Are my Seedlings in Danger of Weather?

Dub Grow

Active Member
my germinated seeds went into their cups on Sunday. One seed has just SPROUTED. Tomorrow its supposed to rain quite heavily but not thunderstorm. Should my seedling be ok with a rainy day out? Are my germinated seeds that havn't sprouted yet in danger? Im trying pretty hard to not over-water these guys since it is my first grow..and i think you guys know what im talking about! haha peace:peace:

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
my germinated seeds went into their cups on Sunday. One seed has just SPROUTED. Tomorrow its supposed to rain quite heavily but not thunderstorm. Should my seedling be ok with a rainy day out? Are my germinated seeds that havn't sprouted yet in danger? Im trying pretty hard to not over-water these guys since it is my first grow..and i think you guys know what im talking about! haha peace:peace:
bring them in and just keep soil moist, not wet and if you had some kind of clear dome to put over them, really helps with the germination process

Dub Grow

Active Member
yeah i'll be keeping them indoors for the day for sure haha idk what i was ripped..haha
i'll try to buy a humidity dome for the cups that havn't sprouted yet..this is what you were telling me to do right?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
yeah i'll be keeping them indoors for the day for sure haha idk what i was ripped..haha
i'll try to buy a humidity dome for the cups that havn't sprouted yet..this is what you were telling me to do right?
yes! it help with the process of germ.