e-mail from my conservative brother


Well-Known Member
Sent you two books....great stuff. Should be more to your liking, although Liberty and Tyranny should be read, and re-read, until it too, is to your liking. The concepts of freedom and self interest have been so watered down, demeaned in an attempt to subjugate peoples spirit of exceptionalism to liberal dogma, and liberal power mongers, that most people, especially younger people, have no clue what true happiness is. To try your best, in your own best interest, for your own benefit, joy, and contentment. Your own blood, sweat, and tears, for your own personal wealth, whatever your definition of wealth. The power hungry misery peddlers of society, the statists, would call this greed. Typical...................

I just read, actually listened (audio book), to "The Fountainhead". One of the best books I've ever "read". Right up there with Stephen King's, "The Stand". Had to get back to it whenever I could find the time. Read that one first, so we can talk about it on the trip.....;)

Love ya


New Member
Uhhh, Ann Rand? That woman started this crazy right wing craze here in America. She should be castigated and thrown out, oh wait, she is already dead. I guess she got her just reward. All she ever did was create disharmony and angst. She was the innovator of hate rhetoric, put in a fictional scenario. It seems funny that some on the right take her as their mentor. I guess they feel as though they are living in her fictional world, weird weird weird.


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, Ann Rand? That woman started this crazy right wing craze here in America. She should be castigated and thrown out, oh wait, she is already dead. I guess she got her just reward. All she ever did was create disharmony and angst. She was the innovator of hate rhetoric, put in a fictional scenario. It seems funny that some on the right take her as their mentor. I guess they feel as though they are living in her fictional world, weird weird weird.
Wow. You read all of her, Ann's, books?


Well-Known Member
Mark Levin is awesome! Must be eating at all the libs out there with his new book Liberty and Tyranny being a NY Times #1 bestseller. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Long time ago, I outgrew that silly stuff years ago.
When you joined the auto workers union?

From, "What do liberals want?", thread. Excerpt from the incomparably silly, Ayn Rand, "The Fountainhead".

"There are many ways. Here’s one. Make man feel small. Make him feel guilty. Kill his aspiration and his integrity. That’s difficult. The worst among you gropes for an idol in his own twisted way. Kill integrity by internal corruption. Use it against himself. Direct it towards a goal destructive of all integrity. Preach selflessness. Tell man that altruism is the ideal. Not a single one has ever reached it and not a single one ever will. His every living instinct screams against it. But don’t you see what you accomplish ? Man realises that he’s incapable of what he’s accepted as the noblest virtue - and it gives him a sense of guilt, of sin, of his own basic unworthiness. Since the supreme ideal is beyond his grasp, he gives up eventually all ideals, all aspiration, all sense of his personal value. He feels himself obliged to preach what he can’t practice. But one can’t be good halfway or honest approximately. To preserve one’s integrity is a hard battle. Why preserve that which one knows to be corrupt already? His soul gives up its self respect. You’ve got him. He’ll obey. He’ll be glad to obey – because he can’t trust himself, he feels uncertain, he feels unclean. That’s one way."


New Member
Never joined the auto workers union, Was a member of a few other unions though, in fact I enjoy a pension from one of them. All your high aspirations will be one day crushed as you experience the real world. I'd say unless your parents were wealthy and they know a lot of mentors to help you, you will end up somewhere in mediocrity, not saying that is so bad, but if you are a regular middle class person with pie in the sky aspirations, good fucking luck. Your odds of striking it rich are extremely bad. The best thing you can hope for is some position in middle management where you'll be forced to suck ass and eat a ton of shit. Maybe you are cut out for this, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Never joined the auto workers union, Was a member of a few other unions though, in fact I enjoy a pension from one of them. All your high aspirations will be one day crushed as you experience the real world. I'd say unless your parents were wealthy and they know a lot of mentors to help you, you will end up somewhere in mediocrity, not saying that is so bad, but if you are a regular middle class person with pie in the sky aspirations, good fucking luck. Your odds of striking it rich are extremely bad. The best thing you can hope for is some position in middle management where you'll be forced to suck ass and eat a ton of shit. Maybe you are cut out for this, who knows.
Silly Ann, again...

Here’s another way. This is most important. Don't allow men to be happy. Happiness is self-contained and self-sufficient. Happy men have no time and no use for you. Happy men are free men. So kill their joy in living. Take away from them what they want. Make them think that the mere thought of a personal desire is evil. Bring them to a state where saying ‘I want’ is no longer a natural right, but a shameful admission. Altruism is of great help in this. Unhappy men will come to you. They’ll need you. They’ll come for consolation, for support, for escape. Nature allows no vacuum. Empty man’s soul – and the space is yours to fill.


New Member
Silly Ann, again...

Here’s another way. This is most important. Don't allow men to be happy. Happiness is self-contained and self-sufficient. Happy men have no time and no use for you. Happy men are free men. So kill their joy in living. Take away from them what they want. Make them think that the mere thought of a personal desire is evil. Bring them to a state where saying ‘I want’ is no longer a natural right, but a shameful admission. Altruism is of great help in this. Unhappy men will come to you. They’ll need you. They’ll come for consolation, for support, for escape. Nature allows no vacuum. Empty man’s soul – and the space is yours to fill.
This is all prose for dreamers. Happiness is an intangible. It is very hard to judge from the outside. One can be happy about some things and pissed as hell about others. To judge ones life by "happy" is very childish. As I said, I outgrew Ayn fucking Rand long ago. It is childs play, fit for teenagers and mentally chalenged individuals. Which group do you belong to?


Well-Known Member
This is all prose for dreamers. Happiness is an intangible. It is very hard to judge from the outside. One can be happy about some things and pissed as hell about others. To judge ones life by "happy" is very childish. As I said, I outgrew Ayn fucking Rand long ago. It is childs play, fit for teenagers and mentally chalenged individuals. Which group do you belong to?
The genuinely happy...notwithstanding daily circumstances, obviously.


Well-Known Member
Never joined the auto workers union, Was a member of a few other unions though, in fact I enjoy a pension from one of them. All your high aspirations will be one day crushed as you experience the real world.
Yes, I call that crushing force Government Taxation


New Member
Long time ago, I outgrew that silly stuff years ago. I live in the "Real" world
Yes, Med ... and in the "Real World" in which YOU live, poverty is wealth, slavery is freedom, lies are truth and Obama will set you free. :lol:

Honestly, Med ... you need to get a clue. Do you honestly think Obama and the Democrats really give a damn about the underclass? Take a look at their policies. The weath being confiscated from the taxpayers, from borrowing and from the printing press is going to the elites, the unions and the corporations. The workers, the middle class and the poor are getting the shaft like never before.

And, do you know what's really interesting? Over the years, every time Ayn Rand's name comes up in the forum, you blast her with your hyperbole, but you never talk about anything specifically that she's written that you disagree with. Come on man, if you're going to blast her, blast her specific ideas, then tear those ideas apart and tell us exactly why you disagree point by point.

I suspect that you won't do that because you haven't a clue about Rand's writings.



New Member
Yes, Med ... and in the "Real World" in which YOU live, poverty is wealth, slavery is freedom, lies are truth and Obama will set you free. :lol;

Again Vi, You just don't get it. You are the one calling me a commie and saying I worship Obama. I don't. I actually think for myself. Unlike you and your libertarian friends that explode here with outdated and underintelligent phrases from Ayn fucking Rand. I am fast becoming a critic of Obama for his lackluster performance on his pre-elected agenda. Don't confuse me with the childish Ayn Rand loyalists that post chapters from her outdated books. I actually think for myself. You and the remaining 15% of the population can go suck eggs as far as I'm concerned. That bloviated rhetoric will find no solace in my world.


New Member
Again Vi, You just don't get it. You are the one calling me a commie and saying I worship Obama. I don't. I actually think for myself. Unlike you and your libertarian friends that explode here with outdated and underintelligent phrases from Ayn fucking Rand. I am fast becoming a critic of Obama for his lackluster performance on his pre-elected agenda. Don't confuse me with the childish Ayn Rand loyalists that post chapters from her outdated books. I actually think for myself. You and the remaining 15% of the population can go suck eggs as far as I'm concerned. That bloviated rhetoric will find no solace in my world.
Well kudos to you for finally waking up to Obama's phony rhetoric. The wonderful thing is that you aren't alone, which is why I've said that the 2010 elections will catch the Obama/Pelosi supporters by surprise.

Secondly, I'd like to thank you for your specific comments on which of Rands ideas you disagree with. :lol:

As I suspected, you don't have a clue about what she stood for, otherwise you'd be taking me up on the challenge I presented to you. Bah! Bunk! Hyperbole!

Wake up Med ... we are living Atlas Shrugged as we speak!



Well-Known Member
Well kudos to you for finally waking up to Obama's phony rhetoric. The wonderful thing is that you aren't alone, which is why I've said that the 2010 elections will catch the Obama/Pelosi supporters by surprise.

Secondly, I'd like to thank you for your specific comments on which of Rands ideas you disagree with. :lol:

As I suspected, you don't have a clue about what she stood for, otherwise you'd be taking me up on the challenge I presented to you. Bah! Bunk! Hyperbole!

Wake up Med ... we are living Atlas Shrugged as we speak!

Here we go again! I'm going to speak my mind here.

You're unfairly establishing an ethos as a Rand scholar. You and the other Ayn poster have only PASTED TEXT of Rand's novels without giving a single reason for why it's applicable. Then you state that we're living Atlas Shrugged as we speak! What the hell are you talking about? Explain yourself.

As someone who actually gave Ayn a chance, read her entire corpus, and researched her heavily, I'm calling YOU out. Explain her objectivist views. Explain her view of government and society. Then, explain why any of it is accurate. Do you buy into all of her ideas on human relations? If that's the case, it would point out many inconsistencies with previous statements you've made for months on this board. It would basically make you look like an idiot (here's where you say, "Show me how I'm an idiot," only to later reply by saying that I cannot or will not and thus, am subordinate to you and your godly intellect).

Your logic and reasoning abilities are a bit askew. I don't get it. What's wrong with you? Seriously.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I just read Ayn Rands little book, the one with the lightbulb on the cover. It was very simple. As a philsopher I am far beyond this book and the ideas which it proposes. I am beyond its scope and its in my life I have bitch slapped my personal demons far beyond which this book has to slap and am light years more centered than to actually need this book. I applaud it anyway and keep it in my bathroom and take a read now and then in the few weeks since I got it and read it in one day.

I am damned thankful that someone is ready to deliver these simple messages of manliness and print them and take the time to publish and lecture them to our rather fucked up society. Somebody has to, the price of freedom is constant vigiliance, or something like that. We have to think of the stupid people, they need to have these things drilled into them. Lol, a little bit of humor but some truth I think. We need our flags in all their forms to lay about us happily.

sorry I forget the name of the book. I am tired. I found it, "Anthem". How fitting a title after all that I just was thinking, lol. hehe, nice. Score one for Rand, Anthem. Somebody has to say these things. They have to be planted like flags, sung like anthems. A lot of reasons why, other than I have gotten into here. :)


Well-Known Member
Here we go again! I'm going to speak my mind here.

You're unfairly establishing an ethos as a Rand scholar. You and the other Ayn poster have only PASTED TEXT of Rand's novels without giving a single reason for why it's applicable. Then you state that we're living Atlas Shrugged as we speak! What the hell are you talking about? Explain yourself.

As someone who actually gave Ayn a chance, read her entire corpus, and researched her heavily, I'm calling YOU out. Explain her objectivist views. Explain her view of government and society. Then, explain why any of it is accurate. Do you buy into all of her ideas on human relations? If that's the case, it would point out many inconsistencies with previous statements you've made for months on this board. It would basically make you look like an idiot (here's where you say, "Show me how I'm an idiot," only to later reply by saying that I cannot or will not and thus, am subordinate to you and your godly intellect).

Your logic and reasoning abilities are a bit askew. I don't get it. What's wrong with you? Seriously.
jrh72582, viredd is a demagogue, plain and simple. A tool of the right. Unfortunately anyone who thinks Sarah Palin should be president or that Ayn Rand is relevent is not to be taken seriously.