Are you familiar with Al B. Fuct? how about Stinkbud? Mblaze? NewGrowth?
Well, those guys have excellent grows that are not based on magic...
They have PROVEN techniques that are replicable by anyone wiling to do EXACTLY what they did...
ANYONE can copy their ops and achieve THE SAME RESULTS...
There is no guessing...
If you mix recipes, or substitute ingredients before ever "baking your first cake", you will never know if the changes you made were actually for the better...
If you don't bake the standard cake enough times to KNOW IT, you will not have a base for comparison...
It might be a good cake, but you cannot know for sure if it is better...
Does that make sense...
When I chose to follow Al B. Fuct, I left behind ANY thoughts I might have had on growing...
I just followed Al...
With a little bit of time, and after hundreds of hours chatting with other Fuct disciples, I made some changes to my op....
All sanctioned and discussed by Fuct himself as alternatives for his method...
I am doing really well, my op is a beauty... not like his yet, but I am happy for having 6 months under my belt... Fuct's op has been running for over 7 years.. flawlessly I might
Your "if it makes the meal better" attitude may work against you if you are not patient... there will come a time for experiments, but that is after we have gotten CONSISTENT GOOD RESULTS WITH THE STANDARD RECIPE....
And then you do your little projects on PART of your op, not the whole batch, not unless you are a gambling man....
I'm not.. I love my op and I try not to jeopardize it...
I am very aware that I am my own worst enemy....
I am the only one to blame if I experiment and loose everything...
If you are still interested, I can help you choose a method to follow, but you have to be serious about it...
If you feel like you know better than those guys and will try to one up them before you even do the same... this is not the plan for