can you scrog sativa


Well-Known Member
No scrog is Screen of Green. It is where you place a screen over a plant or plants and weave all the new growth underneath and over the screen so that it grows out not up. You can do it in any type of medium. It is not agreeing to disagree it is you being wrong. They are two completely different growing methods. Please do not spread false information around this website. If they were the same why is there two different sections of the FAQ dedicated one for Scrog and one for Sog. Read up both of these links so you can know for yourself that the two methods are far from the same thing.


I stand corrected.
same here mate he came across as a no it all and got taught told me to stick to the thread i posted lol
It's Know It All, by the way.

Mr. Know It All to you. :lol:

nz green

Active Member
I stand corrected.

It's Know It All, by the way.

Mr. Know It All to you. :lol:
haha sorry mr na all is good johny scrog is something new to me aswell but im gona give it a go that pic on page 1 with 3 plants pretty impressive for a tight spot dont you think im use to txt messageing so i automaticaly spell words in txt term i can spell.most of the time anyway:peace:.


Well-Known Member
I'de recommend LST in combination with scrog for sativas - doesn't matter how tall (or in this case long) the plant gets and all the shoots generally grow to the same height naturally. Would think it would be perfect for a scrog.


Well-Known Member
Fuck I missed - it's where you dont completely snip a node you just graze it or something, thats a bad explaination. I've never done it I always just top so...maybe someone can elaborate on that :)

its "fuck i missed" because the guy was trying to top and cut too high. the result if done properly is 3 or more tops as opposed to toppings 2 resulting tops.

the the very tip of your new growth if you look closely you see what will become the two fan leaves with what will become the stem in the middle. if you pinch off the top half of all three(about half the size of a kernel of corn) you have just fimmed your plant.


Well-Known Member
its "fuck i missed" because the guy was trying to top and cut too high. the result if done properly is 3 or more tops as opposed to toppings 2 resulting tops.

the the very tip of your new growth if you look closely you see what will become the two fan leaves with what will become the stem in the middle. if you pinch off the top half of all three(about half the size of a kernel of corn) you have just fimmed your plant.
Ah I think I get it now. So basically you're getting your original stem (that was not completely cut off but just "trimmed") + the two side ones?


does it efect bud growth
ya since you get 4 or more nodes if done correct, then you have more bud sites. Also the nice thing about trying to FIM is that if you fuck it up then you will have just topped your plant. there is a tutorial somewhere on this site that i saw that had awesome pics showing you what to do. ill see if i can find it again


Well-Known Member
FIM vs topping....

great pic...dead on. but it should be known that FIMing has a much longer recovery time than topping. for instance, when i top i usually see normal growth in my 2 tops in about 7-10 days. when i FIM it takes at least 2 weeks to get rolling again.