485 watts of cfl, about 4/5 weeks into veg, what do you think?? *-->PICS<--*


Well-Known Member
im about 4 or 5 weeks into veg on the largest plant and 3/4 weeks on the smaller, ,
i started off with two quite unhealthy seedlings from a friend after my 6 died whilst another friend was supposed to be looking after them:roll:

the larger one started out under 1 11w cfl lol,
i have since got a 300 watt dual spectrum cfl and yesterday i purchased another 125watt red spectrum cfl,
i also have 2 20watt blue cfl's and 1 20 watt red in there,
all adds up to 485 watts of cfl! not equivalent watts but REAL WATTS!!!

everything seems to be going ok despite my grow box having under 20% humidity at all times and reaching temps of around 82 since getting all the lights in there,

i have been using bio bizz all mix soil along with bio bizz grow nutrient,
also i have been watering and foliar feeding with supathrive,
theres a homemade sugar&yeast co2 generator in there aswell for good measure!

heres a few photo's,
they are a little on the short and bushy side but i think this is due to me having the lights less than an inch from the tops,

let me know what you think!!

by the way, this is a first grow and i am treating it as an experiment which i am learning all the way through,
the seeds were only from bag and im really not expecting much yield,
if all goes well i will be upgrading my cupboard and having another go!












thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
oh i almost forgot,
there are also two ak47 clones in there from a friends mother plant, 1 of which is doing ok the other is alive but hasnt shown any sign of improvement so far (these were my first attempt at cloning)


Well-Known Member
thanks darknemesis,
the colour isnt as deep blue as that to the eye, i think my camera just adjusted well to the light,
ive just noticed what really seems to be a couple of very young male preflowers on the biggest plant so not happy at all lol!:sad:
think i will give him/her another 5 days or so to be certain shes a he and then cut the bastard!:clap:


Well-Known Member
thanks urbanfunk,
im going to have to get a magnifying glass and take some pics of what i think are male preflowers on the biggest plant as i want to be sure before getting rid of it,



Active Member
ahh bad luck on the male m8,
try using it with a honey extractor, i know a lot of people on here say theres not much t.h.c in males, but even if you save it and keep it away from the bitches and mix it in with the female trim,

good luck ,


Well-Known Member
seems pretty small for having 485w in cfls, i vegged mine under 200w of cfl at 24/0 and it was much bigger than yours, ur doing good man it took me a while to figure out how to do it good too.so dont be mad or offended or feel insulted.


Well-Known Member
ye i was thinking of saving it and mixing it with the fem trim for oil or hash grow...bananas, ive just actually tied it down a bit and done a little trimming experiment on him as im 101% sure its a male now,
ill post a pic tomorrow cos its late and im high right now:joint:,
im also messing with his light cycle in a hope 2 turn him hermie:hump: and atleast get seeded buds as its too late for me to start another from scratch cos ill be going away in a couple of months:arrow:

no offence taken darkdestruction:bigjoint: any comments are welcome, this is really just a bagseed experimental first grow anyway to learn the basics i got them when they were both in really poor condition almost dead also ive only had the new 125w red spec in there a couple of days
:bigjoint:but i do aggree they are pretty short but quite bushy at the sides,

so yea now iv kinda tied down and drastically trimmed down the bushyness of the male as an experiment to see if the lower growth will grow up the sides kinda like 4 colas:weed:, i doubt it will but this is a male so rather than throw it out i may as well try out a few things on him,

as said before ive also messed with his light cycle tonight by keeping him out the cupboard during dark period,

lol i also took him out 2 a friends house earlier 2 get a second opinion on the "balls"

not too sure wots gonna happen now, i have one more short but really healthy looking bushy:weed: that hasnt shown any preflowers yet, but she (fingers crossed) is a couple
of weeks younger than the male so give it a week or so 2 show sex i suppose,

one of the ak47 clones are doing good now and the other looks slightly better,
ill get some photos in the light period and post em here,

thanks 4 your comments,


Active Member
the leafs look a little droopy, maybe a little over-watering. also those creases in the leaf margins don't look good either, maybe a little little bit of nut burn. i'm no expert. i'd like to know what is the cause of the leaf margin damage, and also why his plants are growing slow, like they are. it can't be insufficient light. experts????


Well-Known Member
the leafs look a little droopy, maybe a little over-watering. also those creases in the leaf margins don't look good either, maybe a little little bit of nut burn. i'm no expert. i'd like to know what is the cause of the leaf margin damage, and also why his plants are growing slow, like they are. it can't be insufficient light. experts????
yes i would like to know what has caused the leaf margin damage you mentioned about, to be honest i didnt think anything looked wrong as its my first grow,

the only thing i can think of that is slowing down growth is the size of my pots but if i use bigger pots they wont fit in my grow box,
the pots i use at the moment are 5 inch square:-|,

i removed the humidity domes from both clones yesterday but when i checked this morning they were quite dry so i watered/sprayed them and replaced humidity domes,

here are a couple of new pics,

pics 1 to 3 are the plant i have left (fingers crossed its a bitch) she had been waterd 10 minutes before pic taken which is why shes a little droopy

picture 4 is the healthiest clone,

pictures 5 to 8 are of the male,











Well-Known Member
ok, after reading a few posts to find out why this plant is wilting and growing slow,
i decided it is probably either pot too small or excessive watering,
i have now repotted her(fingers still crossed)
into a nice big pot, i had to cut about 4 inches from the top of the pot as it was too deep for my grow box,

here are a few more photo's of her in her new pot,

also some cfl porn for the cfl lovers out there!!!












Well-Known Member
Looking good, that is a real thick stem!

Check out my grow and let me know what you think;

hey man checked your grow, cant wait till i get something like that lol,

so im thinking my new cupboard is way overdue now......

ive got the wood, just gotta get a few more bits together then decide on a final layout and off i go,
well thata the plan anyway, probably a few hiccups along the way,

i was thinking of posting pics of the whole process of making my new box but my camera (and fone lol) broke this morning so untill a replacement comes no pics im afraid, hopefully i will get the new grow box done and then i may have 2 borrow a camera (depends how good the box comes out lol)

cheers 4 looking people

oh here a couple of pics i had on my memory card b4 the fone went up the creek






Well-Known Member
yea, the male plsnt looks cool. Thats what happened to me the last time i tried. It was a shame. It was topped, all the leaves , even pedicule were alive and well. It had a purplish colored leaves and stems and was popping out dozens of balls every day. I wanted to use it as a house plant but I figured it may be a bad idea to have all that pollen around in case i ever try again.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Definitely givin ya +Rep on yer grow, as well as a top rating fer yer thread!!! Yer lookin good, tho I h8 to tell ya. . .If ya topped cause ya ran outta room, wait til ya hit flower!!! Yer girls are gonna shoot up HUGE! Good call on the bigger pots, good call on cuttin back on yer waterin, as well. So, I hontestly didnt read all of the way through, wat is yer nute schedule?
BTW, LOVE the big CFL's!!!