Smoking Devices You Can Eat (:

An apple is still by far one of my favorite ways to smoke because they are readily avilable just about anywhere, legal until you smoke out of it but then you can eat the evidence, and there is something natural about it as opposed to a glass or metal peice. I have tried to make a bowl out of hard taffy but you can imagine how that worked, good for a hit but then stared to melt. I have used a potato but it made the weed taste like shit.ummmm I just came up with a great idea anyone ever make a bubbler out of a coconut i think im on to something
I emptied out a Cadberry Egg once (got a part off the top, drain everything, CAREFULLY scrape out the inside with a TINY knife). Cut a tiny hole in the other end (big enough for a straw, but put a screen over the straw). Packed two hits worth in the egg (just enough for the chocolate to last), and lit up.

It was niceeeeee
Just thought of one - has anyone tried a green or red pepper? (I'd imagine it being easier than an apple bong as peppers are pretty much hollow already...)
I used to smoke out of fruit all the time and when we would run out of apples we wouls always use strawberries. They are hollow in the middle so you can get a pretty nice bowl in there. I once tried a banana but it didnt work that well. it started to melt after a couple of hits.
I've hollowed out a carrot and used that, we were at a party all drunk thinking of ideas. Apparently that was the best one haha.
any sort of citrus fruit is good it really adds to the taste. When i was in middle school id walk the tracks w/ some friends and no one ever brought anything to smoke out of; so we always took lemons from this one backyard.
in high school we would use baby carrots while we would be drivings around. it was only good for a one hitter but if we ever got pulled over we could just eat it super fast
in high school we would use baby carrots while we would be drivings around. it was only good for a one hitter but if we ever got pulled over we could just eat it super fast

haha yeah thats what I used. Just took a screwdriver to it and hollowed it out. Makes a decent one hitter pipe. Makes you look like a total idiot though haha,.