Problem..Please help!


Well-Known Member
So today i went to my appointment at the michigan medical marijuana certification center. Me and my girlfriend went because i was going to have her as my caregiver so i could grow in our apartment. So the doc says i'm certified...and we're all excited and stuff. I get home and read the Caregiver form...apparently you have to be 21 and my girlfriend is only 18. So there's my problem. I want to grow it myself...but technically i don't live in this apartment. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I hope I am understanding this right.... so you want to grow it but you're not the person on the lease in the apartment? It's in your girlfriend's name?

If that is the case, go up to the apartment's office and have your name put on the lease.

Sorry if I misunderstood and just completely missed that by a long shot. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
No you understood right. It's just that i still have frequent doctor visits for leukemia...just doctor visits. But if I don't live with my parents i lose my super uber insurance that pays for everything...and those doctor visit's aren't cheap. That's the reason i can't be put on the lease.


Active Member
I am sorry to hear about the leukemia. My heart truly goes out to you. My only suggestions would be to tell your parents and hope they understand, so that you can have your garden in your old bedroom at their place, or in a storage shed in the back yard. Hmmm...

Or.. couldn't you be on her lease but still live with your parents, that way you can grow at her place? Like have you have two homes and commute?...Some people do that, so I do not see why that would be an issue.

I will keep scraping my brain for more thoughts.


Active Member
I am sorry to hear about the leukemia. My heart truly goes out to you. My only suggestions would be to tell your parents and hope they understand, so that you can have your garden in your old bedroom at their place, or in a storage shed in the back yard. Hmmm...

Or.. couldn't you be on her lease but still live with your parents, that way you can grow at her place? Like have you have two homes and commute?...Some people do that, so I do not see why that would be an issue.

I will keep scraping my brain for more thoughts. :joint:

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
I am sorry to hear about the leukemia. My heart truly goes out to you. My only suggestions would be to tell your parents and hope they understand, so that you can have your garden in your old bedroom at their place, or in a storage shed in the back yard. Hmmm...

Or.. couldn't you be on her lease but still live with your parents, that way you can grow at her place? Like have you have two homes and commute?...Some people do that, so I do not see why that would be an issue.

I will keep scraping my brain for more thoughts. :joint:

What a compassionate post!. Something is truly wrong with this country that they lock up peaceful gardeners and sick people while letting pharmaceutical company leeches walk free.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. My parent's already mother helped me with the funds for my certification. The only problem is I have 2 younger brothers that still live with them. And i do not whatsoever wanna be a bad influence.

And on the Leukemia thing...i'm in remission. Finished chemo treatment december of last year. But i got a bone disease from the chemo...which is why i need my medicine for.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if its like my law. her address has to be listed as the grow site and YOU live their it ok. legaly she cannot be in the grow room thats all.