Q about seedy bud for real stoners and sellers


Well-Known Member
So this is my first real grow and I'm about to harvest some White Widow. I was planning on trying to make a few bucks back from some of it but I managed to have a male that I didn't quite get out in time. It still looks pretty good but I can see that there are a few seed pods here and there. My question is, does anyone ever sell or buy good bud that is a little seedy? If so, at what kind of comparison to normal good bud? I do smoke but only for the past couple years and an 8th lasts me quite a while so I've never run into this. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
It's worth as much as someone will pay. I get seeds in alot of out door high grade it all costs the same.


Well-Known Member
As long as you let your customer know what he's buying, and maybe knock 10%-15% off if you want.

Just don't misrepresent your product.


Well-Known Member
I got rid of half my first good grow. paid for my set up. was out of smoke in a month. never got rid of any after that.


Well-Known Member
If there isn't a lot of seeds and you dont' have to big a crop, try to pick them out of the buds. You can always use seeds down the road if you store it properly and you know its not shitty seeds.


Well-Known Member
I got rid of half my first good grow. paid for my set up. was out of smoke in a month. never got rid of any after that.
This is basically all I wanted to accomplish

If there isn't a lot of seeds and you dont' have to big a crop, try to pick them out of the buds. You can always use seeds down the road if you store it properly and you know its not shitty seeds.
I'm thinking it will be in the neighborhood of 6oz. Not too much. It doesn't seem like there are very many seed pods. If I look hard at all angles I can see that there are a few in the middle of the bigger buds and then a random one here and there in the smaller ones. seems like just the very first buds got it. I vacuumed and wiped the room down after I noticed the open pollen sack on the male I took out. Who knows though, might end up being more when I actually break them up...


Well-Known Member
i'd charge 40-50 an 1/8th......thats not too bad seed count, all the shit people sell around here is schwag and seeded... for 20 an 1/8. thats why i started growing. bud is so overpriced i realized the 1rst grow i did.


Sometimes you get seeds sometimes you do not. Sometimes theres so few seeds not even the grower/seller noticed them. I would not sell it for cheaper just because of a few seeds. If you really mind the seeds just go through it and take them out before you sell it. (some buyers may like a few seeds, chance to grow)

Ive had some good bud - tasted great - that had maybe 2 seeds per 1/8th I got. I picked the seeds out, it did not affect the flavor at all. (unless of course I missed the seed and smoked it, NASTY taste)

But removing the seeds either by you or tell them its got some seeds so they can pick them out before they smoke should be good.


Well-Known Member
i'd charge 40-50 an 1/8th......thats not too bad seed count, all the shit people sell around here is schwag and seeded... for 20 an 1/8. thats why i started growing. bud is so overpriced i realized the 1rst grow i did.
I was thinking $40ish also, if there weren't too many seeds. I may also pick them out, depending. Doesn't sound very fun but might be worth it.


Well-Known Member
i would tolerate probally 4-5 beaners in an 1/8 of green bud before i'd feel ripped off unless they charged a litlle cheaper.just my opinion and that is what people do around here.