The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls


Well-Known Member
wow, all i can say is wow. looks like you all did as good or better then most of my plants.

and josh what part of an oz or 2 is sh*t?
The other diesel will give me about a z give or take a few grams dry i figure. Its that one that i pinched the top on and have two buds. Going to cut it in the morning. I also had a white widow that i cut but that one had veg time. Its a pain trimming.

I am so kicking myself in the ass for the other plants I tossed. I'd be sitting on a decent amount of bud right now if i hadn't gotten paranoid. Wanted to get the over all number down just in case.

I'm definitely going to keep running that strain(akxnd) in this style though. I think its a keeper if i can get some similiar results from the other seeds i have.

I have a super strawberry diesel from elite coming up that looks like its going to be a winner as well.

double dipped sour banana i have going may be good too. Little early to tell yet.


Well-Known Member
Heres the pic of the diesel that i pinched the top on. The twin cola plant. Each big one is just over 1 1/4 wet.

These two have by far exceeded any expectations I had. No hermie, no problems. Just an interesting learning experience.

If your on the fence about trying this way, I say give it a shot. Don't listen to the naysayers and find out for yourself.



Well-Known Member
Heres the pic of the diesel that i pinched the top on. The twin cola plant. Each big one is just over 1 1/4 wet.

These two have by far exceeded any expectations I had. No hermie, no problems. Just an interesting learning experience.

If your on the fence about trying this way, I say give it a shot. Don't listen to the naysayers and find out for yourself.
nice, and that is the one you topped?

I may try topping or fim on my next grow.


Well-Known Member
wow, no new pics. i may have to start a cfl 12/12 with type #1.
yeah this has gotten sad! lets step it up's what i got, 65 days old, multi stain...the link's in my sig...enjoy...:peace:




Active Member
How's it going growers. Thanks for starting this thread Randy. I have been contemplating this idea for awhile now but I have never NOT vegged my plants. I just put 6 plants into flowering stage a little over 2 weeks ago and I got FIVE fricking males out of six plants so I was seriously thinking about starting another batch and going straight to budding 12/12 at first sight of leaves to try and keep up with the ONE female I do have. I've still got a few pages to read up on this thread but I think I just may try this, gonna germinate some seeds over the weekend.


Well-Known Member
How's it going growers. Thanks for starting this thread Randy. I have been contemplating this idea for awhile now but I have never NOT vegged my plants. I just put 6 plants into flowering stage a little over 2 weeks ago and I got FIVE fricking males out of six plants so I was seriously thinking about starting another batch and going straight to budding 12/12 at first sight of leaves to try and keep up with the ONE female I do have. I've still got a few pages to read up on this thread but I think I just may try this, gonna germinate some seeds over the weekend.
Just go for it man. You may be pleasantly surprised with the results. What can it hurt, you already got one female in flower, now is the time to add a couple straight 12/12 from seed and experiment.


Well-Known Member
How's it going growers. Thanks for starting this thread Randy. I have been contemplating this idea for awhile now but I have never NOT vegged my plants. I just put 6 plants into flowering stage a little over 2 weeks ago and I got FIVE fricking males out of six plants so I was seriously thinking about starting another batch and going straight to budding 12/12 at first sight of leaves to try and keep up with the ONE female I do have. I've still got a few pages to read up on this thread but I think I just may try this, gonna germinate some seeds over the weekend.
give it a try. and welcome


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree, JUST DO IT!!! i can't believe how big my ladies have gotten with no veg time, and soo many females, more than i've ever had, best m/f ratio i've ever had too....


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree, JUST DO IT!!! i can't believe how big my ladies have gotten with no veg time, and soo many females, more than i've ever had, best m/f ratio i've ever had too....
I have ten that are a few weeks into 12/12 from seed and everyone is a female. Well, 3 were femmed seeds, but the rest were standard and turned out all fems. Got lucky on this one.


Well-Known Member
I have ten that are a few weeks into 12/12 from seed and everyone is a female. Well, 3 were femmed seeds, but the rest were standard and turned out all fems. Got lucky on this one.
maybe a bit of good luck, but for whatever reason, this method produces MORE females...i've seen it happen too many times to be a coincidence!!


Well-Known Member
i started with 12 seeds from 12/12 light. 5 were fems, the other 7 were men!so i wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet.:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i started with 12 seeds from 12/12 light. 5 were fems, the other 7 were men!so i wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet.:joint::joint:
i'm not jumping to any conclusions, it's a fact! this method produces more females, period...of course some times other variables cause more males, but on my current grow i got the best ration i've ever had in 6 years of growing....started 20 seeds i think, and i currently have 15 females, with only 2 being feminized..fucking awesome....i've seen the same thing happen alot with this method..


Well-Known Member
well i have 15 of 15 girls this grow on 12/12 from seed.

last grow same crop of seed for strain 3 i had a 40% girl ratio.

this grow was the first time i tried to grow this crop of strain #1's seeds.

so it may just be luck, but it could be more. I read a post on making seeds fems and i think one of the steps was to use seed from a 12/12 grow? (i may have misread all of it, dyslexia so i only scand the parts i was instreaded in)


Well-Known Member
Will be reading thru most of the thread when I get
the chance.

My boyfriend is going to veg a mother of pineapple express,
and 2 weeks before he puts her into flowering, he is

going to take clones and put them into flower
when he flowers the mother.

So I will point him to this.


Well-Known Member
sorry for my stupidity yall but iv never heard of plants being grown from 12/12 befor iv always stared with 18/6 but id like to try 12/12! can you do 12/12 with any strain or is 12/12 like the auto flowering breed like i said please excuse me for my stupidity but this 12/12 thing has really caught my eye!


Well-Known Member
sorry for my stupidity yall but iv never heard of plants being grown from 12/12 befor iv always stared with 18/6 but id like to try 12/12! can you do 12/12 with any strain or is 12/12 like the auto flowering breed like i said please excuse me for my stupidity but this 12/12 thing has really caught my eye!
as far as i know you can use any strain.

Will be reading thru most of the thread when I get
the chance.

My boyfriend is going to veg a mother of pineapple express,
and 2 weeks before he puts her into flowering, he is

going to take clones and put them into flower
when he flowers the mother.

So I will point him to this.

tell him clones work nice on a 12/12 diet after they have rooted (about 2 weeks after cut).


Well-Known Member
so do they automaticly go into flowering after so long or is there another way to make them flower? damn yall gettin me excited


Well-Known Member
tell him clones work nice on a 12/12 diet after they have rooted (about 2 weeks after cut).
Yupp. We know, thats why we wanted to do it.

He changed his mind on pinapple express, and is just
going to do sensi star, quicksilver, and a bagseed.

He is going to clone them and sex them so we know what
they are.

We ordered femme seeds from attitude. The sensi was from
a bag so we're hoping its a girl.

He is ordering a grow box that will be used exclusively for flowering clones.

He says he wants the mothers to stay outside.