Breeders.. please help

First off.. Hello all round to everyone.. first time poster.

I am having a problem that I cannot find the answer too and need some help from someone who knows.

I had seeds from a strain I grew awhile back that was just killer, I planted about 10 seeds and out of those kept the strongest growing plants. the plants shoot very long pistils when they hit about 3 monthes old from seed in veg.
Now at 6 weeks into flowering and its a 10 week strain. 2 of the plants have very strong budding formations, thc glands are very visible all over them and tyhey look like strong females.. HOWEVER.. lastnight I was watering them (promix medium) and I found 2 thats large fan leaves have a small bud growing dead center of the leaf itself where the blades meet.. and theres a LARGE male flower cluster growing off the bud.. Im talking 50-60 male flowers in a mound.. not bells.. just a budlet of male pollen shedding flowers.

I culled the 2 plants and 4 from around them.
Heres my question.. out of the plants remaining that look fine (im thinking different moms) , could I regreen them after flowering and would they be stable for turning into mothers....
And what if the strong remaining plants that dont show signs of herming go into seed production from some of the pollen shed from the culled plants.. Can I regreen them AFTER seed production and still have a stable female or is she done now that she had been seeded.
Thanks.. trying to save this strain.. its the best I have ever had after 10 years growing.


Well-Known Member
the only ones not worth saving is the ones that produced the male flowers, the genes have not been contaminated by having made seeds from a hermie.
the only ones not worth saving is the ones that produced the male flowers, the genes have not been contaminated by having made seeds from a hermie.

Thanks Frmr.. thats what I wanted to hear.. just needed some reassurance.

So letting the stable plants seed out, then cropping them to save the bud and regreening the bottom 1/4 in the natural sun and taking clones to save the strain IS in fact the way to go.
Awesome.. dont know what the strain is.. but it goes purple in the end 2 weeks, smells like grape gum and then dead rotting hookers at the end (or what one would IMAGINE a dead rotting hooker to smell like.. P.U ) and has some of the most sticky resin on it.. figure its 25% indica-75% sativa
Also doing Blue moonshine from DJ short and Kahuna from Soma.
Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
it would be a lot easier and faster to just take a few cuttings right now. it takes a few months for a plant to "regreen". you could clip a lower branch or 2 right now and by the time they root they will be "regreening" as well. :)

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
it would be a lot easier and faster to just take a few cuttings right now. it takes a few months for a plant to "regreen". you could clip a lower branch or 2 right now and by the time they root they will be "regreening" as well. :)
The clones that I have taken from flowering plants take a little longer to root but, are usually very bushy clone making mothers.