T5 Flourescent First grow... Helpful comments welcome


Active Member
Hello all...

I am fairly new at growing and have just recently finished a little set up i was working on here and there


I decided to turn a dresser into a little grow box that is about 4 square feet. maybe a little more. I am starting it out with a sunblaze 96 W T5 HO Fluorescents. It seems that the light is a little too long. (about 3 inches) So i decides to cut a whole in the side of it so the ballast would be partly outside

I hollowed out the dresser and noticed there was a big opening just perfect for a simple door with hinges. So i made my measurements (then forgot them) and cut the wood, and got the smallest hinges i could find. I took the faces of the drawer off of the guts of it, and placed them on the door and caulked it. Now the door looks like drawers :twisted:

The light says it packs 8000 lumens. I decided that i should have some good airflow since it is a tight space, so i got my old gaming computer and ripped it apart and found 4 12V pc fans. PERFECT!

Then i got my trusty jigsaw and cut some wholes in the bottom 2 and top 2 corners where the fans will go. I made the fans so they all go to one 12V adapter and have the bottom fans blowing up and top blowing out of the case. Is this the way i should do it? Would having this set up help with humidity? Will this help reduce diseases, if yes what kind?

The seedling i have is in day 4, from bagseed, the only one that germinated well. I am using straight foxfarm original soil so far. I have the light about 4 to 5 inches away from the plant, and it stays around 79 to 85 degrees in there. The fans sure help out still though.

If anyone has had any experience with only T5 light grows i would love some input and answers. Do you think i could do a small ScrOG with this set up? Would it be more efficient that way? Could i do all stages, if i just kept on 24 light and then switched dramatically to 12/12.



Well-Known Member
Hello all...

I am fairly new at growing and have just recently finished a little set up i was working on here and there


I decided to turn a dresser into a little grow box that is about 4 square feet. maybe a little more. I am starting it out with a sunblaze 96 W T5 HO Fluorescents. It seems that the light is a little too long. (about 3 inches) So i decides to cut a whole in the side of it so the ballast would be partly outside

I hollowed out the dresser and noticed there was a big opening just perfect for a simple door with hinges. So i made my measurements (then forgot them) and cut the wood, and got the smallest hinges i could find. I took the faces of the drawer off of the guts of it, and placed them on the door and caulked it. Now the door looks like drawers :twisted:

The light says it packs 8000 lumens. I decided that i should have some good airflow since it is a tight space, so i got my old gaming computer and ripped it apart and found 4 12V pc fans. PERFECT!

Then i got my trusty jigsaw and cut some wholes in the bottom 2 and top 2 corners where the fans will go. I made the fans so they all go to one 12V adapter and have the bottom fans blowing up and top blowing out of the case. Is this the way i should do it? Would having this set up help with humidity? Will this help reduce diseases, if yes what kind?

The seedling i have is in day 4, from bagseed, the only one that germinated well. I am using straight foxfarm original soil so far. I have the light about 4 to 5 inches away from the plant, and it stays around 79 to 85 degrees in there. The fans sure help out still though.

If anyone has had any experience with only T5 light grows i would love some input and answers. Do you think i could do a small ScrOG with this set up? Would it be more efficient that way? Could i do all stages, if i just kept on 24 light and then switched dramatically to 12/12.
Dude im loving your handy work with this dresser. Great idea. Woot woot for the Gaming computers. I just did my first build this year, awesomeness. Any way I had the t5's reccomended to me on my thread so im interested to see how our grows are gonna do. =)
I bet your gonna catch up to me in no time, especially since your doing straight 24 and then 12/12 ive been doing 18/6 or 20/4 altering a little, bc I keep having to move the light to prevent burning.
Just curious as too if you bombed the dresser, or used any bug repellent? Cuz my first grow attempt I used a trunk, that was made of like plywood, and I definitely had a gnat problem early on. a guy told me it could have been a result of the soil, the humidity + the wood, or bacteria from the wood. So just make a mental note on that.
otherwise looking good! how many plants you going for? I said I was going to go for 1 at first, but Im gonna germ some more this weekend, 2 more for luck. I think you could def do 4 plants in your space. esp. if your planning on SOG.
keep us posted! Ill be checking in =)


Active Member
Dude im loving your handy work with this dresser. Great idea. Woot woot for the Gaming computers. I just did my first build this year, awesomeness. Any way I had the t5's reccomended to me on my thread so im interested to see how our grows are gonna do. =)
I bet your gonna catch up to me in no time, especially since your doing straight 24 and then 12/12 ive been doing 18/6 or 20/4 altering a little, bc I keep having to move the light to prevent burning.
Just curious as too if you bombed the dresser, or used any bug repellent? Cuz my first grow attempt I used a trunk, that was made of like plywood, and I definitely had a gnat problem early on. a guy told me it could have been a result of the soil, the humidity + the wood, or bacteria from the wood. So just make a mental note on that.
otherwise looking good! how many plants you going for? I said I was going to go for 1 at first, but Im gonna germ some more this weekend, 2 more for luck. I think you could def do 4 plants in your space. esp. if your planning on SOG.
keep us posted! Ill be checking in =)
I sure hope i dont get mold or anything like that. I guess i will just have to live and learn if it does get contaminated. I just cleaned it up and used bleach and wiped everything down, while my plant enjoyed the sun.
I only have one plant from bag seed at this time. I will get more once i understand what strain i have. I think it is mostly sativa. I will start becoming serious if this all works out. I do not think humidity will be the problem because every time i water Charlotte the water that leaked through gets dried up, which means dust. Its not at all hard to clean since everything in there is convenient. I think if it is good and dry in there it will create more THC according to some articles i have seen.
As for your grow, I really want to see how yours will turn up. What a great way to combine knowledge and passion.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If it's a HO T5 I use 6-10 inchs as a distance thing. closer and I burn them. Not sure if it goes for normal T5s?


Active Member
Man i got a t5 400 watt andits the bombdiggity....doesnt get hot at all....place about 8-12 inches away...iuse for veg but havealso flowerered with them....i amvery impressed and would run 24-7


Active Member
So it has been about a week since i rescued this little girl from the outdoor.

I just took these pics prior to posting this. I have notices a lot of wilting on the plant leaves. They are dissapating a lot of heat it looks like. I mean its like 90 degrees in there. I need to find a way to cool it down as soon as possible. The humidity seems to be very low, and i live in a very very dry climate so i can tell what is humid and what isn't.

What's looking kind of weird about this plant is the top new leaves. They seem to be spiraling at the top. I think it is just another way that marijuana tries to dissipate heat. I think all i really need for this plant to be fairly healthy is just get a nice homemade red neck air conditioner and get some proper nutes.


I think i am just gonna go with some regular 12 12 12 peters or something. Then for blooming stage i will use FF Beastie Blooms. Or just use the tri-pack that is water soluble. [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]

Soluble Tri-Pack: Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching

In my next update, hopefully i will have another sunblaze mounted vertically, a red neck air conditioner with a thermostat, and proper nutes. Thank you for watching.



Well-Known Member
looking good bro! you look like you have an interesting strain. your starter leaves are wider than any ive seen, and the way the new leaves are growing looks wild. this is gonna get good in a few weeks! let us know what you decide on nutes!


Active Member

Well I just made a redneck cooler for around 20 bones the other day and man it works great. It went from peak 98 degrees to peak of 80 directly under the light. It stays around 75 but it seems like that is too cold for a plant. I put 3 milk jugs full of water in it everyday. The temperature inside has been getting less than the temperature outside. I think i might be able to get one more of the sunblaze lights and mount it vertically . I could have a combination of bulbs all the time for flowering and veg.

It looks like Charlotte is doing good. I don't know about the weird spiral leaves though. Can anybody tell me if they have seen this kind of thing before? I bet the leaves will open up soon i don't know. I guess i will have to find out :hug:

for the nutes i have decided on using only foxfarm and see if the pack of 3 will be good for it. I will not be getting it anytime soon. When i do get it i will see if i really want to keep using after the price i paid for it.. I haven't even gotten a timer yet. All well.



Well-Known Member
Definitely scrog that T5 grow. And I don't know about your T5 but I will have it less then 3 inches from my tops when flowering. No burns, maybe a fan leaf that gets blown up against a light all day gets a burn, but nothing gets hurt.


Well-Known Member
Dude that thing looks good, fuck what every body says about rednecks. now, the sprout. Ive never seen nothing like that before. its wicked. its purple kinda right? and its not going 1, 3, 5, 7... or at least not yet? Keep us posted bro, im gonna be looking up some info on that. Hopes its weed and not like poison ivy. lol


Active Member
Dude that thing looks good, fuck what every body says about rednecks. now, the sprout. Ive never seen nothing like that before. its wicked. its purple kinda right? and its not going 1, 3, 5, 7... or at least not yet? Keep us posted bro, im gonna be looking up some info on that. Hopes its weed and not like poison ivy. lol

I do not think it is bud at all. Ha, what ever though. I just scored another seed, and the first root just popped out of the shell, and i planted it. supposedly it is a feminized seed from what my friend says but it came out of a bag. I will update with with that one for now on. I only get one and i am so glad it has germinated. I had to do the sand paper trick to loosen the shell. I think this next one is gonna be for real since i have everything under control now, and no sign of pest yet! And i am almost done with my scrog net. Will not need it anytime soon though.

Thank you for being the first one to tell me it is not weed haha:hug:


Well-Known Member
Well hey, dont toss yet, you never know! You might have a fuckkin rare strain or somethin. I saw this one kids' grow, it grew with a triangle look, 3 main leaves instead of 2. And he posted a killer smoke review, So dont do anything drastic, you might have a diamond in the ruff.


Active Member
Alright well it has been a while since the first update, but this next seed is looking really good. The first 2 leaves are FAT, but maybe that is the case for most plants. It looks like i am having no stretching, and it has only been 3 days since completed germinationg (since the seed fell off). The sunblaze 100W is amazing. It gives you 8000 lumens for ONLY 100W!!!!! If you went to a store and you got regular bulbs that were 2700k that put out 1500 lumens, you would be spending 75-100W each bulb. T5's are the way to go if you want to save money. I think i just might get another one with all 3000K spectrum to even out the light. Each bulb is 24W, and packs 2000 lumens each with your choice of 3000K or 6500K.

But anyway heres my lil baby girl named soda. (dont ask about the name)

picture 1 - day 1
picture 2 - day 2
picture 3 - day 3
picture 4 - day 4


P.S. feel free to make any comments on to what strain it might be. It will be fun...



Active Member
Alright well i just got a new camera and i decided that you guys deserve to know whats going on in my grow in high def so here it is. Day 5 (actually rollitup is down, but maybe luck in the night time)

The temperature is staying around 80 degrees, directly under the light, and the soil i am using is about 3/8 vermiculite, and 5/8 foxfarm regular soil. The vermiculite is a special brand that has other stuff in it. Can't name the nutes off the top of my head. I do not know the humidity but i presume that it is quite low since everything dryes (such as a puddle) in like as little as 30-60 minutes.

I have decided to go with some beastie blooms for nutes, and just hold off on the 12-12-12 fert until next grow since i do not think i will need it. I do have limited space.

Any suggestions? I def have the time and consideration.


Well-Known Member
How you're going to use your T5s depends on your setup. How you have it right now SCROG is the most efficient way to go.

For me, I have BUSHES, so I have to mount my T5 lights a different way after a period of time. I start with one T5HO array, hung horizontally like normal for the first foot or so of growth. Then after that I flip it 90 degrees so the light is shining towards me, raise the plant up to a bit below that level, and put another T5HO array to the other side so the plants are sandwiched between the arrays.


Active Member
How you're going to use your T5s depends on your setup. How you have it right now SCROG is the most efficient way to go.

For me, I have BUSHES, so I have to mount my T5 lights a different way after a period of time. I start with one T5HO array, hung horizontally like normal for the first foot or so of growth. Then after that I flip it 90 degrees so the light is shining towards me, raise the plant up to a bit below that level, and put another T5HO array to the other side so the plants are sandwiched between the arrays.
Wow that looks nice. I am working on a screen right now, but i think i am going to mount it around the the pot so it is like a cone. I think that would be good, I am also considering mounting another sunblaze in the middle vertically. I still need to get some 3000k verses the other 6500k bulbs i already have.

Ps i like your furry avatar :hump:


Well-Known Member
Thank you. :) Some friends of mine see me in odd ways, that's just one's interpretation in that avatar.

On top of 3000K bulbs, find aquarium bulbs that have great UVB output for maximum pleasure out of your T5 grow. You'll want one or two to get the THC production rocking. Just not TOO much UVB, or you'll hurt the plants.