First time grow CFL Monster Box


Well-Known Member
Things lookin' good for our White Widow Manitoba ladies. I've been blown away each morning when I look in after the lights have been back on for a few hours and see how many more leaves the little ones grew overnight.

Its been one week today from our first plants popping out of the soil.



Well-Known Member
just wait - in several days they will really take off and you'll swear they are doubling in size every night. Pot plants are so much fun


Well-Known Member
What's up guys and gals? Checking in for the first time in a couple of days with a quick update on my transplant. Earlier tonight the 6 ladies were put into larger pots with my Miracle Grow Premium Premixed Potting Soil.

I apologize, I should have grabbed my camera when I was doing the transplant to get a good picture of how the roots looked after coming out of the Dixie Cups. I was too distracted though, wanting to make sure all went well. The roots were incredible. They just lined the entire cup from top to bottom with white strands spewing everywhere. I noticed last night that 5 of the 6 had started to come thru the bottom of my Dixie Cups, so it was time to move it. Came a little sooner than I thought it would, but I'd prefer them in a larger growing environment anyways.

The transplant went as well as possible. I made a nice mess, got soil all over the floor where my yellow lab decided to lay down and roll around for a while. Good times. "Outside, boy! To the hose!" The leaves on a few of the plants laid down for a short while when I first moved them in, but then came back to looking strong after being back under the lights for a few more hours. They're resting comfortably now for the next 6 hours, the lights went off just now as I am filling this blog. Check em' in the morning and see how they've adapted to their new found larger, and more luxurious surroundings!

Here's a few pics from tonight of Chuck Norris and a quick family shot.

Check back in a couple of days for the next post and pics!




Well-Known Member
Tanker was right, these babies are doubling in size like lightning!

Here's a pic if Chuck Norris 48 hours ago and a couple taken about 10 minutes ago.
Stopped by Home Depot tonight and purchased some more lights. Our lighting set up is now looking like this...

4x 150W CFL Daylights
9 x 100W CFL Daylights



welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
What are yor temps like with all that wattage or are you talking equivalent watt?
As in 28w cfl equivalent is 150w.
I use 1 125w Envirolite grow lamp (cfl) link its about the same size as a hps/mh bulb with out the heat.

Plants are looking good!


Well-Known Member
What are yor temps like with all that wattage or are you talking equivalent watt?
As in 28w cfl equivalent is 150w.
I use 1 125w Envirolite grow lamp (cfl) link its about the same size as a hps/mh bulb with out the heat.

Plants are looking good!
Okay, the lights, here's the layout.

We have 14 lights in total. In CFL wattage we have 10x23W 6500K (100 incandescent watt). These are all 23W daylight bulbs perfect for veg. For Big Boys we have 4X42W 2700K (150 incandescent watt. For flowering, we will be using only the 2700K big boys on top with a few of the 23W lights shining under the plants for the lower and side limbs. I just grabbed the camera and just snapped a few photos for you to check out of the layout in a better view and the box itself.

Our temperature is 28 celsius 82.4 fahrenheit.

Its been 2 weeks today for the ladies since they popped out.



Well-Known Member
Today we began a little bit of LST on Chuck Norris to get him some more light on his side branches and underneath. Just going to do one side at a time in two or three day cycles so we're not pulling him left right and center all at one time.

I've seen some great pics on here of how well LST pays off for nice thick, bushy plants and their side branches. Looking forward to hopefully seeing some strong results!!!

Again, this is our first time, so any help, tips, or advice along the way is more than welcomed! Thanks guys. Check out the pics of the freshly LST'd Chuck Norris!!



Well-Known Member
lovin the stealthbox, you made me imagine chuck norris with big hairy tits
We're convinced now that Chuck will be a male plant, we may have doomed it by naming it Chuck. We'll see.

Here's a couple of pics from today. Big Chuck has been about 3.5 weeks and the other widows have been 15 days from sprout.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep's guys, that's awesome. I'm looking forward to sharing the rest of my first grow experience with other newbies and getting more tips along the way from experienced cfl'ers!

Keep watchin'!!!


Well-Known Member
What's up guys? Checking in with an update on the progress my babies have been making this week. For our 6 white widows, it has been 3 weeks today since sprouting and they are all looking very healthy and green. Chuck Norris, our hash berry is still in full effect with some just crazy thickness for the height he stands right now. We thought maybe he was stunted and not growing very tall but he has shot up about 2 inches in the last 48 hours.

The LST treatment that we started on Chuck about a week ago has been paying off. There is a very noticeable difference in his side growth. We began LST treatment on the Widows this morning as well, next weeks pictures should really be something to see, so be sure to check back!!!

Here's the week 3 collection taken this morning. Enjoy!




Well-Known Member
Results come fast with LST!!! Just a day after starting some low stress training (lst) on our widows, you can already see a difference in the side growth. I'll leave it a couple of more days and then snap a couple of pics for you guys, but in the meantime, check out this link for a great video on LST how to. Its a 2 part video showing you the difference lst can make on your side growth and overall yield!



Well-Known Member
What's up guys? Checking in with an update and some freshly snapped photos of the ladies and Chuck Norris.

So today is day 24 from sprouting for the ladies and day 38 for Chuck Norris.
We have been very lucky so far with the overall experience of a first time grow and our overall plant health has been great. No problems or issues to report. We have been paying great attention to them and their environment, making sure everything is on the up and up. Had a couple of yellow leaves on the bottom portion of one or two of the plants, but they eventually just fell off. All plants are growing taller very quickly, we have had to move the lights up a notch each of the last two days. Still watering about once every 2-3 days.

The LST treatment that we began a week or so ago now has been paying off big time and is something I plan to utilize in all grows for me in the future as well. You can really see in a the photos from today how much the treatment benefits your plant and its side and under growth. In a matter of 3 days bent one way and then 3 days bent the other way, our plants are showing significantly more side growth. Will continue this treatment for at least the next couple of weeks in the vegging cycle.

Check out todays pics! Comments and advice appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
One month has come and gone so quickly!!! This week was a great work for the ladies with lighting! All about lighting! We've had to move the lights up a good inch or so just about every morning for the past 3 or 4 days. They all appear (with the exception of Buffalo Soldier) to be growing up quite nicely. The soldier is the runt of the bunch, its still very healthy and looking good, she's just a little slower than the rest!

The LST treatment we started a while back has worked great and we've now taken most of the strings off to allow the plants a few days of straight up growth before we bend em back over the other way this week.

Below I have attached a few pics from yesterday morning.



Well-Known Member
Pictures coming saturday morning! What a week it has been! Will be entering flowering cycle friday night! Things are getting more and more fun....and stinky!


Well-Known Member
Day 38 overall, day 2 of flowering...

This whole thing has been so much more fun than I ever thought! Its been the best week yet these past 7 days with a lot happening. Here's the update...

Purchased an activated carbon filter and fan for the box this week that will kill all odors that are getting worse by the day! Some place in Toronto, check out the link, I'll update next week on the progress of it, I'm expecting it here tomorrow.

We began the flowering 12/12 on Friday night. Removed some 23W CFLs and replaced them with the big Boy 42W's for the flower. Debated on when to begin the flower cycle, but after researching some and seeing the progress our babies have made, we decided to start now as the environment they are in is perfect for their expected height.

The lights have been getting moved up every other day a good 2 inches. This morning we had to raise them nearly 4 inches on the one side. Our Bobbi Marley in the back left, has shot up large in the past few days, see the pics from last weekend next to the Gatorade bottle and the ones I took here yesterday morning (below).

Watering every day and a half or two days depending on the moisture meter readings and how the plants soil is looking. Each plant has been getting about a bottle and a half of gatorade (about 800ML) every feeding.

Check out the pics and check back again in a few days for an update on teh flowering and new carbon filter!


