as fook my friends.. it is all US... the cow you ate thismornig was your daughter in your last incarnation.... ahahahahhahahaha

I guess I am one too, lol. I understand the whole hypocrite thing. Sometimes I feel that way myself. I give money to local the animal shelter, and other animal funds. Yet I buy and eat all kinds of meat. Look out I am a mass murderer, lol. :peace:
heres the thing, consuming energy from other life forms in order to survive, is one of the most basic primordial laws of nature. every single life form has to kill other life forms to exist. and to say that you cannot have a deep respect for the animal kingdom, and still be a part of this process, is profoundly ignorant. look at the native americans, they would say a prayer to the spirit of the deer and thank it for what it was providing them with every time they made a kill. also, i dont see how you think your any better by eating plants, they are alive too, just because there not as cute they get the short end of the stick. im sorry but eating meat is just a basic fact of life, and it has been since the days of cavemen, and it always will be. i will agree with you that the methods of raising animals are a bit fucked up, but thats what happens when the demand is this high. yes its sad, but if your really so sad you should raiose and eat your own beef in a more humane way. if cows had guns we would be top on thier menu. peeaace
Damn man I dont know about you but i dont want to be eaten. I do agree though. Im really into big cats. I dont want one to eat me. Might hurt.
I agree, I like bigs cats in pictures and on tv. I would not like to be eaten by one.
I also would not like another human to eat me either, and I wouldn't eat another human.
yall will have to excuse me, but i dont get it. yeah i know animals have it kinda ruff n all that. but really how bad do they have it? i mean we give them meds when they are sick, we fatten them up with a endless supply of feed, we even protect them when they need it. how is it so wrong to eat them? how can you say some1 cant love animals if they eat them? i have a kennel, and love every dog i have. i love animals,,, i also love life,,, does that mean its more of a question of what do you love more? does your life mean more to you than a cow youve never met? will jump in front of a gun to save a chicken?
im sure that what we as a people do to animals could be done better. the way i see it we need to raise and kill more animals. and im sure a few people over in darfur would agree.
if we are talkin why we should feel shity about genocide or mass murdering lets start with people. once there are no more people needlessly starving we can start worrying about the cows.

i love to eat animals does that count as loving animals?
heres the thing, consuming energy from other life forms in order to survive, is one of the most basic primordial laws of nature. There is no such thing as PRIMORDIAL LAWS every single life form has to kill other life forms to exist NOT true... and to say that you cannot have a deep respect for the animal kingdom, and still be a part of this process, is profoundly ignorant I agree.. I am talking about LOVE... love isthe ultimate experience that sistains all... without killing..or more specifically without depending ON another.. love IS IS IS IS look at the native americans, they would say a prayer to the spirit of the deer and thank it for what it was providing them with every time they made a kill. OK cool also, i dont see how you think your any better by eating plants, they are alive too, just because there not as cute they get the short end of the stick. you are probably onto sorry but eating meat is just a basic fact of life, presupposttion defended by years of ignorance.. remember, the earth is not flat... remember, when we take days off the calander we do notactually loose days from our life... man made ideas and concepts are not true.. they are just to assist or manipulate or understand.. but they have never been true.. and they never will be.. and it has been since the days of cavemen, and it always will be. i will agree with you that the methods of raising animals are a bit fucked up, but thats what happens when the demand is this high. yes its sad, i am not sure if it is sad...I am not sure what it is... but I do know that it is ognorance, emntion, and lack of openess that prevents the subject from actually be thought out fairly and allowing the society to progresses to a higher level that does not support mass killing. but if your really so sad you should raiose and eat your own beef in a more humane way. very true if cows had guns we would be top on thier menu. peeaace hmmm interesting thought

Heres the thing bro.. I love your response... JUST like all the other responses, it is ONE giant presuppositon... IT is defending ignorance..

It is OK to DO things that are not correct.... but lets not preach false truths... lets not argue are limitations.. lets just be cool and be real with ourselves...

damn I am hungry and ready for a salad with some dead pig in it..
