Growing Diary

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Think iam having males here ..ARRRGGG

Spot the female ..if any:cry:

3 plants
Pic 4 and 5 maybe female ? this is plant 3 which runs a week behind... NO NO NO actually its plant 2 ..So thats even more odd because the one running behind is plant 3 and its the stongest/fastest ,,,but male i guess ...

So Lets hope for plant 2 ..Lol clutchin Straws


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
plant 2 doesn't show any sex yet, as for the picture sugests.

plant 3 is absolutly a male.

what I would advise you to do is to get some new seeds because even if plant 2 is a female you will have only 1 plant to flower with - which isn't ideal anyway.
If plant 2 is a female you could take cutting from it and keep a mother plant of the NL if you like to.

But until is shows certain sex and until the cutting will root new seeds will pop and even out in size to cuttings.

If I were you I'd use that misfortune and flower a plant 3 and keep pollen from it for future pollination. although if you live in amsterdam where its free seeds are pretty cheap and theres no real need to make your own seeds.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Indeed ...making my own seeds or moterplant is not necessary...Seeds are cheap and easy to come by

I will kill the 2 male plants today

I already starting germinating 8 new seeds ...

Bugger this ..really annoying ..
i think I buy femelized seeds from now on

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
thats a huge plant :X

you can buy feminized seeds, it does help. but you only need one good female to keep a mother from and then you can just working from cutting from this mother. Its faster than seeds.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Yes a Motherplant ...
but thats a new setup ..
I dont have a room for a motherplant
I need to build another box then ..
Plus this one is as you said I need a big extra cupboard ..
I only have 2 parts to my growroom
one small at the top for seedlings and below to grow and flower
My setup at the moment dont allow for motherplant
Maybe later ...

Some good news
The plant is deffinately female
little hair growth all over now easy to see

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
motherplants are easy to maintain - you give it a SMALL pot, a plastic cup is enough and put it in a box (made of whatever you have handy - wood, metal, cardboard), cover it with reflective materials, put a 23W CFL on top, punch in a small PC fan (just about any will do, even thoes 1" fans) and cut a passive intake (and lightproof it)
with that done you could put the box just about anywhere.

remember that the whole thing needs to be 100% lightproof if you put it in a flowering chamber.

I like to put it on top of a tray full of soil and water than soil so the plant needs less occaisonal watering.

You could also take cutting from your huge plant and grow em in small pots to limit growth and use them for the next round and so on.
if you give em small pots and use less light than usual combining with some tying techniques you should be able to slow their growth to even 2 months until the flowering room is free.


Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
thanks dude
I keep all this in mind ...for later
As of now I started another bunch of seeds ..Need to use them up anyway ..
I might build a littel box and as you said keep a female really small and in veg state in there ..
Next i need to read up on cloning then ..I need to get some rooting powder so the cuttings take root and i need to learn which are the once one should be taking as cutting ..How many nodes up ? etc etc

Day 48 14/05/2009 . Plant 1 and 3 have been destroyed now . Plant 2 is female
Showing little hair growth
Watered plant 2 with 25ml Canna Terra flores. 125% Dose

EDIT : added some pics ! Look at the size of it ...120Cm tall!! and alomost 100 cm wide ....:O)))

I do think next time i stop at 7 ltr buckets ...because 10 ltr makes really really BIG plants and anythign above 4 plants would be well overcouded ..
Next lot i think I ll go 3 ltr, 7 ltr and then stop ? What u think ?


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I use 7 liters and I can grow 2m plants in it.

For a rooting hormone I use a local stuff called Hormonile 3, but you can buy Clonex, I've heard it works great. Its a jel.
You will want to clone branches that will not reach enough light anyway, 3 nodes high.
I got a tutorial on that linked in my signature.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Day 50 16/05/2009 Plant 2 has branched out massivly ...
I guess its all alone so it has all the spoace in the cupboard

Watered today again with 100% Canna Terra Flores

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you should, it will grow more while flowering.
anyhow, even if it won't grow any more you want light to get to the lower parts and that will be done by leveling the plant height-wise.