tolerance anyone


Well-Known Member
anyone else have this problem? ive been smoking weed for 10+ years, half my life and for the longest time i wouldnt not smoke for months at a time. i would wake and bake, because you never get higher than first thing in the morning, and then smoke evry few hours like clockwork. i am notorious for smoking at 420 evry day. i never smoke cheap weed, top of the line for me but i never pay top dollar
i used to play this game with my self, i called it "see how many grav hits you can take and still function at work". i would lose count somewhere around 25 and take 10 or so more. it was olny Dunkin' so whats the worst that could happen? id hand out the wrong coffee, theyd come back all pissed id fix it and then blaze out back at the dumpsters
nowadays i need to take like 20+ grav hits, or start with a few grav hits before i smoke the bong or a bunt just to catch a good high. sometimes i smoke 2 blunts of good kb practicly to the face just to feel it. i deffinatly have a strong tolerance and i really need to stop smoking weed for a while. problem is i cant decide its time to quit without someone calling me up saying "hey i need a zip, come on dude we'll smoke a fat blunt". i dont think i could say "nothanks keep your money, i dont want to smoke a free blunt".
i really want to quit for a little while, just so i can enjoy it again, but ive been trying for a month and i olny make it a few days each time before i break down and blaze up. anyone else had this problem? anyone have advice for staying away from my favorite pass time?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat, except I haven't been smoking for 10 years. It will help if you make sure you HAVE SOMETHING TO DO all the time. Keep your mind and body occupied so that you don't have to think about it. Video games are good, exercise is good(sports, running, etc.), yard work... you get the idea. Today counts as my first day without the ganja(so far), so I wish you luck as well. If I can do it you can, too!


Well-Known Member
Actually, you're going to have to start by smoking less. Cut your consumption down. You won't be AS stoned but you'll eventually drop your saturation levels down, then you can get back to business as usual and get blazed like before.

I have to do this every two months, cut back from a quarter every four days to a quarter every week and a half, taking little one hitters here and there to keep a minimal buzz.

Then i spark up a fat bowl afterwards and I'm good and ripped like the first day I moved to Cali.


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to offend, but it sounds to me like you need to get some exercise. And I mean the kind where you're sweating your ass off for at least a good half hour. THC is fat soluble and will go/stay there if it's around and will lead to tolerence build up.


Well-Known Member
Actually, you're going to have to start by smoking less. Cut your consumption down. You won't be AS stoned but you'll eventually drop your saturation levels down, then you can get back to business as usual and get blazed like before.

I have to do this every two months, cut back from a quarter every four days to a quarter every week and a half, taking little one hitters here and there to keep a minimal buzz.

Then i spark up a fat bowl afterwards and I'm good and ripped like the first day I moved to Cali.
great advice here. you need to kind of wean yourself off of it.

and to the post above, exercise will not help AT ALL (compared to quitting, I have theories about anandamide and running, but I'm still very unsure of this.)

the only thing it will help is while you're quitting.

what truly defines tolerance in a cannabis user is the cannabinoid receptors.

when your tolerance is low, your cannabinoid receptors are all fresh and ready to take in ALL that thc.

when your tolerance is developed you don't have nearly as many active cannabinoid receptors, they're not gone, just out of energy, tired.

so pretty much quitting/cutting down is the only way to decrease your tolerance to cannabis.


some strains build tolerence quicker then others i find this very true with sativas. you dont gotta stop smoking for a while but it would work. just switch up the strains. different cannaboids give you diffrent highs with dif. levels of tolerence build up


Active Member
i havnt smoked in 46 days, not one toke due to revising for A level exams. Im getting a bag of white rhino for friday, im goin to be ripped like never before... :hump:


Active Member
I quit smoking so i could pass a drug test and get a job. i got soooo high when i started smoking that i now make it a point to smoke 1 bowl once (maybe twice) a day and i cant believe i used to ever smoke 10-20 bowls a day.


New Member
I'm on day 4 of a tolerance break but have a drug test coming up for this job im prob. getting. The first few days r tough, no question. I had all the symptoms, irrit, nausea, eating problems (not eating) and insomnia. I think about a week or so is good for a tolerance break but as far as detoxing exercise DOES help since ur burning fat where the THC is stored. I am a few pounds over (pothead!) and it's a bitch and a half. Im totally going to be downgrading my frequency of smoking to once or twice a day...would be better than 10-15. Now with the summer here it may be easier to stay busy and not sit in and smoke as much. STAY BUSY, DRINK WATER, EXERCISE, depending on what u want to achieve. I also read a thing on the net that if u smoke for 20 days on and 4 days off u will avoid the ceiling so many of us hit. Im going to try that out when I start up again in a few weeks. My auto's are almost done!


Well-Known Member
Metabolism has more to do with it than you might think. I don't know ANYONE that can do 20-25 gravity bongs in a row that's in good physical shape that complains about not being able to get high. Are you sure you're smoking kind nugs? Lol.


Well-Known Member
Metabolism has more to do with it than you might think. I don't know ANYONE that can do 20-25 gravity bongs in a row that's in good physical shape that complains about not being able to get high. Are you sure you're smoking kind nugs? Lol.
i do not fit any steriotypes about stoners. i kno thc is stored in fat but im a skinny motherfucker, couldnt gain a pound if i ate junk all day long. i drink olny water and i have been working out for two reasons; to keep me busy while i take this break and because i am at the prime of my life and might as well get in shape while i can. annother thing that has been keeping me occupied is posting on this site, even tho it makes me miss it
ive been trying to cut back this past week, i made it 3 days before my family stressed me to the point of scraping my pipesthen annother 2 before i got drunk and hit a pipe someone pased me like a doz times before i remembered. and now its been 2 more days. i think ill give it one whole week without a hit of weed or two if i cant go without completely.
of course i know im smokin kb, when it was my job it was like i got payed in free blunts. i dont fuck around with mids because swindlers in my town over charge for shwag, even $20 1/8 is too much to pay when, after you pull out the seeds and stems it weighs only 3gs. i remember the first time i smoked headiz, chillin in a park by myself, looking up at the sky and feeling the whole world spin around me. its like how dope fiends discribe it, ive been chasing that high my whole life.
as far as the grav bong goes, i am a smoking mastermind, i came up with a bubling grav independantly before anyone had a chance to show me. anyone ever hit a 5 gal bubling grav? its INSANE!!! it burns about 2g to fill it up and then takes 3-4 ppl like 10 mins to clear it. we smoked so muchwe stained the ceiling of my friends bathroom.
hey is there a section to talk/post about legindary pieces and blunts? i have 100 stories to tell


Well-Known Member
^Well then I don't know what to say. You ARE the exception to the rule. Wish I coulda been there to witness somebody actually smoking that much. Lol.

Be careful. This sounds like the perfect "gateway drug" story just waiting to happen IMO.


Well-Known Member
THC in your fat doesn't define tolerance at all.

it's ALL in your receptors in your brain.

however, running/exercise might cause the release of anandamide which could possibly relax the cannabinoid receptors (as this is the chemical we're exposed to most of our lives from our own brain in our cannabinoid system.)

that's pretty much the only way exercise could change your tolerance.

other than that it helps you get over the withdrawal symptoms because it makes you want to eat from depleting your energy and it gets you tired enough to sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
^Well then I don't know what to say. You ARE the exception to the rule. Wish I coulda been there to witness somebody actually smoking that much. Lol.

Be careful. This sounds like the perfect "gateway drug" story just waiting to happen IMO.
this has happened to me twice in my life, and im glad to say the first time i was alone and the second time i was smoking with a girlfriend. i was trying to get super baked so i had 5 grav pieces (because if u hit the thing like i do the piece gets so hot it melts through the cap) so id fill them all up hit each one and re fill. i ALWAYS lose count at like 20-25 and do 5-10 more but these occasions i could have gotten to 40-50 grav hits in about an hour. i took the last hit staggered back from the table i keep the grav on and crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. i passed ouy for who knows howlong the first time. the second time i had my girl all freaked out; she said i was out for like 10 mins and she would slap me and scream my name but nothing.
anyone else ever pass out like this like not just drift asleep awhile after finishing smoking but like, spontaniously fainted?


Well-Known Member
this has happened to me twice in my life, and im glad to say the first time i was alone and the second time i was smoking with a girlfriend. i was trying to get super baked so i had 5 grav pieces (because if u hit the thing like i do the piece gets so hot it melts through the cap) so id fill them all up hit each one and re fill. i ALWAYS lose count at like 20-25 and do 5-10 more but these occasions i could have gotten to 40-50 grav hits in about an hour. i took the last hit staggered back from the table i keep the grav on and crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. i passed ouy for who knows howlong the first time. the second time i had my girl all freaked out; she said i was out for like 10 mins and she would slap me and scream my name but nothing.
anyone else ever pass out like this like not just drift asleep awhile after finishing smoking but like, spontaniously fainted?



Well-Known Member
Epic. that's a lot of grav bong hits. i'm a skinny pothead too that has trouble with weight gain. We're different in the amount we smoke though...1 grav bong hit and i'd be sky high. After 15 grav bong hits...i probably wouldnt be functioning properly.